Supreme Lord

Chapter 1808

The Violet Fox is Spirit Beast.

Moreover, it is also a Spirit Beast with a very high status of bloodline.

How high is it?

If you are lucky enough to invite Ziqing Youhu back, don’t talk about the discipline in Immortal Realm, even Immortal Realm Elder must be respectful, serving delicious and delicious food every day, absolutely not Dare to have any negligence.

It’s not that Ziqing Youhu is full of treasures, and a drop of blood is priceless.

No one is stupid enough to sacrifice Violet Fox to refine some treasure.

Because once the Ziqing Youhu grows up, its strength is unimaginable by an ordinary person.

According to rumors, at the time of Ancient Era, the Purple Fox was regarded as a Guardian Spirit beast by the Great Immortal Realm or family, and its status was comparable to the Immortal Realm Old Ancestor.

If you have a Violet Fox Guardian, the Immortal Realm family’s status will not only be improved, but safety will also be guaranteed.

In the ancient times, in the Great Wilderness, there are several Immortal Realm families who have the guardian of the Purple Fox.

These Immortal Realm families are all inherited from ancient times, and they are all well-known noble families, which can be passed down from generation to generation. The credit of the Violet Fox is definitely not small.

I just don’t know why a purple-eyed fox and a purple-eyed fox with three eyes and six tails can run into such a deserted Secret Realm so well.

At this moment, no one is thinking about this issue. Everyone wants to catch the Violet Fox as their own.

“Take away the fairy soldiers! No one is allowed to use the sword tactics. If someone hurts Ziqing Youhu, the old man will kill him first!”

” Formation! Only use Formation to trap the Violet Fox, don’t hurt it!”

“Be careful! Everyone must be careful! Never hurt the Violet Fox!”

Some youngsters may not know the preciousness of the Violet Fox. They are all using Immortal Soldiers to display Immortal Art and chasing them. The anxious Old Senior yells and yells at the youngster. Don’t hurt them. Purple green quiet fox.


Thousands of people in the field all put away the fairy soldiers in their hands, and they didn’t dare to use any fairy magic sword tactics, they could only follow closely behind, cautiously performing Formation.

The speed of the Violet Youhu is fast as lightning, and it is difficult to catch even Divine Consciousness. Even if you use the Immortal Sword Art, you may not be able to hurt the Violet Youhu, let alone Formation. , When Formation is condensed, Ziqing Youhu no longer knows where it went.

The most important thing is that these thousands of people are from various Great Immortal Realm families. Everyone wants to grab the Violet Fox, and they are afraid that the Violet Fox will be snatched by others. Whoever is the closest to the Purple Fox, everyone else will rush forward.

Since Huo De recognized the Ziqing Youhu, he went straight to grab it without saying a word. He just snatched it for a long time and didn’t grab it. Every time he was about to catch up with the Ziqing Youhu, he immediately Hundreds of Immortal Art smashed over, and this is also fortunate that the strength of Huo De is pretty good, otherwise, I am afraid I will see the King of Yama at this moment.

This can be so violent and swearing. If it weren’t for seeing Ziqing Youhu running away, he really wanted to kill these people.


The purple-green quiet fox was running in midair like a violent violent wind. The speed was extremely fast. Thousands of people behind were chasing wildly. The scene was quite spectacular.

And Gu Qingfeng sits lazily on the big tree while drinking a little wine while watching the excitement, not at all, grabbing it.

It’s not that you can’t get it.

With his ability today, as long as he wants to grab it, let alone a small purple fox, even the sun in the sky, he can grab it.

The reason for not taking a shot is simple.

First, he is too lazy to grab, and second, he has no interest in Ziqing Youhu.

This thing may be precious to others. For Gu Qingfeng, it is no different from an ordinary fox. It is not even an exaggeration to say that with his ability, if he wants to It’s not a problem to grow an ordinary fox into a Nine-tailed Fox.

Since this is the case, what do you still snatch this purple green fox?

Snatch it over and have to be served as delicious and delicious as serving the uncle.

Gu Qingfeng is not so painful.

Give it away?

There seems to be no who to send.

Sell it?

Gu Qingfeng is not short of money. If you are short of money, you might as well directly grab the magic weapon from these people.

Seeing that Huode was once again trapped in the Formation by hundreds of people, Gu Qingfeng laughed heartily and shouted: “I said Huode, is your brain flooded? Did you grab something like this? You stupidly rushed to the front, isn’t it courting death.” Speaking of robbery, Gu Qingfeng can be said to be a connoisseur.

He knows that robbing things is the most taboo thing to rush to the front.

Of course.

If your strength is strong enough, it is not impossible to rush to the front.

But if you are not strong enough to resist so many people, once you rush to the forefront, you are often targeted by the congregation. Don’t say you didn’t grab the treasure, even if you grab it, others will join hands. Die you.

In this case, the best way is to fish in troubled water, mixing in the snatching team and watching the changes, even if others grab the hand, don’t act blindly without thinking. If one party grabs the hand, it is just the beginning, and a fight will definitely happen later.

Take this opportunity, first quietly arrange all kinds of Formation, prepare for yourself an escape route, and then just wait, wait for an opportunity, it is best to wait for them to fight to death, both After the sides suffer, they robbed them with lightning speed, without thinking about anything, and ran straight away.

“A bunch of bastard! I don’t show off, you are really bullying, right?”

The fiery face is full of iron, took out Peach Wood Sword, and went down with a sword At the moment, he smashed the surrounding array, and was about to rush to continue to snatch, but was stopped by Gu Qingfeng.

“Come on, don’t grab it.”

“No, today an old man has to grab the Violet Fox, that’s the Violet Fox! And it’s still rare in the world with three eyes and six tails. I’m afraid there are not a few in the entire Great Wilderness. How can I give up on such a precious thing!”

Huo De’s tone barely fell, suddenly Time, when mutation occurs in the air.

I saw a purple brilliance gleaming in the night sky, purple brilliance blooming like an evil flower in the night sky, and in an instant, the entire barren Secret Realm seemed to be shrouded by this purple brilliance, brilliance Like fire is more like water, like fire is dark fire, like water like cold water, the purple brilliance in the sky gradually forms a circle, like a round of purple moon hanging in the night sky.

When this purple full moon appeared, the thousands of people who had been madly chasing Ziqing Youhu stopped one after another, and an inexplicable sense of fear was enveloped in everyone’s heart.

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