Supreme Lord

Chapter 1738

“You brat even said that if you were born in the ancient times, you might not be as good as you! Motherfucker! You bastard really dare to say, what? You think you are taller than you. Others are screaming far away, hairs not even grown yet, the tone is not small, and motherfucker dare to talk nonsense chirping, I will slap in the flace and get you incontinence!”

Huo De is really strong enough to have no opponents in the court with the skill of babbling.

Not only is it arrogant, but it also points to Yuan Wu’s nose and yells, even taunting and humiliating.

Yuan Wu who scolded his head was bloody, his face was pale and blue with anger, his gnashing teeth, his fists were clenched, and his body was trembling with anger, and his eyes were so angry. Staring at Huo De, if his eyes can kill, Huo De has already scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

With Yuan Wu’s arrogant and despotic temperament, he can’t bear such extraordinary shame and humiliation. If someone else dares to point at his nose in front of so many people, He had already shot the opponent on his knees and begged for mercy.

But facing Huo De.

After thinking about it, Yuan Wu finally didn’t make a move.

Come on.

He is quite jealous of the Old Daoist Priest of such a profound mystery as Huode, and he does not know Huode’s identity, background and cultivation base strength.

Of course.

This is not important to Yuan Wu, nor is it the fundamental reason why he dare not take action, because behind him is a group of Old Seniors from Ancient Era who work for him, even if he can’t beat Huo De on his own. The Seniors behind him will not stand by and watch. Another point is that Yuan Wu’s greatest reliance is. He is the immortal dao imperial edict. Looking at the All Heavens Myriad Realms, few people dare to kill him. At least, when In the face of so many people, no one dared. If he killed such an immortal, he would be disrespectful to immortal dao, and the consequences would be extremely serious.

The real reason why Yuan Wu chose to be patient is that he knew that Huo De had saved Qiao’er’s life. For Qiao’er, it was life saving benefactor, and Qiao’er was the discipline of Changshengge, or The Junior Sister of Qingqing Shangxian, if you play with Huo De, let’s not talk about whether you can play it. Even if you do, when the time comes, you will offend Qiao’er. Offending Qiao’er is almost equivalent to offending Qing. Qing Shangxian.

Yuan Wu fell in love with Qing Qing Shangxian at first sight, even infatuated, he didn’t want to offend Qing Qing Shangxian because of an Old Daoist Priest.

“Everyone, can you listen to the next words.”


A person stood up and said quietly.

This person is handsome, elegant and handsome, not someone else, but Bai Ze.

Bai Ze is the discipline of the Changsheng Pavilion, and everyone in his face field dare not give up. When he jumped up and appeared in the sky, the Old Seniors of Ancient Era didn’t say anything. .

“You emperor swept the great wilderness, Megatron land, whether it was luck or not, none of us know, we don’t need to know, and there is no need to argue over this matter. The existence of You emperor may be very Strong, but…”

As soon as the conversation turned, Bai Ze Weiwei lightly said with a smile: “Whether it is aspiring the Demon King seat in the secular world or the Nine Nether destiny in the great wilderness, this is all from The destiny robbed by others is defying heaven changing fate. This is a sin, a great sin against the heavens, and it is not worthy of praise.”

“Back then, the Emperor You extinguished the immortal dynasty, burned the nine heavens, and fought the avenue, In this world, tyrannize, is it because the Grand Dao Source is exhausted and the Old Ancestor is sleeping, we also don’t know, maybe it is, or it may not, but…”

Bai Ze continued:” Regardless of the real situation, this behavior is also grossly rebellious, not worthy of praise, and nothing to discuss.”

“No matter whether you admit it or not, no one can deny that the existence of Youdi is a sinner. And it’s the biggest original sinner between Heaven and Earth. Everyone is arguing for a sinner and a dead sinner. Is this necessary? Doesn’t it feel ridiculous and sad? Is it ironic?”

“You are all immortal dao immortals, don’t forget, you emperor destroyed the immortal dynasty, burned for nine days, and insulted my immortal dao sinners.”

To say that Bai Ze really deserves to be the discipline of Seventy Two Fudi Changsheng Pavilion, the Old Seniors of Ancient Era in the venue are all blushing.


After all, they are immortal dao immortals, and the existence of You Emperor is the greatest immortal dao sinner of Ancient Era, who destroys the immortal dynasty, burns nine days, and humiliates immortal dao, even more so Almost ruined immortal dao.

As a fairy of immortal dao, you really shouldn’t admire a heinous emperor like this.

And Huo De also blushed, his face was a bit unbearable, he wanted to refute, but after thinking about it, he really couldn’t refute this matter, because Gu Qingfeng did destroy the Xian Dynasty back then. , Burned for nine days, humiliated the immortal dao, and said that he was sinful and rebellious is not an exaggeration.

Huo De took a peek at Gu Qingfeng and found that this guy was lying on his back in a chair from beginning to end, drinking a little wine while smiling and watching, it looked like he was looking at others The same as lively.

Huoter twitched his lips, feeling quite unhappy in his heart, sound transmission whispered: “I am here to fight for this kid, but this kid is watching the excitement like a okay person. I said you brat too much. It’s bigger.”

Gu Qingfeng shrugged and replied: “Lord didn’t let you fight the injustice for me. What are you doing?”

“Hey! You brat still Say cool words! His grandmother, you think that your father is willing to give you an injustice! But then again, what do you mean by you brat? The old man wanted to say two good things for you brat, but motherfucker couldn’t find a reason. “

“Don’t say you can’t find a reason, even if you want to say something nice to yourself, you can’t find a reason!”

“His grandma, you brat is here Didn’t you ever do a good thing when the great famine was troubled?”

Gu Qingfeng shook his head, somewhat helplessly laughed.

He just thought about it carefully, he really didn’t do any good things in Dahuang, even if he didn’t.

“Okay, you old fellow don’t mess around, hurry down, don’t be embarrassed by motherfucker.”

Even motherfucker Gu Qingfeng himself admitted that he didn’t do anything. Good thing, what can Huode say?

He took it.

Thoroughly served.

Huo De originally wanted to let it go, but then think about it again, if you just admit it, it would be a bit too shameful, and I really can’t get off the stage, especially looking at a pair of serene Bai Ze , How unpleasant to look at it, if this kid’s arrogance is not extinguished, motherfucker really thinks the old man is afraid of him.

“This…Little Brat, you can’t say that. You emperor’s activities in the Great Wilderness back then were mostly driven by helplessness. Moreover, after the beginning of the modern and ancient times, You emperor was the original sin. The body, but for the sake of the common people, I ignited the original sin karma by himself, scattered ashes and smoke dispersed. The meaning of old man does not mean that the emperor You is so righteous and great, at least, it is not so sinful, and it has done something with Ancient Era. It’s worth it.”

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