Supreme Lord

Chapter 1647

“Ah! Mi! Dha! Buddha!”

The four-character Buddha language of the old monk came, with mysterious sounds, wonderful sounds, and the words and words contain boundless Buddhist teachings.

“Dare to ask why the ancient layman did not want to detach himself, do you really just want to be a secular mortal of Seven Emotions and Six Desires?”

Gu Qingfeng shrugged, without the slightest Hesitation’s affirmative response: “Of course.”

“Dare to ask why the ancient layman did not want to detach himself, really just want to be a secular mortal of Seven Emotions and Six Desires?”

The old monk asked the same sentence again, but this time Gu Qingfeng’s tone was not so sure, and asked: “Is it difficult?”

“Dare to ask the ancient layman if he does not want to detach himself The reason, do you really just want to be a mortal of Seven Emotions and Six Desires?”

The old monk asked the same thing for the third time, this time Gu Qingfeng was not so sure, and hesitated for a long time. He opened his mouth and responded: “Perhaps.”

“Dare to ask why the ancient layman did not want to detach himself, really just want to be a secular mortal of Seven Emotions and Six Desires?”

The old monk asked the same for the fourth time. This time Gu Qingfeng was silent for a long time before shook his head and said: “I don’t know.”


From illusory The old monk鈥檚 sigh was heard from the Silence Mountain, and said: “Of course the ancient layman didn鈥檛 know. If he knew it, the ancient layman would not be confused by himself as he is now.”

Yes of.


And still confused in self.

To be precise, Gu Qingfeng today is lost in self.

To be precise, Gu Qingfeng no longer knows which one is the real me.

I don鈥檛 know when it started.

Perhaps after he has been integrated into original sin, or when he is seeking cause and effect, as he sinks deeper and deeper on the road of original sin in the age of innocence, he now does not know which one Is the true self.

The true self is the person of original sin? Or an innocent person? Or a secular person?

He can’t tell the difference.

In the beginning, when I started to search for cause and effect, although I had doubts in my heart, it was only doubt, not at all, and I could recognize myself clearly.

Since he merged with that drop of blood of original sin, he has become increasingly confused.

Until he ignited the fire of original sin karma in Wudao Mountain and slept for thousands of years, after waking up, he was completely confused in himself.

He often wonders whether he is no longer himself, but has become the body of original sin, but he does not know it.

The body of original sin may not be incarnation, but the body of law.

He does feel this way, especially when Mandala said that after he ignited the original sin, he awakened the original sin in his sleep. This feeling is even stronger.

Not only that.

Gu Qingfeng even suspects that as long as he has been immersed in that drop of blood of original sin, he may not be himself, but the original sin body of the noble priest.

If not, how can I forge unfathomable mystery with that many people in the era of innocence?

The things experienced over the years have made Gu Qingfeng suspicious.

“Old monk, do you mean that I am the real me?”

“Lao Na can’t answer this question.”

“Why. “

“Lao Na doesn’t know, no one knows. If this question is between Heaven and Earth, if anyone can answer this question, then this person is only the ancient layman himself.”

“I If I knew it, I won鈥檛 ask you anymore.”

After a while, Gu Qingfeng said quietly, “Old monk, do you know? After the ancient calamity, I woke up in the secular world. Once on the avenue, there was an avenue seed that was unfathomable mystery integrated into my fleshy body.”

“I clearly remember that the avenue seed once said something to me, saying they I found out, I know, and I’m still looking for me.”

“Also said that I should be careful about the clansman, Kassapa clansman, and what else is Maha clansman……”

“The great seed also said to me, be careful of causality, and don鈥檛 believe in cause and effect. It is their trap.”

“Also let me be careful of my past lives and don鈥檛 believe in the past.”

“Not only that, the Daoist Seed also makes me be careful of myself and don鈥檛 believe in myself…”

“The Daoist Seed says that as many causes and effects as I have, there are as many past lives as possible. , There are as many selves as there are in previous lives.”

“It tells me not to believe, and no one believes.”

“It also allows me to find it, it says it I鈥檓 on my back…”

Gu Qingfeng closed his eyes, as if reminiscing, and then said: “Although this incident has passed for a long time, I always remember it clearly, and, back then, I also asked you for advice. I asked you, what is the whirling clansman, what is the Kassapa clansman, and what is the Maha clansman. You don鈥檛 know the answer.”

“I also asked you, the so-called past life karma, How many past lives can there be? How many past lives, how many selves, and what does it mean?”

“You still answer I don鈥檛 know.”

“I don鈥檛 know you, the old monk, can you pay Remember this matter?”

The old monk replied: “Old Na remembers.”

“You didn’t answer me back then, not because you didn’t know it, but because you didn’t want to say it, right? “

“It’s true.”


“The ancient lay people knew nothing about Wudao and never set foot on the search for cause and effect. Lao Na didn鈥檛 want the ancient lay people to set foot on this road, so I didn鈥檛 want to talk too much about the era of innocence.”

“I didn鈥檛 know anything about innocence back then. The same, no But after embarking on this road, and already stuck in it, I can’t get out. “

“Lao Na once persuaded ancient laymen, don’t ask for cause and effect…”

“Come on, does it make sense to say this now?” Besides, was the reason that allowed me to set foot on this road back then because I sought cause and effect? Isn’t it true at all? I was born as a person of original sin, and all kinds of cause and effect followed one after another, and could not stop it. In other words, I was born as a pawn in a causal chess game. What’s the matter, even if I don’t ask, the cause and effect motherfucker will come to the door. “

“Amitabha. “

The old monk chanted a Buddhist language and didn鈥檛 speak any more.

“Don鈥檛 rush to read Amitabha, first tell me how clansman, Kassapa, and Maha responded. thing? “

“There are some things that Lao Na doesn’t want to say, but can’t be said. I hope that the ancient laymen will understand and don’t force Lao Na. “

“Why can’t you say? “

The old monk chanted Amitabha again. Obviously, he didn’t want to answer Gu Qingfeng’s question.

“Is this Lao Shizi鈥檚 whirling, Kasaba, and Maha clansman in the era of innocence? ? What is the taboo? Or what sage in the age of innocence? What god? “

No matter what Gu Qingfeng said, the old monk remained silent.

It seems.

The old monk is determined not to answer this question.

Finally, Gu Qingfeng also gave up, saying: “Well, you don鈥檛 tell me, I don鈥檛 force you, but… the so-called past and present lives, how many causes and effects, how many selves, how many selfs , How much you really are, what is going on, how much can you explain to us? “

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