Supreme Lord

Chapter 1787


The white clothed man is still lying on his back on the chair, with Erlang’s legs on the table, holding some immortal pills and marvelous medicines in his hands, knocking like jelly beans, tilting his head slightly, Squinting his eyes, he looked at everyone present lazily.

The leisurely look, indifferent and casual attitude, like an outsider, a plain face, without any emotional color, even the eyes are calm.


It’s such calm eyes. When the silent eyes swept past, thousands of people in the field where the eyes passed by, the timid fainted on the spot, and some were paralyzed. On the boat, even the courageous people couldn’t stop shaking their bodies, afraid to speak or move.

Time just passed bit by bit.

The terrifying fear is getting stronger and stronger. Everyone is as if lost in the endless void full of darkness and silence. No one dared to move. They were all afraid, afraid to be shocked here. In the darkness, I am also afraid of the dead silence here.

I don’t know how long it has been.


Gu Qingfeng spoke.

“If you don’t give you some color today, you really treat him as a liar who eats and drinks.”

The voice is very flat, and I can’t listen Feeling joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, just like saying a very common sentence, when he knocked out the immortal pills and marvelous medicines in his hand, he drank a glass of wine on the table again, patted his hand, stood up and shook his clothes. sleeve of a robe.

He raised his hand, pointed at Mo Baiyu, and said: “You! Get out!”

Mo Baiyu didn’t know what was going on, but felt broken. He was confused and his mind was blank. When he reacted, he was already kneeling on the deck in front of Gu Qingfeng, scaring him the soul flew away and scattered, everyone was stupid.

“You! You! And you!”

Bang! peng~ peng~!

Fuying, Yunzhou, and Mu Feng also knelt on the deck.

“If I remember correctly, there is you! You!”

Immediately! There were two peng peng sounds, and two more people knelt on the deck.

One is from Dandinggu’s Lengjue, and the other is Shangguandong.

Mo Baiyu and the others are the immortal immortal dao imperial immortals. There are also Great Immortal Realms behind them. Although there is no reputation in All Heavens Myriad Realms, they are Tianyu is also an outstanding ancient Immortal pride.

Whether it’s status or cultivation base, the Jing Family is worthy of being alive. If it is assisted cultivation, the future achievements are absolutely limitless.

In ordinary times, one by one may not be as arrogant and despotic as Yuan Wu, supercilious, but they are also as powerful as stars crisscrossing the moon.

Before this, they all stood up to show off one’s military strength and threatened to challenge ancient Youdi Gu Qingfeng.

And now.

All knelt on the deck, their faces more ugly, one more embarrassed, one more frightened, and the other one was more trembling than the other, and Shangguandong was even more frightened like a muddy mud It was spread out on the deck and couldn’t even kneel.

That is really scary.

Being afraid of being in the bones, being afraid of being in the soul, if they are afraid, they don’t say anything to show off one’s military strength or show off one’s military strength, even to resist, even struggle, or even have the courage to beg for mercy. Up.

“Youdi Lord, Mo Baiyu not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth offended you. I hope you have a large number of adults. Don’t talk to him lower oneself to somebody’s level. Forgive him once.”

In spite of the fear in his heart, Mr. Jin knelt down and begged for mercy.

“Youdi Lord, my son, Shangguandong, has no intention of offending, and I hope you will see him because of his youth and ignorance. Forgive him… forgive him for not dying.”

Shangguan Feixing He also knelt down and begged for mercy, hoping that Gu Qingfeng could release his son Shangguan Dongyi.

It’s just that the words haven’t fallen. When Gu Qingfeng lifts the head and looked over, Jin Lao and Shangguan Feixing were so scared that they never dared to speak.

“Knowing that your son is young and ignorant, you are still so indulgent. Whose fault is, whoever is wrong!” Gu Qingfeng casually said: “Today I can spare your son Immortal.”

Gu Qingfeng lifted his foot and kicked Shangguandong who was paralyzed on the deck. This kicked Shangguandong Qiqiao was bleeding and bloody, not only the meridian, but also the cultivation base. Lost, from now on, even if he is alive, he is just a cripple.

“My son…My son…”

I found that Shangguandong was half-dead and left a breath. Shangguan Feixing felt that the sky was falling, and pointed to Gu Qingfeng. I wanted to get angry, but didn’t dare to get angry, and said: “You…you ruined my son like this, what is different from killing him…”

“At least, he is still alive.” Gu Qingfeng lightly saying: “You need to pay a price for anything you do. This is the price your son is arbitrarily doing today.”

“You…I…I!!! I want to kill you!”

Shangguandong is the only son of Shangguan Feixing. Over the years, he has put in a lot of hard work to cultivate his son. Now, seeing his son only has one breath, Shangguan Feixing is extremely angry. Unable to bear it anymore, he roared, desperately trying to die Gu Qingfeng.

It’s just that he just moved, and even the immortal strength hasn’t even taken out yet. The whole person is completely still in the sky, like a statue.

“You want to kill me, it’s not enough to qualify.”

The word qualification fell, with a bang, and the still Shangguan Feixing was scattered in full view. Ashes and dispersed smoke…

It’s really scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, even the scum is not left, it turns into a mass of blood mist and disappeared…

How to die ?

No one knows.

Everyone only knows that Shangguan Feixing wants to desperately die Gu Qingfeng.

The white clothed man, Gu Qingfeng, who is suspected of being Youdi, just casually said that he was not qualified, and then…then there was no then…Shangguan Feixing scattered ashes and dispersed on the spot smoke.

Looking at this scene, everyone couldn’t believe their eyes.

We must know that although Shangguan Feixing is only a nine-day canonized immortal, he is after all the great wild spirit who opened the Life and Death Gate of the heavenly branches!

Now I don’t even hum, and I don’t know what’s going on. It’s such an unfathomable mystery scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

Under this situation, who is not afraid, who is not afraid?

They want to run, want to escape, want to leave here.


No one can run, no one can escape.

Because their minds have already collapsed, their will has long since collapsed, their spirits have long since collapsed, even their souls are firmly held by the hands of Death God, and their bodies can’t stop shaking. Divine Consciousness cannot be condensed, and the mind cannot be condensed, and the consciousness is blurred. How to operate immortal strength? How to escape?

Under Gu Qingfeng’s great Divine Consciousness, they had no choice but to wait for death.

Even if I am the king of heaven, I am here.

In the field.

The immortal dao expert who originally wanted to intercede for Yunzhou and the others. After seeing Shangguan Feixing scattered ashes and smoke dispersed, no one dared to speak anymore, but Jin who previously spoke for Mo Baiyu’s plea I was old, knelt there in shock at this moment, and didn’t dare to move.

As for Mo Baiyu and the others who were kneeling on the deck, they couldn’t kneel anymore at this moment. They collapsed on the deck in fright, unable to stop shaking.

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