Supreme Lord

Chapter 1736

“In modern and ancient times, everything is resurrected. Spiritual Qi is rich and pure. Even if it is not a wizard of heaven, or a child of a fairy arrogant, it is easy for a cultivation success fairy. Some people even come out of the womb to become a natural fairy. In Ancient Era, it’s not easy to say that it’s cultivation success or Nascent Soul. Even if it’s just a cultivation Foundation establishment, or even just alive, it’s really not easy.”

The expression on Elderly is quite complicated. The tone is also quite agitated.

If only Yuanwu’s remarks have expressed the youngster’s thoughts in this and ancient era, then at this moment, what this Elderly said is the inner feelings of the Old Senior in the field after years of cultivation.

“Since ancient times, no one can do it casually by luck. This is true in modern and ancient times, so is Ancient Era, Yuanwu Shangxian, etc., old man and the others, so are all beings. This is so, Youdi is even more!”

Perhaps the Old Senior’s words caused many memories of the sorrow and pain experienced by Senior in his youth, and many people stood up and expressed their support.

They all came from Ancient Era’s hard work all the way to cultivation, and they all experienced the ancient times when they struggled to fight for a bite of Spiritual Qi, the hardship they experienced, the pain they endured Only they know how many lives and deaths they have experienced, and finally they finally cultivation success fairy.

I never thought that after the end of the ancient times, everything in the modern and ancient times will be revived. The Spiritual Qi is full of richness and purity, and the youngsters of modern and ancient times have a smooth cultivation, just as the Old Senior said, even if it is not heaven A wizard is not a child of a fairy arrogant, and it’s easy to be a cultivation success fairy. Some people even come out of the womb to become a congenital fairy.

This makes those Old Seniors who have experienced suffering untold hardships cultivation success feel very uncomfortable in their hearts, not envy or jealousy, but lamenting that they have not been born at the right time and have not caught up with the revival of all things of the present and the ancient. Good times.

Although they have all been cultivation success cents now, the environment of Ancient Era is too bad, even if the cultivation success cents, neither immortal physique nor immortal spirit are too pure. This has led to The road to cultivation is getting harder and harder, even if it is just a breakthrough one small realm, it will take countless years.

The youngsters of modern and ancient times are different, especially those of innate immortals, who are born with pure immortal physique. The cultivation becomes unimpeded, those of the ancient Old Seniors who cultivated for a hundred years, even It’s not yet the ancient youngster cultivation for a hundred days, especially looking at the cultivation base of my own cultivation tens of thousands of years. It’s not yet these more than 20 years old youngsters. The inner feelings of the ancient Old Senior can be imagined how helpless. , How aggrieved, and how painful it is.


When Yuan Wu said that You Di relies on luck to shock the wilderness, he immediately angered all Old Seniors in the field.

The reason is simple.

They may all be afraid of Youdi’s existence, but apart from fear, they are more respectful.


The most important thing is that Youdi also came from Ancient Era, and can even be said to be a representative of Ancient Era.

Now Yuan Wu said that Youdi rely on luck to get Megatron land. This remark despised not only Youdi, but also the Old Senior who came from Ancient Era to humiliate them.

Think about it if even Youdi and other representatives of Ancient Era rely on luck to achieve today’s achievements, then what are their Old Seniors of Ancient Era? It’s not even luck. Is it a cultivation base?

Yuan Wu was like stabbing a hornet’s nest, causing public outrage.

More and more ancient Old Seniors came forward and angered Yuan Wu.

The fiercest one is Huo De.


Huo De.

He also stood up!

Because he himself has experienced the ancient times when he tried to fight for a bite of Spiritual Qi.


The main reason for Huo De to stand up was not because of this, but because Yuan Wu said that he despised Gu Qingfeng.

No one knows Gu Qingfeng better than Huo De. If anyone dares to say that Gu Qingfeng came along by luck, he would be the first to refuse.

Immediately stood up, rushed forward, pointed at Yuan Wu, foul-mouthed and said: “Little bastard, it turned you back, how dare you say that You Di rely on luck all the way? impossible! motherfucker! Nobody knows this All Heavens Myriad Realms, You Emperor has been lonely since childhood, without father and mother, and grew up eating a hundred food under Chiyan Ridge, but you brat dare to say that You Emperor rely on luck? If he relies on luck, motherfucker will die if he can’t even survive at the age of three!”

“Youdi was in the secular world. When he was young, motherfucker began to hang his head on his waist and live under the knife. , From the Northwest, to the Yanluo Kingdom, from Shangqing Sect to the entire secular world, do you think You Di walked all the way to go on a scenic tour? Then his mother forcibly killed from the Northwest to the Xian Dynasty. Rely on luck? If you rely on luck, Youdi won’t even survive for a day. Motherfucker was killed by someone long ago!”

“You bastard don’t know if you don’t know, motherfucker, don’t call me! What are you talking about if it is Youdi? Born in the present and ancient times, may not be as good as you? I’ll go to your grandma to have a leg, you bastard really dare to put gold on your face!”

Yuan Wu was blushing with the fire. The fists of anger clenched tightly, but because he was afraid of Huode’s strength, he did not dare to do it. Moreover, at this moment, it was not only Huode who was angry at him, but many Old Senior from Ancient Era in the field.

Of course.

Don’t dare to do it, it doesn’t mean that Yuan Wu will admit counsel. He glared at Huode and said: “The immortal does not mean that You Di is totally lucky all the way, but that Ancient Era Without the destiny, Youdi is just good luck. Seizing the opportunity, he won the Demon King seat, and then he can go retrograde all the way!”

“What? What do you bastard say? Say Youdi Asking for the Demon King seat, good luck again? I said bastard! Your motherfucker is the immortal dao immortal at any rate, can you please don’t shame his mother to immortal dao!”

Pinching his waist, he pointed at Yuan Wu and yelled: “I will teach you a good lesson today! Listen to bastard, no matter how many and great the destiny of the ancient times is, it is also God’s reward! And Youdi The fairy Demon King seat, the motherfucker was forcibly snatched over!”

“Relying on God’s reward, what kind of ability is it? The one who snatched it by yourself is called ability. Even more how you brat I just said, Ancient Era has no destiny. In other words, the Immortal King and Demon King were the top expert powers! And Youdi is the fairy Demon King seat that motherfucker snatched from these expert powers!”

“According to what your bastard said, by luck? Your motherfucker relies on luck to try to grab a throne of fate for Lao Tzu? Let alone rob, how many people have two thrones of fate by God’s reward in this ancient times?”

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