Supreme Lord

Chapter 1731

“Master, I’m proving someone.”

Gu Qingfeng lay on his back in the chair, with Erlang’s legs on the table, holding a red Spirit Fruit in his hand and having a bite Eating without a bite, looking at the people who were angry at him in the air, he said silently: “Isn’t it just a word? Why motherfucker arouses people’s resentment, not knowing the immensity of Heaven? and Earth, act recklessly?”

Gu Qingfeng shook his head and laughed, picked up a glass of wine, drank it, and said: “What else do you say I humiliate Qingqing Shangxian? Emperor Fusheng? There is a longevity pavilion? Why did I humiliate Qingqing Shangxian, and how did I humiliate Emperor Fusheng? Master, I don鈥檛 even know them, okay, I haven鈥檛 even seen them before, what do I humiliate them for?”

“What’s the matter? In your eyes, it’s humiliating to call yourself a master? Who made this rule? Even more how, the eccentric girl didn’t say anything, what are you calling out there!”


Gu Qingfeng glanced at renunciation, and said: “Sister renunciation, do you think the Lord is humiliating you?”

Next to him.

Huo De is afraid that Gu Qingfeng will make another moth, he quickly got up and explained: “This…the centrifugal fairy, the ancient boy not at all humiliates you, this guy is such a virtue when he was a kid. I like to pretend to be a big Lord when I have nothing to do. In fact, he is not at all malicious, and you should not follow him lower oneself to somebody’s level.”

The beautiful and alluring face of the centrifugal beautiful and alluring is always on the face. A complicated smile, his eyes never left on Gu Qingfeng, said with a smile: “I know he has no malice, and I don’t mind these things, but…”

Talk to Fengyi Turning, the centrifugal fairy said with a smile again: “I don’t think he looks like a pretended Great Lord, but more like a real Great Lord.”


Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “The big girl really has good eyesight, I have hidden so deeply, and you can see it. I am worthy of the expert of the Changsheng Pavilion. I really admire and admire it!” /p>

“The Great Lord laughed.”

The centrifugal fairy continued to ask: “I just don’t know where and where is the Great Lord in what sector?”

“The big girl wants to ask the Lord where I used to fuck, right?”

“You can say so.”

“This…” Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin. He tilted his head and thought for a while, and said: “I used to be a Nine Nether.”

I heard the word Nine Nether.

Everyone in the venue was shocked, including Jin Grandmother of Flowers’s face changed again and again, and the smile on the face of the centrifugal fairy solidified immediately after hearing the words Nine Nether.

If we say that the nine days are sacred, light, and a symbol of purity.

The existence of Nine Nether is evil, darkness, and turbidity.

Nine days is the Holy Land of the immortal Buddha in mind.

Nine Nether is the Holy Land of demons and ghosts.

The spirit of the immortal Buddha is regarded as the supreme glory by being able to reach nine days.

And demons and ghosts regard being able to join the Nether as the supreme glory.

Nine days represent holy light, dominating the sun.

Nine Nether represents evil and darkness, dominating the lunar yin.

Within nine days, there will be leaders in the spirits of immortal Buddhas, such as Old Ancestor of various avenues, Three Purities, Four Royals, Five Kings, Eight Heavenly Kings, etc., Jade Emperor, Lord Buddha, Supreme Taoist , Bodhisattva Guanyin are all from nine days.

This Immortal King, that Immortal Emperor, this Bodhisattva, and that emperor have everything they need.

In Nine Nether, there are also leaders in demons and ghosts, such as Old Ancestor on various roads, like Chi You, Xing Tian, 鈥嬧€婮iang Chen, etc. are also from Nine Nether, Demon King, Monster King , Demon Emperor, Monster Sovereign, Ghost Sovereign also have everything.

In other words.

The existence that can last for nine days, without exception, is the holy light overlord of each Grand Era Megatron land.

And the existence of Nine Nether is also the evil dark overlord who swept Heaven and Earth by Grand Era.

Because of this, when everyone at the scene heard Gu Qingfeng said that he used to mix in Nether Nether, everyone was shocked and the complexion greatly changed, and even most people retreated involuntarily. .

After all, the two words Nine Nether represent evil and darkness. The in mind of demons and ghosts is Holy Land, and the in mind of these immortals is not Holy Land, but forbidden land!

If this guy is really mixed in Nine Nether, then his existence will be too terrifying too terrifying. Even if it is not the evil dark overlord who swept Heaven and Earth back then, it is definitely a bloodthirsty and brutal demon. Head demon master.

Under this situation, who is not afraid?

The answer is yes.

Everyone is afraid.

No matter what the immortal immortal dao, or the people in the Changsheng Pavilion, they are all scared.

And Huode next to him was also very scared.

It’s just that he was scared, not because he was afraid of the word Nine Nether, nor because of fear, but he never thought that Gu Qingfeng would say that he had been in Nine Nether abruptly.

What does this guy want to do?

His motherfucker is stumped, wondering what terrifying wave will be set off in the wilderness once his identity is exposed?

Huo De is very clear that in the modern and ancient times, on the surface of calm and tranquil, in fact, the depths of this calm and tranquil are already undercurrents, and he is sure that once Gu Qingfeng is still alive, the news is in the wild. If it spreads all over the world, it will immediately cause turmoil in the Great Wilderness. When the time comes since ancient times, the accumulated undercurrents will erupt completely, and it is not impossible to even cause catastrophes in the present and ancient times.

“Guy boy, what on earth do your motherfucker want to do? Do you know how terrifying the identity of you brat is once revealed!”

Huo De quickly sound transmission whispers, crazy Shouting.

Gu Qingfeng replied without saltiness: “What are you calling for, just have fun.”

“Happiness? That’s all? I said you brat really stood up and talked. Don鈥檛 hurt your back, what you鈥檙e looking for for fun can scare people to death. Do you know that, if someone knows that you brat is still alive, then fucking, you鈥檙e going for fun!”

“I Speaking of Huo De, the matter is not as serious as you think, and I told you Lord that Three Thousand Great Daos has long known that Lord is alive.”

“Even if Three Thousand Great Daos knows that you brat is still alive. , And only those avenues Old Ancestor know, they know you brat is still alive, why hasn鈥檛 to act blindly without thinking, not only did not to act blindly without thinking, even the news of your alive has not been made public, they all I’m afraid, I’m afraid that the appearance of you brat will cause the disaster of Heaven and Earth.”

“Because they are afraid, I plan to have fun.”

” Have fun? What does you brat mean?” Huo De suddenly thought, his heart swelled, and horrified: “You brat will…could it be preparation…preparing to make this great wilderness Heaven and Earth I know you brat… are you still alive?”

“Ten thousand years have passed since ancient times, and no one dared to stab this hornet’s nest, neither the sky nor the underground. Since no one dares, I had no choice but to go out in person, poke a bucket of this hornet’s nest, stir the muddy water, and let the divers come up to breathe fresh air by the way.”

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