Supreme Lord

Chapter 1694

Even so.

The guy in the hands of Old Daoist Priest still doesn’t stop, it’s still all kinds of Magical Powers spells, all kinds of magic weapons smashed past continuously.

“bastard! Are you dead! Call me when you die, and if you are not dead, call me again. I still have a lot of trump card treasures that I haven’t taken out. Today, I’ll even smash it. I will kill you too!”

Old Daoist Priest did not dare to stop.

I am afraid that Gu Qingfeng inside is not completely dead.

While he smashed the magic weapon, he cautiously took out Divine Consciousness to probe.

To his surprise, after taking out Divine Consciousness, he not at all discovered the existence of Gu Qingfeng.

In other words.

That kid is dead?

scattered ashes and dispersed smoke?

Is this unlikely?

That kid obviously looks very powerful, how could he not help beating?

Where is this?

Why is it scattered ashes and dispersed smoke?


Is there any fraud?

Old Daoist Priest took out Divine Consciousness three times in a row, and I was very sure that it was not at all Gu Qingfeng.

So, that kid really scattered ashes and dispersed smoke?

Old Daoist Priest froze in the air, some not knowing what to do, and people were a little stupid.

Before he started, he felt that the kid was deep and unmeasurable, even if he worked hard, he was afraid that he would not be an opponent.

But now, after I smashed the boy to death, forcibly, Old Daoist Priest was a little bit unbelievable.

Can’t believe that the kid was beaten to death by himself.

Because he felt that with his own ability, he couldn’t beat it and it was unlikely to kill that kid.

How now…

In addition to not believing, Old Daoist Priest also has some self-blame and regret.

He felt that he couldn’t beat the opponent, so he tried desperately. If he knew that the opponent was so impossible to withstand a single blow, he would definitely not be so cruel to kill the opponent.

After all, Old Daoist Priest feels that he has no deep hatred with each other, although his eyes are very swollen, and his heart is very upset.

But it’s just unhappy.

Unhappy does not mean that you want to kill the other person.

Just when Old Daoist Priest fell into deep self-blame, the thunderbolt Five Thunder Execution he took out earlier also gradually dissipated, only some residual power fluctuations filled like smoke, but, What made Old Daoist Priest feel wrong, he seemed to see something in the Five Thunder Execution that was gradually dissipating.

Because of the chaos in the field, power fluctuations are everywhere, and the eyes of Old Daoist Priest are so swollen, the eyes are not very good, and I can’t see what it is.

He quickly took out Divine Consciousness to explore the past, strangely, when using Divine Consciousness to explore, there was nothing and it was empty.

It feels like seeing a ghost.

According to common sense, Divine Consciousness should be more precise than what the eyes see.

What the eyes see is the appearance of things, but Divine Consciousness probes the essence of things.

Why now I see something with my eyes, but Divine Consciousness can’t detect anything.

Old Daoist Priest took out Divine Consciousness again without believing in evil, but still couldn’t find out anything, but he clearly saw what was there, and as Five Thunder Execution disappeared, there was something left. The power fluctuations also disappeared, and he gradually saw that thing clearly.

To be precise.

That is not a thing at all.

But a person.

Is a man.

A man dressed in white clothed.

The man leaned forward and sat on the chair with Erlang’s legs upright, drinking a drink without a drink.


This… isn’t this motherfucker the kid just now?

This kid is not dead?

When I saw Gu Qingfeng, Old Daoist Priest was as if I saw Ghost God, and he slumped into the void in fright.

He knows that the existence of Gu Qingfeng is mysterious, strange, and unknown, and may even be beyond his imagination.


He knows.

He has known since he first saw Gu Qingfeng on the deck.

When he witnessed Gu Qingfeng’s use of evil means to make Fairy Yunyan such a devil lustful, his heart became more certain.

I was dragged to this terrifying place by Gu Qingfeng unfathomable mystery.

Old Daoist Priest’s heart is certain and cannot be certain.

Because knowing that Gu Qingfeng exists beyond imagination.


When I faced Gu Qingfeng just now, even though he was very upset because of the swelling of his eyes, he still chose to recognize counsel. Not only did he choose to recognize counsel, he also pretended to be a grandson fiercely.

Later, he couldn’t help but was forced to do nothing.

After doing it, I also showed all my life learning, and didn’t dare to stop, for fear of giving the other party a chance to breathe.

He thought that he had put all he had learned in his life to the fullest, and smashed all the magic weapons in one brain. Even if he couldn’t kill the opponent, he could at least let this kid drink a pot. No matter how bad he was, he would get hurt. , Bleed some blood, right?

But what made Old Daoist Priest never thought of was that he used all the energy of breastfeeding, and it can be said that he did his best, let alone kill the other party, and don’t talk about it. Hurt each other.

This kid motherfucker looks unscathed!

Even the clothes on Motherfucker’s body, even the hair is not broken.

Is this kid a human?

He is a god, right?

Otherwise, how could it be so powerful?


It is even more called Old Daoist Priest. He felt that he had one’s hair stand on end. He found that he could only see the presence of this guy with naked eye, but if he closed his eyes and probed with Divine Consciousness, it turned out to be ……Unexpectedly, the existence of this servant could not be detected at all.

Obviously, when I was in the big ship, I could detect it. Why can’t I detect it now?

What’s the situation?

I don’t know.

Old Daoist Priest does not have the mind to consider this issue now. At this moment, there is only a single thought in his mind.

That is to run.

The farther you run, the better.


Where should the motherfucker go!

I don’t know where the motherfucker is, but where can I escape?

What should I do?

Old Daoist Priest doesn’t know what to do.

If you didn’t do it, you might have passed by confessing and pretending to be a grandson, but if you greet this kid to death just now, you will admit it and pretend to be a grandson. I’m afraid it won’t work. ?

Especially when Gu Qingfeng’s deep eyes were staring straight at Old Daoist Priest, it was a kind of flustered feeling in his heart. He forcibly endured the fear in his heart, brace oneself, lifts the head, laughed with a grin.

“This…this…a bit embarrassing! If the trail was just…just a joke, I think Lord It shouldn’t be believe it? Think about it, don’t say Lord, it’s If it’s a trail, Xiaodao won’t believe this kind of nonsense. By the way…Lord, what did you want to ask just now? Would you like to ask if the trail was from the era of innocence, right?”

“Actually, the trail does not at all want to conceal the meaning of the Great Lord, but the trail itself has its own difficulties. After all, the trail and the Great Lord are the first to meet, and they are not very familiar. The trail does not know whether the Great Lord is who, nor Dare to say more to you, Lord, let’s touch your conscience and say, if you were to become a Lord, would you tell a stranger you met for the first time about your privacy? It shouldn’t be.”

“So, I hope that the big Lord understands the difficulty of the trail…Of course, if the big Lord thinks the trail offends you Senior, the trail does not say anything. After all, the trail really offends the big Lord, and the trail is willing Obey the big Lord’s sentiments. If the big Lord is kind, let the trail go, after the trail, the fate will be yours. If the big Lord wants the fate of the trail now, the trail will have no regrets.”

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