Supreme Lord

Chapter 1691

Perhaps I didn’t expect to be rejected by Gu Qingfeng. Fairy Yunyan looked startled, and was embarrassed, angry and embarrassed inside.

The reason for shame is simple.

Gu Qingfeng used to seduce her and seduce her, making her invade and unable to extricate herself, but when she was obsessed with this feeling, she became crazy about it, even disregarding her pride and face, when she took the initiative to ask for it, this guy It turned down.

What is this?

Do you care about killing and burying?

Or just ignite the fire, regardless of the fire?

How can there be such shameless people in the world?

Although Yunyan Fairy fly into a rage out of humiliation, deep in one’s heart is more embarrassing.

Because she is leaning on Gu Qingfeng at this moment, after being rejected, she can’t wait to find a place to sew in. She wanted to take this opportunity to leave, at least, leave this guy first .


When she got up and left, Gu Qingfeng clasped her small waist tightly, making her unmovable.

“You let me go!”

Perhaps because it was too embarrassing, Fairy Yunyan didn’t even dare to look directly into Gu Qingfeng’s eyes, but turned his head and said, “I’m leaving .”

“What are you going to do? Don’t you still think about it?”

When I heard this, Fairy Yunyan suddenly lost his breath, regardless of embarrassment or embarrassment. Over his head, a pair of beautiful eyes stared at Gu Qingfeng angrily and said: “It’s late! At the moment you rejected me, I have changed my attention!”


Fairy Yunyan tried to stand up again, but it was useless at all. Gu Qingfeng hugged Xiaoman’s waist, she was unable to move even a little bit.

At the moment of rushing, Fairy Yunyan’s black brilliance flickered around her body, as if she was about to use her strength to break free.

It’s just that the strength of her within the body just burst out. Gu Qingfeng turned over and pressed her under her body. This pressure also suppressed the brilliance of Fairy Yunyan’s body.

“You can drive me!”

This time Fairy Yunyan made up his mind to leave from here, thoughts move, within the body, and the violent demonic path power runs again, just As soon as it turned, she immediately felt something wrong, and her body instantly became hot again. She fixed her eyes, and as expected, she found that Gu Qingfeng’s evil magic hands began to be dishonest again.

Fairy Yunyan is scared.

I’m completely scared.

Don’t dare to struggle anymore.

Gu Qingfeng asked: “Will you go?”


Looking at Gu Qingfeng here, Fairy Yunyan has a desire The feeling of crying without tears.

He felt like he was going crazy.

The heart has also become extremely complicated.

Want to leave.

Don’t dare to leave.

To be precise, she didn’t know if she dared or didn’t want to leave.

“Okay, sister, I won’t tease you anymore. I will wait here for a while, and wait for the Lord to come back and have two drinks together.”

Gu Qingfeng not at all continue to tease , When he raised his hand, the clothes still by the bed flew over.

“Where are you going?”

Although Gu Qingfeng’s evil magic hands didn’t tease her anymore, Yunyan Fairy, who was only ignited by the flame of desire, was very uncomfortable, looking at Gu Qingfeng wants to leave, how can she give up?

“Master now has to do something.”

After Gu Qingfeng put on his robe, he stretched fiercely on the bed.

“Then when are you coming back?”

Fairy Yunyan was lying on the bed, covering her naked body with a blanket, her cheeks flushed, looking at Gu Qingfeng idiotically, The look in the blurred eyes is quite complicated.

“Soon, wait for the Lord.”

“What are you going to do? Can’t you do it later?”

The tone barely of Fairy Yunyan With a bang, the door of the inner dock seemed to have been shaken and disappeared for an instant by a powerful force.

“bastard! Get out of me!”

A person appeared at the response.

Perhaps it should be a person.

Because this person looks like a person only under the shoulders, above the shoulders, the part of the head…especially a pair of eyes, swollen like toads, and the entire face is deformed.

“Nuo, this is what the Lord wants to do.”

Gu Qingfeng calmly fastened the buttons on his collar, looking at the look of Old Daoist Priest, he Can’t help but want to laugh.

“Are you going to kill him?”

When Fairy Yunyan got up, the blanket wrapped around her spun around her, and she saw her body turn and the light flashed. The robe was already put on, and he said: “I’ll help you kill him, you are here waiting for me!”


Fairy Yunyan has been completely fascinated by Dual Cultivation, and is deeply stuck in it, unable to extricate herself.

She only wants to have a happy relationship with Gu Qingfeng, not wanting to be disturbed by anything. Now suddenly an Old Daoist Priest pops up. In order to have a happy relationship with Gu Qingfeng as soon as possible, Fairy Yunyan is going to kill Old Daoist Priest herself. .

To say that this fairy Yunyan is really worthy of the devil, he said that he must do it without hesitation.


She just wanted to rush over, Gu Qingfeng raised his hand across her chest and said: “Big girl, don’t get me wrong, I didn’t say that I would kill this Old Daoist Priest.”

To be honest.

Although Fairy Yunyan is a demonic path Star Monarch with destiny, his cultivation base strength is impressive.


Gu Qingfeng believes that she may not be the opponent of Old Daoist Priest.

even more how.

If he wants to kill Old Daoist Priest, one thought is enough, he doesn’t need to do it at all, let alone wait until now.

“You cheating couple, motherfucker is not a good bird!” Old Daoist Priest’s swollen goose-egg-like eyes only left a slit, even so, the tears could not stop Flowing out of this eye, he pointed at Gu Qingfeng with Peach Wood Sword and shouted: “Especially you bastard! What did your motherfucker do to Lao Tzu’s eyes!”

“Old Tao “

Gu Qingfeng looked at Old Daoist Priest with a smile, and took a few sips of wine into his mouth, said with a smile: “Lord, I warned you, peeked at the family club, It’s going to be a needle eye, okay? It’s really a needle eye, right? It looks serious? I heard that the needle eye is so painful that it hurts my heart and it is very itchy. Is there such a thing? “

“bastard! What the hell did you do to Lao Tzu’s eyes! Say it quickly, or even if Lao Tzu saves his life today, you will not die!”

“The old way, it’s not that you look down on the Lord, even if you lose your life, you may not be able to do anything to the Lord.”

“You bastard! I think you are determined to court death!”

Old Daoist Priest puts cruel words in his mouth, and he holds Peach Wood Sword in his hands. Although he is very angry and unhappy inside, he really has no confidence in his heart if he wants to start with Gu Qingfeng.

“This is their Xuantian ship. Let’s start here and break their ship. What should we do? Let’s go, let’s find a quiet place, let go of our hands and feet, and practice.”

Gu Qingfeng took a few sips of wine and said with a smile to Fairy Yunyan: “Sister, wait here for a while. When the Lord comes back, we will fight another 300 rounds.”

When the voice fell, he waved his hand, the space was suddenly distorted, and people disappeared in an instant. Old Daoist Priest still somehow felt like he was suddenly sucked in by something. At the same time that Gu Qingfeng disappeared, he also disappeared. .

(The last chapter seems to be blocked because of the cyan description. I am editing it. Readers who have not read it should not worry!!!)

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