Supreme Lord

Chapter 1657

“What about people! What about people? He was walking just now, why suddenly disappeared?”

After Lei Lie found that Gu Qingfeng had disappeared, he looked around with wide-eyed eyes, unable to see again. Immediately took out Divine Consciousness to probe, but when he looked around, neither could the eyes see nor the Divine Consciousness, as if it had disappeared out of thin air.

“How could this happen?”

Lei Lie was dumbfounded, he was there, not knowing what to do.

It’s not just him.

The white haired old man who just appeared with him, the handsome man, and the simple and elegant woman, and the majestic man who disappeared like Lei Lie when Gu Qingfeng disappeared, took out Divine Consciousness probe, but no matter how they probe, they can’t detect Gu Qingfeng’s trace.

This makes them unable to understand or understand. If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, they couldn’t even believe it was the truth.

Especially Lei Lie.

Originally, he took a group of brothers on the Xuantian big ship to go to Lingluo Tianyu. When passing by the golden sun Tianyu, he was ready to come out to breathe. By the way, he went to trade the world to buy some resources or something, and went to the trade world. In seven or eight days, while preparing to return to the Xuantian ship, didn’t expect was attacked by the Demonic beast.

Although there are a lot of Demonic beasts, fortunately there are many passengers on the Xuantian Ship, and many of them are experts, and none of them are injured. After returning to the ship, I found myself A Little Brother didn’t come back, so he took someone out to find it.

When he found Little Brother, Little Brother was exhausted from immortal spirit and collapsed, and he was being chased by Demonic beast.

Lei Lie hurriedly hurryed, but he was still a step late.

What he did not expect absolutely was that just when he thought his Little Brother would die in Yellow Springs, a mysterious man suddenly appeared out of thin air, not only saved his own It was Little Brother, and with a light wave, the Demonic beast was so scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

You need to know that Demonic beast is a ring-patterned blue-horned beast. It is so powerful that it is not even the Great Principle Golden Immortal, which is united by five Yaos. It is even a Golden Immortal of Great Perfection. , Didn’t dare to say that he could deal with a ringed blue horned beast.

The mysterious man just waved his hand, and the ringed blue horned beast was so scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

Lei Lie originally thought that this mysterious man was an expert, at least it had to be a great desolate spirit fairy or something, but what he didn’t expect in any way was that the mysterious man was not only a great desolate spirit fairy, but even No fairy, just a mortal without any cultivation base and no good fortune.

Really just a mortal.

Lei Lie couldn’t believe it at first. For this reason, he also deliberately probed it several times. He was very sure that the mysterious man was just a mortal without a cultivation base or good fortune.

Not only he can be sure, but also white haired old man, handsome man, and simple and elegant woman.

But it’s just affirmation.

None of them can’t figure out how an ordinary mortal can wipe out a ringed blue horned beast with a light wave?

What makes them even more unbelievable is that all of them just saw clearly that the mysterious man just lifted his foot, and before his foot hits the ground, people disappear without a trace, regardless of them. How to find and how to probe were not found.

What is this?

Is it difficult to space teleportation?

Speaking of which space teleportation Although it’s not a great Great Divine Ability, they are all too.

The problem is that this is a great famine of vast and boundless.

Anyone with a bit of common sense knows that using space teleportation in Dahuang is a taboo. Once it causes a space change and is involved in space turbulence, it will be completely over.

A mortal not only knows space teleportation Divine Ability, but also unscrupulously displays it in the wilderness?


“It’s me, this Lei, who misunderstood? He is not a mortal?”

Lei Lie scratched his head and thought. Nowhere, he turned around and looked towards white haired old man and the others.

“He has neither any cultivation base nor any destiny on him. He is neither immortal nor Buddha, let alone demons and ghosts.” The majestic middle-aged man also has a sad look on his face. , Said: “As for whether he is a mortal… this is not known.”

“There is no cultivation base, no good fortune, not fairy demon, nor demons and ghosts, what is that not a mortal? “

“If he was just a mortal, without any cultivation base, without any good fortune, how did he obliterate a ringed blue horn beast?”

” Yeah! Why?”

Lei Lie looked towards the white haired old man and asked, “Old Huang, you are a senior expert, and also experienced and knowledgeable. Can you give me some pointers, the one just now? What kind of existence is the mysterious person who saved my Little Brother?”

The white haired old man called Huang Lao looked at the direction of Gu Qingfeng’s disappearance, frowning deeply, as if After thinking about something, after a long time, he said: “In this and ancient era, everything is revived, and many ancient powers have also cut open and sealed and returned. Perhaps… the man just now is the legendary cut open seal. Ancient Supreme Expert.”

“Ancient power?”

Lei Lie opened his mouth and wanted to say something. After all, he didn’t say anything. It’s not that he didn’t want to say it, but he was scared. Dare to say.

You must know that a master who can be called a mighty person, without exception, is the existence of a powerful situation and a great waste.

This kind of existence is so powerful that people cannot understand it.

If you add the old two words before the power, it is not only powerful and incomprehensible, but terrifying and incomprehensible.

A sentence has been circulating in the great wilderness.

When the catastrophe came, the power in the sky fell asleep, and the power in the ground was sealed.

The so-called power in the sky refers to the power in the avenue, such as the five kings of the Heavenly Buddha Dao in the west, such as the Three Purities of the nine days immortal dao, etc., because before the catastrophe came , Grand Dao Source will be extremely weak, they have to retreat to guard Grand Dao Source.

As for the power of the underground, it refers to the power of evil, such as the old demon of Nine Nether, the old monster of hell and so on.

Because Heaven and Earth will judge all sins when the catastrophe comes, therefore, those sinful powers have to seal themselves up.

“It might be an exaggeration to say that he is an ancient power.” The majestic man said: “But…his condition reminds me of an existence.”

“What does it exist?”

“Have you ever heard of the word Master.”

After hearing the word Master mentioned by the majestic man, all of them fell into contemplation .

To talk about the legend about the Master, they have also heard it.

Know that in this world, there will always be a few extraordinary people in every era. These people are neither immortals nor demons nor demons nor Buddhas, and they are no longer in any avenue. Although they are mortals, they are out of the ordinary, and each possesses great magical power. Such people are known as masters.

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