Supreme Lord

Chapter 1721

In this way, the Supreme Immortal Yuanwu and a Supreme Demon, one took out the bright day and the other, the other took out the dark moon and the good fortune, the two were competing with each other, and no one could do anything.

Beside Yuan Wu, Mo Baiyu, Yunzhou, Mu Feng and the others also stood quietly, without dissuasion or intervention.

On the opposite side, beside the demon, Fuying always smiled without saying a word, and the smile at the corner of his mouth became more and more wicked against that handsome face.

“I don’t know if the two can give Bai a certain face, so let’s stop here.”


A voice came, breaking the tense atmosphere here.

Everyone looked over.

I saw a group of four people coming from the sky on the ship that Qingqing went to immortal.

They are two men, and a beautiful and alluring woman. Next to the beautiful and alluring woman is an old woman and an unearthly little girl.

Seeing these four people appearing, whether it is Mo Baiyu, Yunzhou and other gods in the arena, or the gods on the opposite side, including Fuying with two edicts, the expressions have changed and changed. .

They all know these four people.

The two men headed by them are also immortal immortal dao immortals.

One is named Bai Ze and the other is Leng Jue.

If it were just an ordinary Shangxian, it would naturally not cause such a big reaction from people like Mo Baiyu, Yunzhou, or even Fuying.

The problem is that neither Bai Ze nor Lengjue are ordinary gods.

Bai Ze and Qing Qing Shang Immortal-like, both are the disciplines of Changsheng Pavilion.

With this identity alone, even if Bai Ze is not the immortal immortal dao, his identity as the Changsheng Pavilion discipline, anyone present can don鈥檛 dare provoke, no one can afford to offend, including Fuying, who has two edicts, is no exception.

Because the existence of the Changsheng Pavilion in the Great Wilderness can be said to be above any Great Immortal Realm Great Clans.

Although Lengjue is not the discipline of Changsheng Pavilion, it is the discipline of Dandinggu.

And Dandinggu, like the Changsheng Pavilion, is one of the seventy two blessed places that are famous in the great wilderness.

As for the beautiful and alluring woman, I am afraid that everyone present cannot afford to offend.

Because she is also the discipline of Changsheng Pavilion.

It is called centrifugation.

Moreover, it’s Martial Uncle who is immortal.

She is not the immortal immortal dao.

This is not important either.

The important thing is that centrifugation has been a well-known expert as early as Ancient Era.

An old woman and an unearthly little girl were followed by the centrifugal side.

These two are also members of the Changsheng Pavilion.

The old woman is the Senior of the Changsheng Pavilion, and the cultivation base is extremely profound mystery. Every time Qingqing Shangxian goes out, she will follow left and right to protect her safety. The same is true for the little girl, who often follows Qi. Qing Shangxian is out.

Mo Baiyu, Yun Zhou, etc. have all seen people who still admire Qingqing Shangxian, so it is not surprising to see old women and little girls on the ship of Qingqing Shangxian.

What makes Mo Baiyu feel strange is how Bai Ze is there?

Why are there even senior experts like centrifugation?


After all, they are all members of the Changsheng Pavilion. Perhaps it is not impossible to go out together with Qingqing Shangxian.


What’s the matter with that cold feeling?

He is a discipline of Dandinggu, why would he also be on the ship of Qingqing.

Stupefied is also because of the pursuit of sage?

If this is the case, it would not be a good thing for Mo Baiyu.

If only Yunzhou, Mufeng, Yuanwu and other immortals accompanied Qingqing鈥檚 immortal, Mo Baiyu still has some hope in his heart. At least, he is confident that he can be in front of Qingqing immortal. Make sure not to let these people steal the limelight, even if you add a Fuying with two edicts, he has nothing to worry about.

But when Mo Baiyu saw Bai Ze and Leng Jue, his inner confidence immediately wavered.

It was just a cold feeling, and he didn’t have the confidence to deal with it. Even more how, there is also a Baize who is also the Changshengge discipline with Qingqing Shangxian.

How does this make Mo Baiyu fight?

In terms of identity background, he can’t compete.

On the strength of the cultivation base, he does not have any confidence.

Originally, not far from ten thousand li chasing, Mo Baiyu also imagined that he could enjoy the beauty of this vast wilderness with Qingqing Shangxian, or talk about the sky in the night.

Now all of these fantasies have collapsed like a bubble with the appearance of Bai Ze and Leng Jue…

Mo Baiyu’s heart was a little lost.

When Bai Ze and Leng Jue appeared, Yuan Wu also took back his bright day.

Yuanwu is young and vigorous, proud and arrogant, and no one accepts it.

Neither did Mo Baiyu and Yunzhou look in his eyes, nor did he look at the three upper demons on the opposite side, or even the Fuying with two edicts. in.


No matter how young and vigorous he is, no matter how proud and arrogant, and no matter how arrogant and despotic he is, he dare not fail to take Bai Ze and Leng Jue, the two disciplines of the seventy two blessed land, into his eyes.

What is the gap.

This is the gap.

The identities and backgrounds of Yuan Wu, Mo Baiyu and the others are evenly matched, so he is not afraid.

Yuanwu鈥檚 identity background is unable to compare with Bai Ze and Leng Jue, the two seventy two Fudi鈥檚 discipline mention on equal terms. Therefore, he is afraid in his heart and knows that he cannot afford to offend. Dare to mess with.

“Junior Mo Baiyu has seen the golden flower Old Senior and the eccentric Senior.”

Mo Baiyu bears the brunt of the situation, and immediately salutes the golden flower old woman as well.

“youngster, meet again.”

The golden flower Old Senior stared at Mo Baiyu and said: “You are really persistent…”

oh?” Next to him, said with a smile: “Stupefied this youngster is the same as them. Every time Qingqing goes out, he will chase and accompany him?”

“It is true. “

Golden Flower Old Senior glanced at Yun Zhou, Mu Feng, Yuan Wu and the others, and then set his eyes on Mo Baiyu, saying: “And among these youngsters, he runs the most diligent. ……”

“Hehe, it’s really persistent…” The beautiful and alluring woman called centrifugal said with a smile jokingly: “I really don’t know what Qingqing this girl thinks. If there is such an infatuated man who is so obsessed with her, that girl will not be touched at all? If there is a man who is so infatuated with me, I would have been moved to death.”

“Centralized Senior was joking.”

Mo Baiyu knew that Centrifuge was joking, but didn’t think much about it.

“hehe, Martial Uncle, Qiao’er heard that when you were in Ancient Era, you also had many admirers… and Qiao’er also heard that some men wanted to see you, but in our longevity I have been waiting in front of the pavilion for many, many years.” The little girl who seemed unearthly said: “But Qiao’er didn’t see Martial Uncle and was moved…”

“little girl, what do you know.” Centrifugal said in a rather melancholy voice: “At that time, I was a little young in Martial Uncle, and I didn’t understand many things. I had to do things with my own temperament. Thinking about it now, I really missed a lot of good men back then, oh… Martial Uncle, I am still alone.”

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