Supreme Lord

Chapter 1667

Gu Qingfeng slept for 10-15 days in this sleep. When he woke up, the Xuantian ship had already left the golden sun heaven and entered another heaven, and the next heaven was Aya. Luo Tianyu, this speed is much faster than expected.

After Gu Qingfeng woke up, he went to a hot spring and took a bath. After free time, he wandered on the Xuantian ship.

There are many maids and handyman on the big ship.

They belong to the worldly mortals like Gu Qingfeng.

The difference is that Gu Qingfeng does not have a cultivation base, and they have some cultivation bases on them more or less, and some of them seem to have good cultivation bases.

In modern and ancient times, everything is revived, Spiritual Qi is full of richness and purity, plus All Heavens Myriad Realms has a fairy dynasty established in nine days, and there are countless cultivation sects in the secular world.

It can be said that it is not difficult for mortals in the secular world to cultivation at all. Not only is it not difficult, but it is also very easy. Just add a cultivation sect to the secular world.


There are also many youngsters with dreams who want to come to Dahuang to try one’s luck. After all, Dahuang is full of cultivation base profound immortals. If it is good luck and is favored by immortals, enter Immortal Realm cultivation. , Is much higher than the cultivation sect in the secular world, even if you get the guidance of immortals, it will be infinitely beneficial.

There are countless secular mortals in the Great Wilderness in the modern and ancient times. Among them, there are also experts who are outstanding in humanity, such as the famous Shifang King, Qianni Star Monarch, and Ryukyu Flame Immortal King and so on.

Like many mundane mortals, they all came to the Great Wilderness with dreams. They started from the handyman maid at the bottom, and went all the way through suffering untold hardships to the throne of Star Monarch. Datianyu.

Of course.

After all, there are only a few people who can get ahead. Most youngsters with dreams have been in the Great Wilderness for a long time. Don’t say that they have not gotten a foothold, and some even paid for it. life.

Gu Qingfeng strolled on the Xuantian ship for a while, feeling a little bored, and came to the deck of the Xuantian ship.

To say that the deck of this Xuantian ship is really big enough, looking at it at a glance, it looks like a wide square.

There are also many exquisite tables and chairs on the deck. In small groups, a few people gather together, while enjoying the vast and boundless wilderness, drinking and chatting, it is really happy and comfortable.

Gu Qingfeng casually found a seat and sat down, took out a good wine, and drank a drink, involuntarily thinking of the original sin nightmare in his mind.

Previously found in the Dadao Cemetery that the graves of all the avenues are there, except that there is no humanity. Gu Qingfeng has realized that the era of innocence may be related to humanity, and then remembered the person who Master Zhenjue taught himself With this instinct, coupled with the pilgrimage of the various beings born by itself, Gu Qingfeng has basically been able to affirm that the so-called era of innocence is not truly innocent, but an era with only humanity.

When he conceived all the living things to worship in the Buddha, he wondered why all living things, such as the Buddha, the devil, the monsters and the ghosts, would worship like themselves.

Now Gu Qingfeng understands that what they worship is not themselves, but humanity. To be precise, they may be worshipped by Innocent Supreme.

In other words, in the so-called era of innocence, humanity is the absolute ruler, just like the overlord of Heavenly Dao, the fairy Buddha, demons and ghosts worship Heavenly Dao in the ancient times.

And the Wudaozun in the Wudao era is like the God of today, dominating Heaven and Earth.

If so.

Then the Supreme Being Wudao is not the Supreme Being Wudao, but the Supreme Being of Humanity, perhaps it should be the overlord who dominates the origin of Humanity!


Gu Qingfeng also remembered that when he was in the secular world, he also conceived a taboo incarnation of Shangqiongbi and Yellow Springs and the others.

If the era of innocence is really the era of humanity.

Then the destiny of the poor blue and yellow springs is not only the incarnation of the humanity taboo, it may be the original sin incarnation.

Think of this.

Gu Qingfeng can’t help but feel terrified.

When he thinks about it, if all this is as he guessed, innocence is humane, then in other words, he has already become the original sin incarnation, but he did not realize it at all. .

He didn’t understand before.

I don’t understand how a drop of original sin conceives a person.

For a while, I wondered if I was a human being, and did I have a parent?

Now it seems.

There is nothing tangled about this.

Wu Dao is humanity, and Wu Dao Zun is the Human Dao Zun, a drop of blood on the Human Dao Zun can of course conceive people.

There’s just one thing he didn’t understand. What happened in the Innocent Era, what did the Innocent Master do, and why good humanity is related to original sin, Heaven. And Earth and fate have taken away the three human souls. Is it also related to original sin?

Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know and can’t imagine.

He wondered if he wanted to figure this out, he had to find the origin of humanity first.

As long as the origin of humanity is found, then all the secrets of the era of innocence will be revealed to the world.

Just where should we find this source of humanity?

Since the Great Ancient Era, the origin of humanity has disappeared without a trace. It has never appeared in ancient times, even in ancient times, even if it hasn’t been, where can I find it?

The only certainty is that the origin of humanity still exists today. If the origin of humanity had been scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, there would not be so many people in All Heavens Myriad Realms.

The origin of humanity should be hidden somewhere.


Gu Qingfeng thought of Wudaozun again.

If this master is really the hegemon of humanity in the era of no morality, then he must know the whereabouts of the origin of humanity, and there is even a possibility that the origin of humanity was hidden before the master disappeared.

Before he disappeared, he turned into three thousand false me.

I am one of them.

Gu Qingfeng wonders if he finds the illusory self, even if he can’t become the Supreme Master of Wudao, he will become the Supreme Master of Wudao, I’m afraid he can only become the Supreme Master of Wudao Only then can we find the whereabouts of the origin of humanity.

The problem is that once the false self is found, the true body of original sin is also achieved.

The two are mutually exclusive.

Although the old monk said that falsehood is original sin, and original sin is not falsehood.

But Gu Qingfeng feels that the so-called illusion is original sin, and original sin is illusion, and the two are not separated from each other.

Regardless of takes part or not.

Turning around and going around a big circle, in the end I still can’t get around the four words of falsehood and original sin.

Since being confused and enlightened in self, Gu Qingfeng has taken a lot of light on the four words of vain original sin. It doesn’t matter whether he resists or accepts it. He neither resists nor accepts. Let everything go, everything goes with the flow.

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