Supreme Lord

Chapter 1767

The centrifugal fairy not at all hesitated, and didn’t dare to hesitate at all, so he hurried over to massage Gu Qingfeng’s shoulder cautiously.

Don’t say it.

The technique is quite exquisite, and the strength is also good. This massage, one tap, one beat, one touch, every secret art emerges at the fingertips, accompanied by a lot of mysterious , Massaging Gu Qingfeng’s shoulders.

This set of techniques is a longevity technique handed down by their ancestors in the Changsheng Pavilion. It is a kind of medical method that has the functions of opening up the acupoints, activating the meridian, soothing the mind, and soothing immortal spirits.

Fairy Centrifugal was shocked that she discovered that all of the acupuncture points on Gu Qingfeng’s body were closed. To be precise, they weren’t closed, more like they were blocked by a mess.

Generally speaking, the higher the cultivation base, the more accessible the acupoints, the stronger the fleshy body, and the more vigorous. On the other hand, Gu Qingfeng’s acupoints are closed and blocked, and there is no vitality. In other words, it feels like an old well is filled with gravel and dust over the years.

What’s more terrifying is that when the secret art condensed from the fingertips of the centrifugal fairy, with the mysterious acupuncture point on Gu Qingfeng’s body, it feels like a drop of water falling in a dry well. , Has never played a role.

One, two, ten, a hundred, a thousand…

The centrifugal fairy is standing on the longevity hand art, one after another, falling on the acupuncture points of Gu Qingfeng The above, of course, is still useless and has no effect at all.

This puzzled the centrifugal fairy, and it was the first time he encountered such a strange situation.

She didn’t dare to ask more, she could only press it like that.

And beside.

Qing Qing stood there quietly, with her head down, she didn’t dare to speak, just standing like this, neither walking nor not walking, she felt very embarrassed.

“Martial Uncle, what should I do?”

In desperation, Qingqing had no choice but to sound transmission and call for help from the centrifugal fairy.

“Silly girl! What are you staring at, why are you so lacking in eyesight, pour wine.”

“Okay! Okay.”

Qingqing walked over, picked up the flask, poured wine for Gu Qingfeng, and whispered: “Lord, please… enjoy it.”

“Oh, so polite.” Gu Qingfeng picked up the glass. He drank his head and said, “It’s just that…you two seem to be a bit wrong today. You massaged me and poured wine. This kind of diligence made the Lord feel a little sorry. “

“Lord…Don’t get me wrong, we don’t mean anything else. You gave Qingqing such a valuable gift as Cloud Water Sword. We are very grateful and don’t know how to repay you. , So… I can only do a little bit of effort.”

“Really? But I look at you, it’s not as simple as being grateful. I seem to be a little afraid of the Lord. What is it? Looks like bad guys? Do you just make you scared?”

“no! No! No!” The centrifugal fairy quickly explained: “Don’t get me wrong, the big Lord, we are really out of Thank you, no other intentions, we…not afraid, it’s good, we are afraid of what you do, we are just…just afraid to serve the Lord.”

“How do you say this, Lord I’m not demons and ghosts. I’m not served well. If you can still eat, you won’t be able to? Tell you, Master is a good person, and he is still a very good one.”

” The Lord is a good person.” The fairy said: “Lord does not need to be polite with us. You can just order what you need. We must make an all-out effort to serve you.”

“Really Fake? Since you are all talking about it, I am not polite.”

“Don’t be polite to us, it’s our honor to be able to serve you “

Beside, Qingqing glanced at the centrifugal fairy, and the sound transmission whispered: “Martial Uncle, are we doing this a bit too much? This discerning person saw that we were deliberately offering our love. Isn’t this this place without silver three hundred taels?”

“What should I do? I have always been served by others in my life, Martial Uncle, I have never served others! How do I know I have never served before .”

“I think he seems to see something.”

“I feel that way too.”

“He wouldn’t guess us Are you doubting his identity?”

“It’s… unlikely. Let’s not scare ourselves, just assume that nothing has happened. Why do we Just do it, as long as you don’t upset him, you can do anything. “

“It’s not wrong to say that, but…I always feel that we have been so generous. “

“Why are you silly girl so ignorant? You can offend him after being served?” “

“This…well, I’ll just do it. “

“Also, can your girl have some eyesight? You don’t see who it is in front of you, why are you still showing a cold look, who do you show it to? Well, you show it to me, or show it to him, don’t forget, he may be the emperor You, burned for nine days, slaughtered the avenue, slashed the lord of the sky, don’t say you are a little god , It’s your Master Floating Emperor has come. If he is not happy, he will kill him if he is not happy. Remember, you are not the discipline of the Changsheng Pavilion, nor the unparalleled immortal, let alone your Master, the discipline of the Floating Emperor, you are now Just think of yourself as a maid. “

“Martial Uncle, how can I look cold, I just…I just…I really don’t serve people. “

“You girl, you haven’t served anyone, but haven’t you seen a maid serve someone?” Haven’t seen the maid, Sister Yao’er has always seen it? If you accompany you with food, drink and laugh, you can just think of yourself as a sister kiln. If you accompany him to eat, drink, accompany him to sleep, even if he is not the emperor, someone gave such a precious cloud Water Sword, you Do I have to make some dedication? Don’t let you pay, you at least have to pay a smile, right? “

“Martial Uncle, don’t talk anymore, I know…”

Qing Qing didn’t put on a cold look, he was born like this, no matter what In front of anyone, she looks so cold and cold. Let her accompany her to eat, drink, and laugh? To be honest, she really can’t do it, and she doesn’t know what to do.

apart from this.

She is also really afraid in her heart, afraid to offend such a great Lord who may be the emperor.

After thinking about it, Qingqing took a deep breath and decided to give it away.


For myself, for Martial Uncle, for everyone on the ship, for the Changsheng Pavilion, for Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, and for all the living beings, today I will give it all out, eat, drink and laugh. The maid.

“Lord, do you like listening to music? “

Qing Qing carried the flask and poured a glass of wine for Gu Qingfeng, and asked softly: “If the Great Lord likes to listen, Junior would like to play a song for the Great Lord to help Yaxing.” “

“Oh, can sister Qingqing still play tunes? “

The centrifugal fairy said: “Lord, you don’t know that Qingqing has been interested in music art since childhood. During these years, he has been cultivating and studying music art at the same time. Dare to claim that Yueyi is unparalleled, but it is also a small achievement. “

“Really? Okay, play a song, let the master listen to it. “

“Qingqing, don’t be stunned, quickly play a song for the Lord, and let the Lord give pointers. “

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