Supreme Lord

Chapter 1649

“Why the ancient layman must get rid of the original sin?”

“What is this, if I don’t get rid of the original sin, I still have to catch up with the original sin?”

“Why can’t the ancient layman become the true body of the original sin, even if it is the God who the original sin is looking for?”

The voice of the old monk came, and Gu Qingfeng couldn’t help but wonder if he was. He got it wrong, he looked at the illusory nirvana mountain and said, “I said, old monk, did you sleep for ten thousand years and haven’t woken up yet? Or you are also confused, why can’t you become the original sin? Real body, what does it mean to be the Allah that the original sin seeks.”

Gu Qingfeng really doubted whether he had heard it wrong, he couldn’t even believe that he would say it from the old monk. come out.

It feels like a Bodhisattva who is determined to save sentient beings is suddenly instigating all sentient beings to become demons. It is incredible and incomprehensible.

“If Lao Tzu remembers correctly, you always persuaded me not to seek cause and effect. The reason you persuaded me was nothing but fear that I might be related to the original sin, even though I don’t know you until now. Why are you afraid that I have a relationship with the original sin, but you are afraid that I have a relationship with the original sin quickly, but it is a fact.”

paused, Gu Qingfeng squinted his eyes and said: “How come you suddenly turn today? Sex? Not only persuaded me to become the true body of original sin? Motherfucker also abetted Laozi to become the god of original sin? I said, old monk, what are you singing about, are you crazy? There is a mental problem?”

“Lao Na is not at all crazy, and there is nothing wrong with his spirit.” The old monk was silent for a while before opening his mouth and explained: “The ancient layman is right. Old Na urged you not to ask for cause and effect, because he was afraid of the ancient layman and That drop of blood of original sin merged, so that the ancient lay people would turn from the person of original sin to the body of original sin.”

“Why are you afraid of me becoming the body of original sin?” Gu Qingfeng said: “Don’t tell me yes For the sake of me, I don’t believe in this, and we don’t have that many friendship. It’s neither coincidence nor accident that you live on this Silent Mountain. I don’t know if it is a causal fate, but you must be on your own. Xiao Jiujiu, even from the very beginning, you may have come for Lao Tzu.”

“Since the ancient layman knows, why bother to ask.”

“I know? Ask me to guess Guess.” Gu Qingfeng said: “I have heard many people say to me, what variable is me, can you not be because of this?”

The old monk was silent.

“It seems that this is the reason.”

“The ancient layman is right. Lao Na is because the ancient layman is a variable, so he is afraid that the ancient layman will become the body of original sin. However, there is one thing that the ancient layman was wrong. Lao Na did not come for the ancient layman deliberately.”

The old monk explained: “Lao Na strayed into the nirvana bone jade, nirvana bone jade. It also merged with the ancient layman, there may be some cause and effect in this, Lao Na does not know, but Lao Na can say with a clear conscience, Lao Na did not know that the ancient layman is a variable before, at least before Lao Na strayed into the nirvana bone jade, Lao Na did not know, until later The ancient layman and the dying bone jade merged, and Lao Na knew that the ancient layman was a variable of the present and the ancient.”


Gu Qingfeng doesn’t care at all whether the old monk’s living in Nirvana Bone Jade is a causal fate, or whether it is for himself deliberately.

If he cares, he won’t wait until now to say it.

It was the word variable, which made him quite confused, and asked: “What is a variable?”

“The variable is formed by countless wrong causes and effects. Therefore, the destiny of the variable person is uncertain.”

“In other words, my existence is caused by countless disordered causes and effects?”

“Yes, ancient layman He is a person who was born with the original sin and was born from the blood of the original sin. The blood of the original sin contains countless causes and effects.”

“But I was not the only one who was caused by the blood of the original sin. But many people are born. Although most of them are dead, I am not the only one who lives.”

The old monk said: “It doesn’t matter whether the life of the original sin is good or death is not important. , The important thing is that when countless chaotic causes and effects converge, the ancient lay people were born in harmony with the time and place.”


Gu Qingfeng bowed his head and muttered, no longer ask.

“An ancient layman is a person who should be guilty, but it is a variable of the present and the ancient. This in itself is enough terrifying. If the ancient layman is fusing the blood of original sin and becoming the body of original sin, when the time I’m afraid that comes can’t be cleaned up.”

“You said that it’s impossible to clean up. You mean the catastrophe of original sin that cannot be cleaned up?”

“The catastrophe of original sin is terrifying, but fate will also According to the cause and effect, many people who should be catered to deal with the catastrophe of original sin are conceived. No one knows whether the catastrophe can be prevented, but at least there is hope. But if you, such a layman, become the body of original sin, this above heaven under earth, I am afraid that no one can stop you. After all, you are a variable, which is caused by countless disordered causes and effects. Your fate is indeterminate, and it is impossible to conceive a person who should deal with you based on your cause and effect.”

“It turns out that this is the case.”

Listening to what the old monk said, many things that I didn’t understand before have become clear.

Gu Qingfeng has always wondered about a problem before, that is, between Heaven and Earth is not only a person of original sin, but also a body of original sin, why Three Thousand Great Daos just stared at him, now Come to think of it, most likely because you are a variable.

At the same time.

The reason why Tang Hengsuo, Ye Tianlan, Feng Zhuyue and the others find themselves is more or less causal, but I am afraid that more of them are related to their own variables.

The true identities of these ladies are more complicated than one, and may even be more complicated than one thinks, and each of them can represent their own avenue, either immortal dao or Heavenly Dao, not demonic path is the demon way.

Estimating these avenues and discovering that I am a variable, the cause and effect are chaotic, and the fate is undecidable. Therefore, I arranged for these girls, samsara reincarnation, to deliberately link the cause and effect with myself, and then make it out based on the cause and effect. A person who can deal with himself?


Although the avenue is a avenue, if you want to arrange a destiny and create a cause and effect, the avenue may not have this ability.

Throughout Heaven and Earth, there is the ability to arrange fate, and only one person creates cause and effect.

It is to know the past and the future, control the cause and effect of destiny, and deduct the Universe Great Desolate, clearly understood Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow, known as the messenger of cause and effect, and the Mystery Old Person of destiny incarnation is unknown.

If this is the case, then this method is too mean?


If Tang Hengsuo, Ye Tianlan, Feng Zhuyue are really like this, then Yun Nishang, Su Wei, and even Jun Xuanji might also…

Think of this.

Gu Qingfeng can’t help but sigh: “This routine is one deeper than the other!”

Since the end of ancient times and the beginning of modern times, Gu Qingfeng has been reborn in the secular world and began to explore After the cause and effect, he has already realized that he has entered the chess game arranged by others from the very beginning.


He had already realized that he just didn’t expect this game to be so big and so deep.

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