Supreme Lord

Chapter 1687

Mo Baiyu is not very concerned about face loss.

He cares about self-esteem.

His self-esteem has always been strong, too strong to tolerate anyone who is more noble than him, more profound than his cultivation base, and better than him,

until now is him Others can never expect to get things that are not available.

Fairy Yunyan ignored his existence and instead accepted Gu Qingfeng’s invitation.

This made Mo Baiyu’s self-esteem a blow.


He is very upset.

Very unhappy.

Neither Gu Qingfeng nor Yunyan Fairy.

After a while.

Mo Baiyu took a deep breath, as if calming down his inner anger, said solemnly: “And the fairy Yunyan, hehe, dare to ignore my existence and look down on me Mo Baiyu, when the time comes I will definitely make her pay a heavy price.”


Lao Jin wanted to persuade him, but after thinking about it, he gave it up.

He knows Mo Baiyu too well. He clearly knows that although Mo Baiyu has good aptitude, good fortune, and Good Fortune is deep enough, the only drawback is that the measurement is too small, so small that it can’t hold anything stronger than him. People.

At the same time.

In the other inner dock, there are also one old and one young.

The boy looked very handsome. Even if he was dressed in women’s clothing and claimed to be a girl, no one would doubt it.

The beautiful boy is not someone else, it is easy to move.

At this moment, he was sitting cross-legged on the bed, and he lowered his head to play with a little black snake. The little black snake was petite and exquisite, crawling around on his fingers and playing with it.

“Old Fox, do you say that Big Lord is Who?”

Next to it.

The old monster who seems to be profound mystery thought for a while, shook his head, and said: “The old slave can’t see through, can’t understand, and can’t understand, let alone who he is.”


“Then is he a master?”

“Not good said, it’s not good.” Laohu said: “Since ancient times, the so-called master, although each Both are strong as an ox, but it does not mean that there is no cultivation base, nor does it mean that there is no good fortune. At least, the masters that the old slave has met have a high cultivation base, and they are all good fortune. To say the master… …”

The old fox pondered for a moment, and then said: “The old slave thinks that the Taoist priest is more like a master. As for the great Lord, the old slave really can’t see through and can’t imagine that he is Who, and…”

When he said this, the old fox frowned slightly, and said, “I don’t know why, the Lord has a feeling that scares the old slave. What is it? I can’t tell the old slave. In short, this feeling makes the old slave very scared.”


hearing this, lifts the head easily, blinks and asks Said: “Do you feel this way too?”

“Stupefied…Young Master also has it?”


Easy to go nodded, Said: “From the first sight of that great Lord, I have this feeling. If there is something on that great Lord that makes me scared, I can’t tell the details. Anyway, that great Lord makes me feel very scared.”

Yi Xingxing asked curiously: “Why is this? What is the existence of the great Lord, why do I feel scared when I see him? It feels like seeing my father, as if he was born with him. There is a sense of fear, but it seems to be different. Is there anything about him that makes us feel scared? Isn’t it? This great Lord has neither cultivation base nor good fortune, and only the most basic human breath. , There is nothing in him to make me afraid, what am I afraid of?”

Old Fox shook his head, he didn’t know.

“Will he be a demon before? I mean he was a demon before samsara reincarnation, and it is also the Old Ancestor of our Monster Race? Although samsara reincarnation is an adult, the soul is still the previous life Monster Race Old The soul of Ancestor, therefore, makes us feel scared?”

“In the face of some powerful Monster Race Old Ancestor, old slaves do have a sense of fear, which is a kind of fear on the bloodline. Just as cats and mice are born with a sense of fear of ligers, but… Young Master’s bloodline is quite special. Throughout all Monster Races, there are few monsters that can make Young Master fear on the bloodline, even more how Young Master is still the son of Demon, a demon or a demon. Even in the face of the powerful bloodline Monster Race Old Ancestor, Young Master shouldn’t be afraid.”

The old fox frowned, a pair The cloudy eyes were filled with strong doubts, and said: “The most important thing is that where samsara reincarnation is bound to have muddy breath, but the big Lord is not at all samsara reincarnation should have muddy breath.”

“That’s true.”

“And…” The old fox said again: “If the old slave’s guess is good, Fairy Yunyan may have this sense of fear for him.”

“Really? Fairy Yunyan is a demon.”

“Young Master, you might as well think about it. Fairy Yunyan does not know or are familiar with the Great Lord, even the powerful Old Daoist Priest, Fairy Yunyan didn’t pay attention to it, but he obeyed the Lord’s words, and the old slave could also see from Fairy Yunyan that she should be very afraid of the Lord. If not, the Lord would move her hands and feet with Yunyan. Fairy’s cold temperament is impossible and indifferent.”

“Yes.” Yi Xingxing said: “I have known Fairy Yunyan for so long, and she rarely pays attention to others, no matter what kind of existence or identity they are. She ignores her background and cultivation base strength, including even my parents. She doesn’t care about it. I’m really curious about the existence of that great Lord, even Fairy Yunyan dare not. No.”

Old Fox nodded said: “What’s even more strange is that although other people are quite jealous of the existence of the Great Lord, they are only jealous. They are afraid because the existence of the Great Lord is mysteriously unknown. They seem to be not at all at all with us. The same sense of fear. “

“In other words, on this Xuantian ship, there are only you and me, and Fairy Yunyan has a sense of fear for the Lord. The other immortals are not at all, you demon, and Fairy Yunyan is a demon. I am both a demon and a demon. It is difficult to say that only Demon can fear him? What kind of existence would make Demon fear at the same time? “

“This…the old slave doesn’t even know it. “

The old fox is an old monster who has been cultivating for a long time. He thinks about it, but he can’t think of what kind of existence he has. There is neither a cultivation base nor good fortune, nor does he have any power or power. The shot made Demon fearful, and one of them was the son of the distinguished Demon, and the other was the demon king who had passed the fate.

“Aiya, I’m so sad, that big Who is Lord? “

The curiosity of Yixing is very strong. If he can’t figure out the answer to this question, his heart is just like a cat’s claw and can’t sleep, which is extremely uncomfortable.

“Young Master, don’t think anything wrong. For that great Lord, we’d better stay away and don’t provoke him. “

“Don’t worry, old fox, I’m not a little child, why should I provoke him so good?” “

Yi Shang said with a bitter smile: “And, even if you let me provoke him, I dare not. “

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