Supreme Lord

Chapter 1644

After leaving the illusion, Gu Qingfeng returned to the place of illusion.

The illusory land is still full of mists, twisting and changing like chaos in the spiritual world.

Since the fog of illusion has not dissipated, the place of illusion at this moment is not the place of illusion, but the nightmare of original sin.

Gu Qingfeng just wandered around like this.

I was thinking about the flower of cause and effect in Mandala.

The more I think about it, the more uncomfortable I feel.

The more you think about it, the more you feel guilty, and the more you feel guilty, the more you blame yourself.

While guilty and self-blaming, he is also very puzzled. Although he used to feel guilty about someone and something, it was only before, and only occasionally that’s all.

Since the realization of Buddhism’s great freedom, any happiness, anger, sorrow, joy and sorrow will not affect a great heart of freedom, especially the realization of great compassion, after seeing the good and evil of the world, it is also detached from the world , And will not feel guilty.

How to ignite the fire of original sin karma, after 10,000 years of sleep, wake up again, as if everything has changed.

The eyes are bad, the perception is sluggish, and the brain is not very bright. Now the heart will still be affected by emotions.

It feels like the more you live, the more you go back.

Why did this happen?

Master, I have realized the four states of mind. Haven’t they all been detached?

Be detached from the great road, detached from all beings, detached from life and death, detached from the world.

Although there was no sanctification back then.

But a heart is indeed detached.

To stump the so-called detachment is that the more you live, the more you return?

Why is Lao Tzu so detached?

Why does the good end become like this?

Is it because Lao Tzu was affected by the original sin, or was Lao Tzu confused after detachment?

Not sure.

I really don’t understand.

Gu Qingfeng is thinking about his current situation, I am afraid it is difficult to figure out such a profound question.

He shook his head and didn’t continue thinking about it.

Looking at the misty place of vain, watching the twisted nightmare of original sin.

Gu Qingfeng couldn’t help sighed then said.

This sigh.

What I sigh is the countless helplessness in my heart.

What I sigh is also the endless confusion in my heart.

At the same time, I sighed with countless hesitation in my heart.

This sigh.

What I sigh is the endless loneliness in my heart.

He is alone.


Although he didn’t want to, he had to admit that it was a fact.

Despite this journey, he has long been used to being alone.

But it’s just a habit.

Habit does not mean that you like loneliness, let alone enjoy loneliness.

Especially in this misty nightmare of Original Sin, wandering aimlessly alone, the feeling of loneliness really becomes stronger and stronger.

When a person is lonely, he always thinks wildly.

Gu Qingfeng is no exception.

There was a problem that accompanied him all his life, and he never understood it.

That is to live, what is it for?

Achieve your dream?

Does I have a dream?

Think carefully.

I have no dreams either.

If you have to say a dream.

That means basking in the sun every day, drinking small wines, listening to small tunes, when you are free, you can hook up a girl, when you are bored, you can go out to have fun and live the life you want .

If this is also a dream.

Then this dream does not seem to be difficult to achieve.


It just seems that’s all.

For others, maybe this is not a dream at all.

For Gu Qingfeng, this is definitely an unattainable dream.

He knows very well.

As long as one day does not get rid of original sin, this dream will never be realized.

How can motherfucker get rid of the original sin?

Who knows?

No one knows.

Although Gu Qingfeng is a lazy person, he is not a person who is broken and decadent. If he knows how to get rid of original sin, then he will definitely do it without the slightest hesitation, even if he bears it. Many, but also do not hesitate.

But the point is that he doesn’t know how to get rid of original sin.

Stupefied to toss like others?

Gu Qingfeng wondered, let’s forget it, Jun Xuanji, the setting sun, Tang Heng, Ye Tianlan, plus a mandala, in order to get rid of the original sin, the lost of the lost, the maddened madness, the burial of the soul Soul, burial cause and effect, burial cause, result? There is also the Sect Leader of Guixu. Which one is not the existence of Megatron, the result? It’s not that motherfucker has all been broken into Guixu.

Gu Qingfeng never feels that he stands taller than others, does not feel farther than others, and never feels that he is more capable than others.


He doesn’t bother to mess around.

Faced with original sin, he had long wanted to open it.

Go with the flow and love it.

Wandering in the nightmare of original sin like this, the lonely silhouette is like a lost solitary soul, unbound ghost.

With the change of the original sin nightmare, Gu Qingfeng seemed to see a mountain in front.

This mountain looks illusory in the phantom fog, it is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Gu Qingfeng was puzzled and flew forward.

I don’t know how long it has been flying, the mountain is always that illusory.

Gu Qingfeng flew for a while, the mountain is still illusory.

In the end, Gu Qingfeng also gave up.

The original sin nightmare is too evil, the last time I entered a cemetery on the Avenue of Heavens, the unfathomable mystery.

Now the unfathomable mystery has entered somewhere. There is nothing in this broken place, only one mountain, and it is still an illusory mountain.

Gu Qingfeng looked at this illusory mountain. For some reason, he suddenly felt a little familiar, as if he had already known each other.

And the more I look at it, the more familiar it becomes.

The more you look, the stronger the feeling of deja vu.

He closed his eyes and stopped looking, but felt carefully.

It is indeed an illusory mountain, and there seems to be an ancient temple of the same illusory on the mountain.

Is there an ancient temple of illusory on the mountain of illusory?


This is the…the space world in the nirvana bone jade?

That mountain that doesn’t need to be elusive, is it the Silence Mountain?

Since ten thousand years ago, after Gu Qingfeng ignited the fire of original sin karma in Wudaoshan, the nirvana bone jade on his neck also disappeared, even though he had fuse together with the nirvana bone jade. After the nirvana rebirth, the nirvana bone jade will still be there.

But after the rebirth of the Nirvana, the Bone Jade of Nirvana disappeared.

But now why do you come to the world of Nirvana Bone Jade in the Nightmare of Original Sin?

Is this really a dead world?

Is that mountain really the nirvana mountain?

Gu Qingfeng resisted the excitement in his heart and asked: “Old monk, is that you?”

No one responded to him.

Gu Qingfeng asked again: “Old monk, are you there?”

No one responded.

Gu Qingfeng said again: “Old monk, it’s me, Gu Qingfeng!”

The result was still the same, no one responded.

Stupefied myself for admitting wrong?

Isn’t this dying world? Isn’t that mountain the nirvana mountain?

Gu Qingfeng felt it carefully again. He was very sure that this is the nirvana world, and that mountain is definitely the nirvana mountain.


Why no one responded.

Stump the old monk passed away?

Just as Gu Qingfeng was thinking about it, a Buddhist sound came like a ruin.

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