Supreme Lord

Chapter 1752

At the strong request of Fairy Centrifugal, Bai Ze had to stand up and apologize to Gu Qingfeng.

Taking this opportunity, Xianzi Xianzi quickly apologized to Gu Qingfeng and said: “The youngster is not sensible, but he hopes Lord Haihan is.”

“Oh, Xianzi is big. Sister can don’t say this, I should be sorry, I’m the person, I’ve never seen anything in the world, and I’ve never eaten any goodies. No, I’ve seen good things, I didn’t hold my hands and feet and eat. It’s a bit faster, I’m really sorry.”

Gu Qingfeng said that he was sorry, and I felt very sorry, but his hands did not stop, and his mouth did not stop. He ate three pills. Wannian Vermilion Fruit took aim at the thousand-year snow lotus again, and after a word, a thousand-year snow lotus was also eaten.

“Big Lord said and laughed.”

Although the mood of the centrifugal fairy is terrible at this moment, there is always a smile on that beautiful and alluring face. Although he smiled reluctantly, he did laugh, saying: “even more how Wannian Vermilion Fruit was originally prepared for the Great Lord, and the Great Lord eats the same every time.”

“I wonder It’s the same.” Gu Qingfeng is not polite, said with a smile: “And let’s not hide the big girl, my current body is really weak, just use three Wannian Vermilion Fruit to make up, let alone, this thing is still It’s really good. After three of them, it feels really different.”


At this time, Qiao’er, who had been silent, seemed to be unable to stand it anymore. Aggrievedly said: “Among the three Wannian Vermilion Fruits, one of them was originally prepared by Qiao’er for Old Senior.”

Qiao’er’s aggrieved eyes were red, and she wiped tears. , While saying: “Old Senior Huo De had life-saving grace for Junior…Junior has not had time to thank Old Senior Huo De, but you have eaten them up, wu wu wu…”

As soon as I heard this, Huo De couldn’t help it immediately, and glared at Gu Qingfeng, shouted: “You brat did you hear that? There are three Wannian Vermilion Fruits with an old man!”

“Yo, I really don’t know about this. You guys didn’t say it earlier. I thought it was all prepared for me.” Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “Moreover, I saved one for you, you Don’t eat it either.”

“Are you keeping it for the old man? Your motherfucker only has one core left. How do you tell the old man to eat it? Your motherfucker did it on purpose!”

At this time, Huode no longer pretends to be a Senior expert. He feels that he can reinstall it, let alone three thousand years of Vermilion Fruit. In the end, I am afraid that all the delicacies on this table will be eaten by Gu Qingfeng. Be clean, seeing that a plate of Thousand Years of Snow Lotus was about to be wiped out by Gu Qingfeng again, Huo De was angry and immediately grabbed it.

“You motherfucker has eaten three Wannian Vermilion Fruit, and you want to make a thousand-year-old snow lotus. This motherfucker belongs to the old man! It is all the old man!”

After letting go, Huo De not only no longer pretended to be a senior expert, nor did he lose face, or his image or image. First, motherfucker would have enough to eat.

“I said Huo De, can you old fellow be a bit talented, in front of so many people, can we have a face? Don’t let people watch jokes.”

“I’m pooh! If the old man wants to point his face anymore, I’m afraid he won’t even be able to eat his mouth today!” Huo De picked up a piece of 1000-year-old snow lotus and gnawed directly, staring at Gu Qingfeng and said: “And you brat Don’t tell the old man what to say, what kind of face you want! Compared to you brat, the old man is a motherfucker.”

Look at Gu Qingfeng and Huo De who are so swearing each other, centrifugal. Fairy, Golden Grandmother of Flowers, Qingqing Shangxian, and the others were stunned. They thought that Huo De was really the kind of senior expert in the traditional tradition. They didn’t know until now that this serious Old Senior is a pretender. from?


This is all who!

Too weird, right?

Speaking of the centrifugal fairy, they have also seen many people in their lives, from all kinds of avenues Old Ancestor, all kinds of destiny emperors, all kinds of edicts, all kinds of immortals, down to Three Sects. , Demons and ghosts, etc. are all messed up.


Today they realized that there is no lack of strange things in this world.

One needs a cultivation base, no cultivation base, good fortune and no good fortune, no temperament, no power and no power, sitting without sitting, standing without standing, a lazy and sluggish posture, and foolish words and deeds , Look horizontally and vertically, no matter how you look at it, it looks like the second generation ancestor of the dude in the secular world, no! Even the second generation dude of the secular world is impossible to be so unqualified, this is simply those rascals in the secular world.

And the other one looks like a serious Senior expert, but it is only what it looks like. Under this serious mask is a sloppy old bachelor!

This makes the centrifugal fairy and the others very suspicious, is the Lingyu sword really made by such a rascal?

Is it really such an old bachelor who had life-saving grace for Qiaoer?

This is too ridiculous, right?

“This Old Guy came from a small mountain village. He hasn’t seen anything in the world, and he has nothing to do. Don’t mind everyone.”

Gu Qingfeng wiped his mouth, facing coincidence He said: “Little Sister, don’t cry, I’ll get you a bauble later, so you can enjoy yourself. As for life-saving grace, you don’t need to take seriously at all. Old fellows like Huo De can’t be used to eating tens of thousands. For something like Vermilion Fruit in 2009, if you get him two apples, he will be content.”

“Who said that old man can’t be used to it?”

” Fuck it, or, I spit out three Wannian Vermilion Fruits for you?”

“Go! Old man doesn’t bother to care about you!”

The centrifugal fairy got up as Gu Qingfeng Huo De and Huo De poured wine, and then they all toasted. First, they expressed Hu De’s life-saving grace to Qiao’er, and then thanked Gu Qingfeng for making Lingyu Sword for helping Qingqing Shangxian get out of trouble.

“This great Lord, what do you think about the first thing?”

After drinking three rounds, the centrifugal fairy cautiously mentioned Lingyu Sword, and then she wanted to come, Gu Qingfeng ate everything that should be eaten, and this guy ate everything that shouldn’t be. Since this great Lord is so careless, he doesn’t need to pay attention to anything, so he hurried to the topic.

“What are you thinking about?”

Gu Qingfeng’s voice came. The centrifugal fairy startedled and thought secretly in his heart. This guy ate three Wannian Vermilion Fruit in one go. Now Pretending to be confused? Shame? What happened? Want to eat for nothing?

The centrifugal fairy endured the anger in his heart, and said in a calm tone as much as possible: “That’s it, the Lingyu sword was made by you, the Great Lord. I ran into you Senior here today. It should have been returned You, but… After all, Qingqing has nurtured Lingyu for hundreds of years, and has a deep relationship with Lingyu Sword. It can even be said that Lingyu’s in mind in Qingqing is more than just a fairy sword. , But a good sister who loves brothers and feet! So… we have a presumptuous request, can Ling Yu stay by Qingqing’s side.”

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