Supreme Lord

Chapter 1769

Before Qingqing Shangxian finished playing this ancient question, some people stood up angrily and shouted.

“Senior Sister Qing, how do you… Centrifuge Martial Uncle, you… how can you guys!”

It is not someone else who stands out, it is the Changsheng Pavilion discipline, Bai Ze .

Since before, when he appeared, Mo Baiyu and the others all actively greeted him. Only when Gu Qingfeng was not there, he had already seen Gu Qingfeng displeased.

Then he reprimanded Gu Qingfeng for monopolizing three Wannian Vermilion Fruits on the boat, and was reprimanded by the centrifugal fairy, which made him depressed for a long time.

As a disciple of the Changsheng Pavilion, no matter where he goes, no matter who he meets, he is aloof and remote. Until now, he also enjoys this kind of noble treatment, never like this time Feeling so frustrated.


He also knew that if he started with Gu Qingfeng, it would not only affect Qingqing’s reputation in the future, but also damage the prestige of the Changsheng Pavilion, so he has always restrained his inner anger.


When he witnessed his in-mind Goddess Qingqing playing alone for this guy, especially when he saw Martial Uncle massage Gu Qingfeng, the anger that has been pressing in Bai Ze’s heart is no more Unbearable, he burst out instantly, rushed directly to the deck, flushed and shouted.

“Senior Sister Qing, you are the Direct Disciple of the Floating Emperor, and the unparalleled god bestowed by Nine Heavens, how can you play for others at will! And Martial Uncle, you are our Changsheng Pavilion Senior! How can you…how can you massage this person in public! What a decent way this is!”

Perhaps I didn’t expect that Bai Ze would suddenly rush out, centrifugal fairy and Qingqing on Xianer Everyone is startled, they first looked at Gu Qingfeng’s reaction, and then Qing Qing Shangxian angrily rebuked: “Baize Junior Brother, don’t be rude to the Lord!”

“Baize! You are so real! It’s getting more and more impudent. How can you bother the Lord’s Yaxing? Don’t hurry up and kneel down to apologize to the Lord!” They were dumbfounded. They didn’t expect that the two fairies of Centrifuge served a master Lao Shi like a maid in public. They lost the face of Changsheng Pavilion. Now that Bai Ze came out to stop them, they even reprimanded Bai Ze to disturb the Lord. Yaxing? Bai Ze knelt down and apologized.

Although this guy refined the Lingyu Sword back then, he also promised to give it to Qingqing Shangxian, but they wouldn’t be so humble to serve him, right?

What the hell is going on?

I don’t understand.

Everyone can’t understand.

And Bai Ze couldn’t understand even more. He pointed at Gu Qingfeng angrily and shouted: “Let me kneel down to apologize for him? Why is he? Isn’t he just someone who asks for nothing? People, I don’t know what dogshit luck has gone, and made a broken Flying Sword. Why should I kneel down and make amends for him? What did I do wrong? I didn’t do anything wrong, why should I make amends for him? Why!”

“act recklessly! Shut up!”

The beautiful and alluring face of the centrifugal fairy was pale, and his heart was even more angry and scared.

I was angry because, after realizing that Gu Qingfeng’s identity might be Youdi, she worried that the other disciplines of the Changsheng Pavilion on the ship would offend Gu Qingfeng, so she deliberately said to the discipline of the Changsheng Pavilion on the ship, Gu Qingfeng’s existence is extraordinary, and there must be no offense to it. Not only can it not offend, but it must be respected everywhere.

She didn’t expect Bai Ze to treat her words as in one ear and out the other, and act recklessly rushed out and yelled. This is more than an offense to Gu Qingfeng, it’s simply Don’t put Gu Qingfeng in your eyes!

Know that this guy may be Youdi!

It is the lord who has burned for nine days, slaughtered the avenue, and slashed the sky. If you don’t put him in your eyes, it is even more act recklessly than act recklessly.

The centrifugal fairy is really scared, afraid that Gu Qingfeng will kill Bai Ze on the spot in a rage.

She is afraid, and Qingqing Shangxian is even more afraid.

If possible, she really wants to say that Gu Qingfeng might be the identity of the Emperor You, but she dare not, because she knows that once Gu Qingfeng’s identity is revealed for the Emperor, when the time This All Heavens Myriad Realms comes in a mess.

Looking at the blushing face here, as if Bai Ze was irrational, Qing Qing Shangxian also scolded: “Bai Ze, don’t mess around! Hurry up and make amends to the Lord!”

“Why! Pour Senior Sister Qing, tell me why! Although your feather sword was refined by him, he had already discarded it, and later you have been warming up for hundreds of years before you have the current one. What does Lingyu Sword have to do with him? even more how you have let him eat that many delicacies in order to repay him, and you have asked him to set conditions at will, even if Lingyu Sword was really made by him, we made it in Changsheng Pavilion These things have also been returned to him a hundred and a thousand times, and it has given him a lot of face!”

Bai Ze couldn’t bear it. Since the matter has reached this point, he doesn’t mind the matter. He made a big noise, pointed at Gu Qingfeng, and shouted: “What bullshit Lord, I think he is simply a complete liar, he just looks at you to talk, and then deliberately eat and drink, don’t be fooled by him!”

“act recklessly little thing! Shut me up!”

The centrifugal fairy flashed over, slapped Bai Ze unceremoniously on the face, and turned Bai Ze on the spot. Not only did the smoked Baize swell his cheeks, he also spurted blood from his mouth and nose. At the same time, Baize who smoked couldn’t believe this was true, because in the past, even if the centrifugal fairy regenerated his energy, he never hit him. Even if he didn’t have it once, he couldn’t believe it and couldn’t accept it. Today, Martial Uncle would hit himself in front of so many people for an unknown liar.

“Get up and kowtow to the Great Lord!”


The centrifugal fairy is full of solemnity, staring at Bai Ze, the whole body is cold and misty, making the air present become cold.

Bai Ze was also very angry, stood up and confronted him: “Martial Uncle! Are you crazy! You still are not my Martial Uncle, or are not from our Changsheng Pavilion, do you know this guy? The previous words were offensive, and you even massaged him in front of so many people. You really lost the face of our Changsheng Pavilion. You to have no shame, I still have a face!”

“Bai Ze! How can you talk to Martial Uncle like this, you are too much!”

Qing Qing Shangxian also looked a little angry.

“little bastard! It seems that I used to show your face too much, so I dared to talk to great aunt like this!”

The centrifugal fairy was completely angry and pinched. Live on Bai Ze’s neck, bang, and slap again fiercely on Bai Ze’s face.

In the distance, Bai Ze’s friend, Dandinggu’s disciple Leng Jue came to persuade him, but he hadn’t spoken yet. The centrifugal fairy raised hand and beckoned, and retreated with a sigh of shock on the spot. The centrifugal fairy glared and shouted: “get lost! There is nothing about you here, just say one more word, today great aunt killed you!”

Perhaps it is the murderous intention of the centrifugal fairy, Leng Jue Although I can’t help my face, I dare not say anything.

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