Supreme Lord

Chapter 1729

The youngster present may feel that the so-called Master is nothing remarkable in the modern and ancient times.


Gold Grandmother of Flowers and Centrifugal Senior do not think so.

From their understanding of the Master, they clearly know that the existence of the Master is not only great, it may even be even greater than imagined.

Although the master, the gods and the demon are the same as the great edicts.

The difference is that the immortal is the immortal dao, the demon is the demon, and the demon is the humanity.

This is the crux of the problem.

Immortal dao has nine days to reward edicts, Buddhism has Western heavens to reward edicts, ghosts and spirits to reward edicts, demon roads have Weiyang Palace to reward edicts, demonic path has Nether to reward edicts.

Regardless of whether it is Jiutian or Xitian, Fengdu, or Nine Nether, these all are the symbol of the avenue, the central master of the avenue, and the center of the Grand Dao Source.

What about humanity?

Humanity does not have the symbol of the avenue, nor the central ruler of the avenue, nor the original center of the avenue.

Not only that, even the origin of humanity has never appeared since the disappearance of the Great Ancient Era.

No one knows where the humane dictates that the Master inherited from.

Because of not knowing, the existence of the Master is more terrifying.

If not.

Since ancient times, there are edicts in every avenue. There are also many immortals, demons, and Buddhas. Why is it that only the master has become a legend?

Because of the existence of the Master, it is indeed the same as the legendary, not only the Fleshy body is strong as an ox, but also the cultivation base is also profound mystery, and Magical Powers is also particularly vast.

The existence of the Master can be said to be imaginable by these people in the field.

At least.

Golden Grandmother of Flowers, the master contacted by Centrifugal Senior, and the master of Changsheng Pavilion are all like this.

As for Masters who have no cultivation base and no good fortune, not to mention that they have seen it, or even heard it.

Of course.

Both of them also know that Heaven and Earth is so big, there is no lack of strange things. If you haven’t seen it, haven’t heard it, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

Even more how, they all could see that Gu Qingfeng looked weak, even the only human breath on his body was like the flames of the twelfth lunar winter.

Maybe he had a cultivation base before, maybe for some reason, it is not impossible to lose the cultivation base.

Whether Gu Qingfeng is a real master or not, Golden Grandmother of Flowers and Centrifuge are not very sure.

Gold Grandmother of Flowers is not very interested in this, but he seems to be very interested in the existence of Gu Qingfeng, especially when I look at it here, lying on my back in a chair, with Erlang’s legs upright, and drinking a little leisurely Gu Qingfeng, who is drunk, is not only interested in ecstasy, but also a touch of brilliance in his eyes, as if he admires the natural freedom of Gu Qingfeng.

As a discipline of Changsheng Pavilion.

There are so many great characters I have seen in my life.

Up to the Old Ancestor, the Emperor of the Avenue, the Throne of the Avenue, the Star Monarch, etc., down to the ordinary demons and ghosts, etc., she has seen them all.

Too unforgiving, ruthless, and amorous.

arrogant and despotic, arrogant and arrogant, not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth.

Self-reliant, serene, supercilious.

Wait, everything.

Fearless and dauntless, she is not unrestrained and unrestrained.

But most of them are not truly fearless and dauntless, nor are they truly free and easy.

When they encounter terrifying existence, they will also be afraid. When encountering annoying things, they will also free and easy does not raise.

On the other hand, look at this white clothed man.

From the first glance, I feel that this person in the bones has a kind of indifferent free and easy energy. That kind of free and easy is not a disguise at all, but a natural expression, especially the white clothed man When the smiling gaze swept around her unscrupulously, she could see it and felt it. This person’s eyes were only two words, playful.


It’s fun, there is nothing more than fun.

There is neither aloof and remote disdain, nor humble admiration.

No fear, no fear.

There is no hostility and no respect.

There is no glaring, no hatred.

No caution, no shyness.

Only fun, pure fun.

It stands to reason that if someone looks so unscrupulously in his own body, and has a playful look, any woman will be angry and disgusted. After all, this is extremely offensive. Rude behavior.

But centrifugation is not at all disgusted and not angry.

Instead, I was full of curiosity.

Curious about what kind of existence Gu Qingfeng really is, dare to stare at him with a playful look like this recklessly.

Besides curiosity, there is appreciation in my heart, appreciation of Gu Qingfeng’s in the bones, and appreciation of Gu Qingfeng’s unscrupulous courage.

To be precise, it’s not just appreciating that simple, deep in one’s heart, there is even such a touch of heart.

Because she has waited for the person she loves all her life, what she is waiting for is this kind of unrestrained and unrestrained man.

It is difficult to say that the person I have waited for my life, is he finally going to appear today?

The centrifugal heart couldn’t help being a little bit happy.

As soon as she chuckled, Gu Qingfeng said abruptly: “I said the eldest girl, no matter how handsome the grandfather is, she can’t stand your opinion?”

Gu Qingfeng’s words went on, like a bolt from the blue, causing the court to explode.

Who is centrifugation?

It is not only the Martial Uncle of Qingqing Shangxian, but also not only the discipline of Changsheng Pavilion. As early as Ancient Era, it was beautiful and alluring, and it was said to be a famous centrifugal fairy in Dahuang. .

The fairies of the modern and ancient times may be plentiful and easily available, but in the ancient times, the resources were scarce and the Spiritual Qi was sparse. Even the Golden Immortal could be a mega-shock and could be named a fairy. It is definitely a great honor and affirmation of its cultivation base strength.

It’s the identity background of this Changsheng Pavilion, such as the prestige of Ancient Immortal. Who sees it respectfully and yells the fairy of centrifugation, the senior?

And this guy, when the centrifugal fairy appeared, he didn’t get up and left, that’s all. He still sits in a chair and drinks at ease, that’s all, and now it’s called the centrifugal fairy, what big sister The vulgar name was even more shocking to everyone, and it was also incredible to everyone that this guy was still pretending to be a master in front of the centrifugal fairy.

It’s no exaggeration to say that throughout the Great Wilderness, I’m afraid that few people dare to regard themselves as a master in front of Fairy Centrifugal.

It’s not because of the ancient prestige of the centrifugal fairy, but because she is the discipline of the Changsheng Pavilion.

Pretending to be a master in front of her not only means disrespect to the centrifugal fairy, but also disrespect to the Changsheng Pavilion.

Even more how, the centrifugal fairy is the Martial Uncle of Qingqing Shangxian, and the Junior Sister of the floating emperor.

Pretend to be a master before her, where do you put Qingqing Shangxian? Where is the floating emperor placed? Where is the Changsheng Pavilion, one of Seventy Two’s blessed land?

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