Supreme Lord

Chapter 1758

“Impossible! I have long seen that the master of Rao Shizi is not a good thing, and now it seems that it is true. I dare to take this opportunity to blackmail Qingqing Shangxian. I am really impatient!”

“It’s nothing more than a master who wants nothing and nothing, that’s all, who has refined a handicapped soldier. I don’t know what dogshit luck I have left. I am taken by Qingqing Shangxian. The master of Raoshizi fails. To appreciate somebody’s kindness, forget it, and even dare to use this to blackmail Qingqing Shangxian. It is an unforgivable sin!”

“What Master! Look at his frivolous appearance, which is a secular world. The ground ruffian gangsters who have never seen the world!” Everyone yelled at Gu Qingfeng, who walked the lucky dog ​​excrement in their eyes, and his tone was full of hatred. .

At this moment, Shangguan East stood up and said, “Young Master Bai Ze, I don’t know if I should say something wrong!”

“Shangguan Immortal, no need to be so polite.”

Bai Ze stood with his hand in his hand, stretched out his hand and made a gesture of asking, and said: “It doesn’t matter if you have anything to say!”

“You may have something I don’t know, the master of Rao Shizi once offended the Fairy Cifu, no! The words he said are not only offensive, but infringement, humiliating the Fairy Cifu, and the words are extremely…vulgar!”

“What! What else?” Bai Ze asked: “What did he say, and how did he humiliate me to humiliate Martial Uncle?”


Shangguandong seemed to hesitate and fearful.

“Shangguandong, tell me exactly one word!”

“When the fairy centrifugal came out of the Xuantian ship, I heard it on the deck Lao Shizi’s master commented on Fairy Cifu, saying… Fairy Cifu is pretty good, she needs to have chests, buttocks and butts, and she is also quite enchanting, peachy eyes, small cherry mouth, and long. It’s pretty shameless, and I can barely call it a stunner…”


Bai Ze was furious.

I don’t know Bai Ze, other people were shocked when they heard Shangguandong say this. You must know that the centrifugal fairy is the Senior of the Changsheng Pavilion and the fairy of Ancient Era. Looking at the great wilderness, I am afraid that no one would dare to use it. Vulgar words to comment on the centrifugal fairy.

“The Master of Rao Shizi really said something like this?”

“I did say that my Shangguandong can be guaranteed by my personality. If there is half a lie, I will beat five days. There was thunder, and the master still said…”

Bai Ze glared at Shangguandong, shouted: “What else did he say?”

“He also asked that name Did Huo De’s Old Daoist Priest hit the centrifugal fairy? If it was, the Master Rao Shizi came forward to help the Old Daoist Priest set up a line. If it didn’t work, he also said… and said that the Old Daoist Priest would be hardened. Bow!”


Under Bai Ze’s rage, he slapped the table in front of him to pieces with a slap, his face was full of anger, and his eyes were also It was murderous intention flickering, and he said word by word: “Dare to infringe and humiliate me like this Martial Uncle, this Young Master will let him die without a burial site now!”

After that, Bai Ze wanted I left and went back to find Gu Qingfeng to settle the account. Just as soon as the person moved, he was stopped by the cold feeling beside him, and said: “Brother Bai Ze don’t be impatient, if you just rush to Xingshi to ask the crime, I am afraid it will be somewhat Not right!”


“Let’s not talk about the identity and background of the Master who claims to be the Great Lord, nor how he is Offending the centrifugal fairy, one thing, although you don’t want to, you have to admit that the Old Daoist Priest does have life-saving grace for Qiao’er. I am afraid that Qingqing Shangxian’s Lingyu Sword is most likely to be that one. It was refined by the Master.”

Leng Jue stopped Bai Ze, frowned, said solemnly: “Even though Qingqing Shangxian was only a Broken Sword when he picked up the Lingyu Sword, it was not only a new one. After refining and raising it for hundreds of years, it can be said that the Lingyu Sword has nothing to do with the Master, but, anyway, the Master is the old master of the Lingyu Sword. This is a fact and he is qualified. Suo Hui Ling Yu Sword.”

“Brother Leng, what do you mean!” Bai Ze had lost his reason as if impulsively, and shouted: “How do you speak for that shit master?”


“Brother Bai, don’t be anxious, listen to me, let me finish, Qingqing Shangxian is not only the disciple of your Changsheng Pavilion, but also the personal follower of Emperor Fusheng, and even the unparalleled Shangxian bestowed by Nine Heavens. The Great Wilderness is full of fame, if the master asks for the Lingyu sword, and if Qingqing Shangxian does not give it, it will not only damage the reputation of Qingqing Shangxian, but also the name of Emperor Fusheng and even Changsheng Pavilion. Reputation will also be affected. “

“Fairy Centrifugal invited the Master onto the Xuantian Boat, set up a table of delicious food, and used three precious Wannian Vermilion Fruits to entertain, and asked the Master to make a request. , Use this to exchange the Lingyu Sword, so that, since then, outsiders will not say anything, let alone damage the reputation of the Changsheng Pavilion, after all, in order to thank the Master for his benevolence and righteousness, fairy centrifugal has three 10,000-year Vermilion Fruits, plus Allowing the Master to make a request is enough to show the sincerity of the Xianzi Xianzi and Qingqing Shangxian. In the future, if this matter is spread out, other people will only say that the Master failed to appreciate somebody’s kindness, and take this opportunity to blackmail Qingqing. Cents. “

paused, after Leng Jue realized that Bai Ze’s emotions had gradually calmed down, he continued: “If you rush over now and teach the master after you leave, I’m sure you will be distracted. Stop the fairy, even if the centrifugal fairy knows that the master has offended her with vulgar words, she will not let you do it. “

After Leng Jue said, Mo Baiyu also stood up and said, “Yes, what Leng Jue Young Master said is very reasonable. If Bai Ze Young Master now rushes over to teach the master, All these things done by the centrifugal fairy are in vain, a table of delicious food, three 10,000-year-old Vermilion Fruit will also be in vain, after all, Bai Ze Young Master impossible to obliterate and kill the master in front of so many people Things will only get worse if he only teaches him. If the master used this as an excuse and yelled everywhere, the longevity pavilion wanted to kill people to kill the feather sword, and things would be difficult to clean up… “

Youdao is The person on the spot is baffled, the onlooker sees clear. After listening to the analysis of Leng Jue and Mo Baiyu, the impulsive Bai Ze gradually calmed down. Thinking about it, he also knows It’s not that what Leng Jue said is unreasonable.

“Just forget about it? “

Bai Ze turned around and walked to another table, picked up a glass of wine, drank it with his head up, and said: “I Bai Ze can’t swallow this breath, and our Changsheng Pavilion does not allow one. Little Master is so wild! “

“Forget it? Of course it won’t be the case. At least, I, Mo Baiyu, don’t allow anyone to offend Qingqing and go to immortality! “

Fuying, Yunzhou, Mufeng and other immortals, as well as Shangguandong and other immortals, all stood up and said that in order to protect the reputation of Qingqing, they climb a mountain of swords or plunge into a sea of ​​fire, don’t hesitate to say anything about the master who inherits the destiny of humanity, that is, the king of humanity and destiny, and even the king of humanity, even if it is a human emperor, they will be killed at all costs!

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