Supreme Lord

Chapter 1642

Gu Qingfeng has roughly gone through four stages since its cultivation.

When I was just cultivation when I was young, I looked at mountains as mountains and water as water.

When the aspiring fairy walks into the avenue, the mountain is not the mountain, and the water is not the water.

At the time of death, rebirth and transcendence, look at mountains or mountains, and water or water.

When you have realized the four mindsets of Buddhism, you can see mountains as mountains and water, see water as mountains, mountains and mountains as well as water, water as well as mountains, and mountains and rivers. In my eyes, there is no essential difference. Landscape is, Dao is, Heaven and Earth are all beings, and everything is.

At this time, Gu Qingfeng, as in the legend, sees through the true meaning of all living beings, the profound mystery of Heaven and Earth Grand Dao is clearly understood.

I don’t know why.

Since I ignited the fire of original sin karma, I slept for thousands of years and woke up again.

Now Gu Qingfeng has entered an illusory and hazy realm. Looking at mountains is neither mountain nor water, and seeing water is neither water nor mountain, whether it is mountain or water He didn’t know, he only knew that everything he saw was vague and hazy, all beings were, Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, everything was illusory and hazy.

Why did it become like this? Gu Qingfeng didn’t know.

“Just forget it if you don’t want to say it, I won’t force you.”

Mandala does not seem to believe what Gu Qingfeng said, thinking he is pretending to be confused, she kneels again In front of half of the Buddha statue, closed his eyes, folded his hands together, and said: “I want to be alone.”


Gu Qingfeng just spoke, Man Tufan said again: “You go, I am very annoying now and don’t want to see you.”


Mandavanh has already said something. For this reason, Gu Qingfeng also sorry to stay, and said: “Okay, then you stay alone, as for your causal flower…I can’t compensate you again, but this matter After all, I owe you. If I need help in the future, I will do my best.”


Gu Qingfeng was about to leave, and suddenly looked towards the half of the Buddha statue. After looking at it for a long time, he left after saying goodbye.

Only the mandala, alone, knelt down in front of the half of the Buddha and prayed. She opened her eyes and looked at the half of the Buddha piously, begging: “The causal flower of the discipline was refined by him. I really don’t know what to do. I hope Bodhisattva will give me some guidance.”

“Avalokitesvara has not yet awakened, how can I hear your prayer.”


The brilliance flashed, a spirit incarnation appeared out of thin air.

This spiritual incarnation illusory, twisted and blurred, like a burning flame, and like a blooming flower, when it appeared, he looked at half of the Buddha statue and said: “Even though Guanyin has awakened, and If I can hear your prayers, I’m afraid I can’t point you to confusion.”

For the emergence of this spiritual incarnation, Mandala is not at all surprised, as if I already knew it, just asked. why.

Looking at the direction in which Gu Qingfeng disappeared, this spiritual incarnation like flames and flowers, whispered: “I said, he is a variable, and it is the biggest variable between Heaven and Earth. For variables, its causal destiny is unknown, how can Guanyin guide you.”

“Why is it him? Why on earth…” Mandala muttered: “This is cause and effect. So, it’s a fate arrangement, or it’s just a coincidence, it’s just accident…”

“You have experienced samsara reincarnation for countless times, and you have conceived the flower of cause and effect, stumped. Do you still believe in the so-called coincidences and accidents? “The flame flower-like spiritual incarnation said: “You should know that between Heaven and Earth, since ancient times, there are no so-called coincidences and accidents. There has never been…something is just cause and effect, just fate.”

This person’s voice is plain and flat, unable to distinguish between men and women, as illusory like spiritual incarnation, and said: “No matter who you meet, he is the person who should appear in your life. It is not accidental. He will definitely teach you something. What… So I also believe that no matter where you go, that is the place you should go, experience something you should experience, and meet the person you should meet.”

Flame flowers The spiritual incarnation looked at the mandala who was kneeling and praying in front of half of the Buddha statue, and said: “If you don’t owe each other, how can you meet…”

“If you don’t owe each other, how can you meet…” Mandala murmured, lost and hesitating, but more helpless, saying: “Is my cause and effect really grafted to him?”

“Does it matter whether to graft to him? No, It’s not important anymore. What’s important is that he refining your flower of causation. What’s important is that he said that he owes you when he left. No matter what your previous cause and effect were, your future cause and effect have already started here.”

Mandala said expressionlessly: “In other words, my causality has been grafted to him, and the re-opening of causality has already begun from this encounter…”

“Maybe Right.”

After silence.

Mandavanh asked again: “I just asked him what he is now, and he said he doesn’t know.”

“Perhaps he really doesn’t know.”

“But he has realized the four major states of Buddhism, detached from all beings, detached from the avenue, detached from life and death, and detached from the world. He is detached from almost everything. He can see through the true meaning of all living beings and clearly understand Heaven. And Earth Grand Dao’s profound mystery, why he doesn’t know it.”

The flame flower-like spiritual incarnation responded: “When he realized the great illusion, he had already seen through the true meaning of all living beings and clearly understood. The profound mystery of Heaven and Earth Grand Dao.”

“Why can’t he see through now? Is it because he lit the fire of original sin?”

“No, it’s not because of original sin.”


“His current realm is probably not what we can imagine. In your eyes, the so-called true meaning of all living beings is the so-called The profound mystery of Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, in his eyes may not be the true meaning, nor may it be the profound mystery, this sentient being may not be a sentient being, this avenue may not necessarily be the avenue, this world may not be Heaven and Earth, he is detached, but he is not Knowing that he is detached, or from the very beginning, he doesn’t want to detach…”

“Don’t want to be detached? Why?”

“He can’t let go, if he Can let go, already became a saint back then.”

“What can’t he let go?”

“I don’t know either.” Paused, that flame flower-like spiritual incarnation muttered: ” Maybe even he doesn’t know it himself. If he knows, he will let go. It is because he doesn’t know that he will fall into the confusion that the Buddhist school said.”

Mandavana asked “Then do you know what he is now? Is it the original sin incarnation?”

“I hope he is the original sin incarnation.”

“Why do you want him to be the original sin incarnation? “

“Because if he is not the original sin incarnation…then too terrifying.”

“If he is not the original sin incarnation, what will happen?”

“Don’t forget that after he ignited the fire of original sin karma, the sleeping original sin will wake up. In other words, he dominates the original sin, and the three bodies of the Buddha, the Dharmakaya is the main body, and it is the body of all dharmas. Samsara and incarnation are presented by the Dharmakaya, so if he is not the original sin incarnation, then he is the original sin Dharmakaya! “

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