Supreme Lord

Chapter 1660

Gu Qingfeng always depends on mood when drinking.

If you are drinking alone, you usually drink slowly in small glasses.

If you are in a good mood, it is basically a big drink.

If the feeling comes, it means drinking heavily at the wine jar.

Of course.

If Alone is drinking heavily at the wine jar, it is not a feeling, but an alcohol addict.

If someone makes a toast or a toast, Gu Qingfeng usually does not refuse anyone who comes. Like this time, Lei Lie made a toast and a toast again. Gu Qingfeng also did it. It is accepted as all.

The two are here one after another, and Lei Lie鈥檚 group of Little Brothers knows that they can鈥檛 drink enough, so naturally they dare not drink with them.

Be aware that these fine wines are not fine wines of the secular world.

The fine wine of the secular world, being drunk is nothing more than being drowsy and drunk.

And Dahuang’s fine wine, after being drunk, will not only be dizzy, but will also cause death.

Because these fine wines are brewed from special resources, they also contain special Spiritual Qi. This special Spiritual Qi does no harm to the fleshy body not at all. Not only is there no harm, but after refining, It’s still a big supplement.


Because it is a big tonic, therefore, you can鈥檛 drink too much of this thing.

Drink too much, if you can鈥檛 refining and stay within the body for a long time, it will harm the immortal spirit and the fleshy body. In the slightest, all the internal organs will be damaged, and the immortal spirit will be unable to withstand those Special and bursting.

When the drink started, Lei Lie watched Mr. Huang drink slowly with a small cup, and couldn鈥檛 help saying: 鈥淚 said Mr. Huang, I told you to be with me, but I didn鈥檛 tell you to use a small cup. Drink it from a cup!”

“Hey, old man, this old bones can’t drink like you.”

“Old Huang, I鈥檓 just the Great Principle Golden Immortal, Even the Great Principle Golden Immortal of Jiuyao Perfection is still a Great Principle Golden Immortal. You are always a great desolate spirit, I am not afraid. What are you afraid of? Is this wine a trivial to you?”

Old Huang shook his head and smiled helplessly.

He is indeed a great desolate spirit fairy, and he is also a great desolate spirit fairy who has been cultivated in Ancient Era.

It is precisely because he is the great desolate spirit fairy of Ancient Era. He has experienced the era of scarce resources. He knows that the cultivation base is hard to come by. Therefore, he cherishes his cultivation base more than anyone. Although he also likes to drink, he usually drinks slowly in small cups. He has never drank more than 20 altars like Lei Lie, and he did not dare to drink so much. After all, alcohol, which is clearly understood, is a little bit more beneficial. No.

As for Lei Lie, who is not the cultivation base of Great Principle Golden Immortal, he dares to drink so much. That鈥檚 because Mr. Huang knows that this guy is not just the Great Principle Golden Immortal of Jiuyao Perfection, apart from this. There are three great good fortunes, and one of them is the body of good fortune that anyone can admire. It is the’rock-solid Vajra body’.

Lao Huang once discussed with Lei Lie, and also saw Lei Lie鈥檚 Vajra body. It is really as solid as a legendary rock, hard to shake. At least, with Huang Lao鈥檚 cultivation for nearly 100,000 years The Great Wilderness Lingxian, even if he tried his best, he didn’t dare to say that he would definitely be able to wound Lei Lie, not to mention the injury, he didn’t even know whether he could shake it.

even more how Lei Lie apart from this rock-solid Vajra body, there are two other good things.

Lao Huang doesn鈥檛 know exactly what these two things are. Since it involves other people鈥檚 privacy, he never asked about it. After all, the two also met on this Xuantian ship, and their friendship was not that great. deep.

“Come on! Huang Lao! Don’t be humble, change the jar, let’s drink a few jars together.”

Lei Lie directly mentioned a jar of wine in Huang Lao’s before.

“Well, the old man is also going out today, and have a good time with the two.”

Old Huang stood up and opened a jar of wine, looking towards Gu Qingfeng, Said: “It is the honor of the old man to meet such strange people as Fellow Daoist today, introduce myself, old man surnamed Huang, and the name of the road named Canghe. I have not yet consulted Fellow Daoist.”

” ! By the way! I said why I always feel that something is wrong. I dare to have such a drink. I don鈥檛 know what Fellow Daoist is your name.”

When I heard Huang Lao asked Gu Qingfeng鈥檚 name, Lei Lie Only then did he react, and just patronized drinking, but forgot about it.

“My surname is Gu, and the Dao is called Chixiao.”

When Gu Qingfeng鈥檚 Dao name is Nai Chixiao, Mr. Huang was stunned. Not only He was stunned, and Lei Lie was stunned, but neither of them said anything, Huang said with a smile: “It turned out to be Fellow Daoist in Chixiao. When we first met, the old man will do it first.”

After that, Huang Lao drank a jar of fine wine.

The three of them drank several bottles in a row. Lei Lie poked his head and choked his throat and asked: “This…Fellow Daoist, there is something wrong to ask?”

“What’s the matter?”

“Why did you call Chixiao such a Taoist name?”

“What’s the matter?” Gu Qingfeng asked suspiciously:” Is there any problem?”

“Do you know that Emperor You? It is the Great Emperor Nether, who is rampaging Heaven and Earth in Ancient Era.”

“Have you heard, how Now?”

“Since you have heard of it, you should also know that Youdi鈥檚 Senior鈥檚 name is Chixiao, right?”

“What鈥檚 the matter? Between Heaven and Earth can only be called Chi Xiao by his dao name, others can鈥檛?”

“This…it鈥檚 not that others can鈥檛 use a dao name like Chi Xiao, it’s just… just… after all It鈥檚 the name of the Senior Emperor, and most people will avoid it.”

The fact is as Lei Lie said, in this great wilderness of All Heavens Myriad Realms, most people don鈥檛 matter whether they name it or say it. Will avoid overlapping with those powerful names.

The reason is simple.

Those who are powerful, without exception, are almost all the overlords of the most powerful generation of the year. The name of the road is like thunder piercing the ear, All Heavens Myriad Realms, no one knows known to everyone.

If you have the same name as Da Neng, you will be ridiculed and despised. At the same time, this is also a kind of disrespect and offense to these overlords.

We must know that those overlords who dominate the Great Wilderness are not on this Dao King, or the Dao Emperor, or the Dao Emperor. They are disrespectful to these existences, just like they are disrespectful to the Dao. This is no different from courting death.

Especially the dao name of Emperor Nether, it is even more taboo.

Because it is almost a taboo to use the name of Youdi in the modern and ancient times.

It鈥檚 not because You Di鈥檚 existence is both the Demonic Path King and the Nine Nether Great, but because You Di openly opposed the Three Thousand Great Daos. Not only that, but also challenging the hegemony of the Three Thousand Great Daos. Both the demonic path and the demonic path have acknowledged allegiance to the emperor. The West Heavenly Buddha Dao has also been stepped on by the emperor, and Heavenly Dao has been rebelled by the emperor again and again.

The most important thing is that in the modern and ancient times, immortal dao is known as the leader of the avenue and dominates Heaven and Earth.

And everyone knows that the Emperor You had a deep grievance with immortal dao when he was still young. Not to mention destroying the immortal dynasty in the secular world, it was almost a fire in the Great Wilderness. Burned in nine days.

Under this situation, in the age of immortal dao dominance, the name of Emperor You has naturally become a taboo.

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