Supreme Lord

Chapter 1761


Bai Ze, Leng Jue, Mo Baiyu and the others have been discussing how to get rid of Gu Qingfeng.

But Gu Qingfeng still chatted with the fairy on the Xuantian boat while drinking a little wine, until after he was full, he felt a little tired, and this ended the meal.

Huo De is afraid that Gu Qingfeng will hook up with the fairy and Qingqing Shangxian, and has been urging to leave, but the fairy is determined to let the two stay on the Xuantian ship, and has already arranged a quiet room For the two to rest.


On this Xuantian boat, there are wines and beautiful women to accompany you, the environment is good, and the Spiritual Qi is full. People like Gu Qingfeng who like to enjoy themselves naturally don’t want to go back to the smoky passenger ship. At the moment, regardless of how Huo De persuaded, Gu Qingfeng turned a deaf ear to the quiet room on the Xuantian ship under the arrangement of the centrifugal fairy.

After the centrifugal fairy settled Gu Qingfeng, he hurriedly came to Qingqing’s room.

Because after Qingqing merged with Yun Water Sword, she found that her face was extremely wrong. At that time, Fairy Centrifugal felt that something must have happened, and it was not too small. Qing Qing’s understanding, Qing Qing was impossible so panicked.

It’s just that Gu Qingfeng and Huo De are present, so she doesn’t have to ask too much. If she leaves Gu Qingfeng to drink alone, it would be a bit too ignorant.

So, she didn’t rush to Qingqing’s room until after she accompanied Gu Qingfeng.

After opening the door, Qingqing saw that she was distracted, and then asked: “Martial Uncle, what can I do for you?”

The fairy fairy did not answer, but went straight away. Enter the room, close the door, just in case, and use a Formation to isolate the room.

“Martial Uncle, what’s wrong with you?”

The fairy stared at Qingqing seriously, and asked seriously: “You obediently and honestly tell me what happened. “

Qing Qing shook her head, and responded: “Nothing happened.”

“If nothing happened, why did you look so embarrassed after you regained consciousness? I also look flustered.”

“Martial Uncle, I said I was just…too tired. After integrating Cloud Water Sword, my spirit is very tired…”

The fairy did not continue to ask, just stared at Qingqing.

Perhaps because of the guilty conscience, if Qingqing didn’t dare to look at the fairy eccentric, and was stared at by the eccentric, her expression became more panic.

“Qingqing, you will not lie through childhood, so don’t conceal it anymore, let alone hide it, obediently and honestly tell it, what happened?”

“Martial Uncle, I…”

Qing Qing wanted to say something but stopped, thinking about it, and said: “Martial Uncle, I didn’t intend to hide you, but this matter is too terrifying, and I just doubt it. , Is it true? I’m not sure at all. I’m afraid it will scare you when I say it, and I don’t want Martial Uncle to follow me with fear…”

“What is too terrifying? And also terrifying me? What are you kidding me? Martial Uncle I have lived for most of my life, and I have never been frightened by anything.”

“Martial Uncle, I didn’t scare you, it’s really terrifying, if it’s spread. If you go out… it will even shock the entire Great Wilderness Heaven and Earth, Three Thousand Great Daos, and even All Heavens Myriad Realms…”

“Alright Three Thousand Great Daos? Or All Heavens Myriad Realms?” The centrifugal fairy was shocked. He stared at Qingqing suspiciously, and asked: “I said little girl, are you cultivation stupid during this period of cultivation? How do you say this kind of nonsense, and also alarmed Three Thousand Great Daos? All Heavens Myriad Realms? Don’t be alarmist, OK? Okay, you little girl has only been cultivating for a few years, and said to alarm Three Thousand Great Daos All Heavens Myriad Realms, what do you know!”

“Really, Martial Uncle, I really didn’t scare you!”

“Then you tell me what it is!”


Qingqing wants to cry without tears, and really doesn’t know what to do It should not be said.

Looking at Qingqing’s eagerness to speak, this made the centrifugal fairy anxious. He shook Qingqing’s shoulder and shouted: “Dead girl! You said it! What happened, don’t say half of it! Don’t say anything, don’t blame Martial Uncle for being rude to you, be careful, I took your clothes and threw you outside!”

“Martial Uncle, you Stop shaking! I’ll tell you! But you have to make sure that this matter must not be spread, even if you can’t tell them about Grandmother of Flowers and Qiao’er!”

“Okay, I Promise you.”

“You swear!”

“What the hell is it, it’s such a mysterious thing, it’s a promise, and a promise Do you want to be so cautious, you still can’t believe in Martial Uncle? Forget it, I swear it! Really!” After the fairy of centrifugal swearing, Qingqing took a deep breath and looked at the centrifugal. The fairy said seriously: “Martial Uncle, let me ask you first, did the owner of Cloud Water Sword say that he is from Nether?”

“Yes, there is such a thing, not only that, He also gave himself the name of Chi Xiao.”

“Is he also surnamed Gu?”

“It seems to be.”

” What’s your name?”

“What’s your name? This is not quite clear. Anyway, the Old Daoist Priest of Huode keeps calling him Gu boy, what’s the matter? Why are you asking this all of a sudden? Does the matter of Heavens Myriad Realms have something to do with the great Lord surnamed Gu?”

Qing Qing nodded, said: “Before Yuan Wu offended and humiliated You Di, he was taught by Senior fiercely by Huo De. , And then Huo De Senior threw Yuan Wu in front of the Great Lord, and let the Great Lord watch and deal with it. Martial Uncle, haven’t you been able to figure this out?”

“Yes, I I really can’t figure it out, but does this matter have anything to do with what you’re talking about?”

“Of course it does, and it’s still a big one. Let me tell you that the ancient Lord It may be You Di himself! And Huo De Old Senior also knew the identity of the Great Lord, so Yuan Wu was asked to apologize to the Great Lord!”

“What? You said that the Great Lord is the Great Lord. Ha ha ha ha!”

hearing this, the centrifugal fairy couldn’t stop laughing, it was like Hearing the funniest joke in the world, the one who laughs is a joy.

“Martial Uncle, what are you laughing at! I didn’t make a joke with you!”

“Qingqing, Qingqing, did you want to tell me about this for most of the day? ?”


“Heavens! ha ha ha ha ha!”

The centrifugal fairy couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

“Martial Uncle, I’m really not kidding! Don’t laugh, okay! What’s so funny about this!”

“Fine, I won’t laugh, Qingqing Ah! I think you are a real cultivation. Are you stupid? You said that guy is Youdi? Hahaha! Are your head squeezed by the door or blind? Just what he wants is nothing, standing still, Sitting without sitting, talking frivolously, and behaving casually, you actually said he is You Emperor? You said Mo Baiyu and Yuan Wu are You Emperor, they are all more like this guy, if he is You Emperor, great aunt me It’s Saintess Empress.”

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