Supreme Lord

Chapter 1715

Although Lei Lie didn’t want to, he had to admit that what Huode said was the truth.

He knew very well that the gap between himself and Qingqing Shangxian was too big, as big as a ground and one in the sky.

This is true regardless of identity background or cultivation base.

Although he was born in Great Clans, he has inherited the children of the Lei Family in the Great Wilderness since ancient times.

In the eyes of those mortals, such an identity may be the existence of aloof and remote, but compared with the longevity pavilion of seventy two blessed land, the so-called Hao Lei Family clan is not enough. The two are not at the same level at all, and it is also impossible to mention on equal terms.

Furthermore, Qing Qing Shangxian is still a well-known hero in modern and ancient times like Emperor Fusheng. Such an identity is beyond the reach.

This is the identity background.

As for the cultivation base, good luck.

Golden Immortal of the Great Perfection like Lei Lie, if it is placed in those remote small universes such as the bipolar universe, perhaps it can barely be regarded as an expert, if it is in Lingluo. Da Tianyu, his cultivation base is nothing at all. Looking at the All Heavens Myriad Realms, Lei Lie is nothing more than the kind that can’t be found in the Golden Immortal pile.

Among the many suitors of Qingqing Shangxian, it’s not like him the Great Perfection Golden Immortal. Even the Great Desolate Spirit Immortal is plentiful and easily available, like Shangguandong. Even the immortal immortal dao, like Mo Baiyu, could not be ranked.

And like Lei Lie, at best, it can only be regarded as a medium-level identity background, a medium-level cultivation base strength, if you want to get the heart of Qingqing, it is undoubtedly impossible, you can say even a little hope nothing.


I’m afraid it’s exactly what Huo De said, even if Qingqing Shangxian was injured and unconscious, those suitors would take turns, and I’m afraid that people like Lei Lie would not be able to take turns.

Dreams are beautiful, but reality is cruel.

Fortunately, Lei Lie has self-knowledge, but he can see it. The only thing that makes him uncomfortable is that these words were said by Huo De, how they sounded harsh.

Lei Lie really wants to get out of his stance and have a good fight with the old miscellaneous Huo De.

Afterwards, I thought about it, but let it go.

This old miscellaneous fur is deep and unmeasurable, I am afraid that he is not an opponent at all.

If you do it, not only won’t you take advantage of it, but you will be embarrassed in front of so many people.

No way.

Who told us to be inferior to humans?

I can only bear it.


Youdao is a fair lady, and a gentleman is so beautiful.

even more how The existence of Qingqing Shangxian is not only a fair lady, in the mind of many people, she is like Goddess, which is admiring and adoring.

It is no exaggeration to say.

Most of the men on this Xuantian ship dream of getting the heart of Qingqing Shangxian, even if they let them live half a lifetime less, they are willing.

If you can get the heart of Qingqing Shangxian, instead of forming the Dual Cultivation Dao Companion, it will be regarded as half of the discipline of the Changsheng Pavilion, and there is also such a relationship as the floating emperor. It’s all difficult. When the time comes, the value doubles, and the future is brighter.

Who doesn’t want to win the hearts of beauties and bring infinite benefits to themselves?

The answer is yes.

Everyone thinks.

No one wants to.

For most people, they can only think about that’s all.

Everyone knows that they are not worthy of Qingqing Shangxian, and it is even more impossible to win the heart of Qingqing Shangxian.

Most people are like Lei Lie, and they are self-aware.


There are also a few people who know it is impossible, but still not reconciled.

For example, Shangguandong, the immortal canonized in the nine days.

At this moment.

Shangguan Family entire group stood on the deck, gazing at the Daxing fleet, which was getting closer and closer, while Shangguandong stood at the forefront, his expressions could not hide his excitement, his eyes also filled with excitement.

Like most people, Shangguandong also dreamed of getting the heart of Qingqing Shangxian, so as to climb the dragon and attach the phoenix to make himself famous in the great wilderness.

But it is different from most people.

Most people are self-aware, knowing that they are not worthy of being an immortal, do not hold any hope, let alone dare to have such extravagant hopes.


Shangguandong is not the case.

He is not without self-knowledge.

It’s not that I don’t know that I am not worthy of Qingqing.

But he just wasn’t reconciled.

He doesn’t think he is worse than anyone else.

Although everyone knows, if anyone on this big ship can get the heart of Qingqing Shangxian, then this person must be Mo Baiyu.

But Shangguandong doesn’t think so.

In his thoughts, if he had the luck of Mo Baiyu and was able to accept the immortal dao fate, he would definitely not be worse than Mo Baiyu, and he was even more confident than Mo Baiyu.

It’s a pity.

There has never been a if between Heaven and Earth.

Because there is no if, Shangguandong can only blame the gods and accuse others here unwillingly.

On the deck.

A group of nine-day canonized immortals stand in the most conspicuous position.

Mo Baiyu dressed in white clothed, standing in front of the shoulder with his hand.

On a handsome face, there is a smile like a spring breeze, and there is also excitement and excitement that cannot be concealed in his eyes.


Excitement and excitement.

Although it is not the first time that Mo Baiyu has seen Qingqing go to immortal, he still couldn’t help being excited deep in one’s heart.

Because he really loves and misses Qingqing too much.

If it hadn’t been so, he wouldn’t have heard the news of Qingqing’s going to immortality every time in these years, no matter where he was or what he was doing, he would put aside everything in his hands and chase him from a thousand miles away. , Even if he only saw Shang Qingqing’s immortal side, even if he didn’t speak, he felt satisfied.

Of course.

This does not mean that his love for Qingqing Shangxian is so pure and simple.

It is false to say that he has no selfishness towards Qingqing Shangxian.

It is the identity and background that everyone wants to use Qingqing to go to immortal, so as to climb the dragon and attach the phoenix, soaring upward, and becoming famous.

Mo Baiyu is no exception.

He knows very well that in Dahuang, like himself, there are countless immortal immortal dao imperial edicts, and countless immortal immortal, and every immortal can be described as an unparalleled aptitude. Wizards, if you want to stand out among so many fairy arrogance and wizards, it would be too difficult and difficult to take it one step further.

Mo Baiyu is not without confidence in himself.

On the contrary.

He has always been very confident in himself, and he also firmly believes that one day he will be able to make it to the next level.

He just doesn’t have the patience to survive day by day. He desperately needs a shortcut to stand out among countless heavenly wizards.

For him, Qingqing Shangxian is the best, fastest and most ideal shortcut.

So, no matter what method is used, and no matter what price he pays, he wants to get the heart of Qingqing Shangxian.

Although he is very clear that there are many suitors of Qingqing Shangxian, and there are many immortal immortal dao edicts like him, and even Star Monarch, who has the fate of heaven. .

You can imagine.

How difficult it is to get the heart of Qingqing Shangxian, and it can even be said that there is little hope.


Mo Baiyu will not give up, even if there is only a glimmer of hope, he will not give up.

He will always pursue Qingqing Shangxian until he gets the heart of Qingqing Shangxian.

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