Supreme Lord

Chapter 1637

It is difficult to say that the drop of original sin blood that I merged does not belong to Wudaozun?

This is also not right.

If it weren’t the blood of original sin belonging to Wudaozun, why can Bai Chou and this girl feel themselves?

But if everyone is fused with the blood of the original sin on the Innocent Venerable, why can they feel themselves, but not themselves?

Where is the problem?

Or the blood of the original sin that I merged is really different?

It is difficult to say that it is because you have ignited the fire of original sin?

For a while, Gu Qingfeng really didn’t understand.

Although he is not a competitive person, but others can perceive his own original sin, but he cannot perceive the original sin of others. This feeling is really uncomfortable.

“However, you give me a completely different feeling.”

The girl said another question called Gu Qingfeng, and he asked: “Why is it different?”

“Other people of original sin like me, I can clearly feel that there is an inexplicable connection between bloodlines, hearts, spirits, and even souls. This This feeling is very clear and clear, but the feeling you give me is very vague, faintly discernable and faintly discernible, and this feeling is neither between bloodlines, nor souls, nor between spiritual souls.”

Gu Qingfeng frowned and asked: “What does it feel like?”

“A feeling of deja vu, dreamlike, emptiness and ethereal, just like…” Putting away the smile at the corners of his mouth, his appearance no longer looked innocent, but became serious and serious, staring at Gu Qingfeng, and said: “It’s like the feeling that this era of innocence gives me.” /p>

“How does the age of no way feel to you?”

“A very unreal, very vain feeling, why? Why do you give me this feeling, why that Many people of original sin, only you are so different? You are neither congenital original sin, nor original sin of the week, let alone the original sin of the heavens, you are not the incarnation of the original sin, nor the body of the original sin, nor the retribution of the original sin, which is more impossible It’s the true body of the original sin. What is the original sin in your body? Is it the original sin of that person?”

The girl asked all the doubts in her heart in one breath, and she looked quite anxious.

Gu Qingfeng shook his head helplessly said with a bitter smile: “Big sister, believe me, if I can, I would like to know the answers to these questions.”

“You don’t know “

“Isn’t this nonsense, if I know everything, why do I come to this place where the birds don’t shit, what are you talking about here.”

The girl was a little skeptical, and stared at Gu Qingfeng full of doubts.

“What did you just say about the original sin, the original sin of the week, the original sin of the chaotic sky, I have heard people talk about the original sin incarnation, I also heard a little bit, but it is the original sin law body you said, the original sin report There is something about the body… really?”

When it comes to incarnation, dharmakaya, sasaki body, Gu Qingfeng does not understand it.

These three bodies are the ancient three bodies of the Buddha.

The Dharmakaya refers to the real Life Source, just like the soul, without beginning and end, neither born nor dying, not going or coming, being able to produce all dharma, and will not be extinguished, the Dharma body is empty, the original Self-cleansing, mingling round and round, can produce all things. Mountains, rivers, earth, Sun, Moon and Stars, as well as all objects and thoughts, are all manifested by the Dharmakaya.

The body of retribution, as the name implies, is the body of retribution; for example, human beings, celestial beings, animals, etc., these all are different bodies of retribution.

As the saying goes, the work will not die. After hundreds of Thousand Tribulations, when karma meets, the results will be rewarded.

Because the karma created in the past is different, the karma you feel is different now. This is the case with Karmic Retribution.

As for incarnation, it means changing incarnation, outside the body, and various incarnations that appear at the time of the event.

This is the three bodies of Buddha.

Buddha is Tao.

Therefore, all beings in the great path can cultivate these three kayas by chance.

It’s just that what makes Gu Qingfeng puzzled is that motherfucker, the thing of original sin, also pays attention to three things? In addition to incarnation, there is sasaki? Dharmakaya? Even the real motherfucker?

The girl responded: “You just said that Buddhism is Tao, Tao is natural, nature is cause and effect, cause and effect is destiny, destiny is original sin, and original sin has three bodies of Buddha. What’s weird?”

hearing this, Gu Qingfeng sighed: “No wonder people say Buddha of immeasurable life. This Dharma is really endless, boundless, and with no opportunity.”

“So, we must have a heart of reverence for Buddha.”

The words received by the girl made Gu Qingfeng even more sigh.

“You haven’t answered my question.”

Gu Qingfeng asked: “What is the problem?”

“Who are you? Who? What kind of existence, what is the original sin?”

“Then who are you, who, what kind of existence, what is the original sin?”

Gu Qingfeng put the same The problem came to the girl again.

When the girl asked this question, Gu Qingfeng did not respond.

Now Gu Qingfeng asked the same question, and the girl did not respond either.

The two of them stared at each other like this. After a while, the girl said: “I forgot…”

“Forgot? What’s the matter, is it possible that you are lost ?”

“I may be really lost.”

“What a coincidence.”

“What a coincidence.”

“I also forgot, maybe I am really lost.”


The girl stared at Gu Qingfeng, her eyes were extremely unkind, especially the innocent picture. On the evil face, there is a weird smile, which really gives people the feeling of have one’s hair stand on end, saying: “But why do I remember your surname is ancient?”

Just a little bit!

Gu Qingfeng was shocked immediately, he really didn’t expect, this girl actually recognized herself, he stared at the girl and asked: “How do you know my surname is Gu?”

“Not only do I know that your surname is ancient, but I also know that your real name is Heavenly Wolf, your real name is Qingfeng, and the name is Chixiao. I have aspired the throne of Immortal Demon Warriors and Nine Nether. I wonder if I am right?”

Good guy!

At this time, Gu Qingfeng became even more confused. He looked at the girl, looked around, and didn’t have any impression of the girl.

Gu Qingfeng is a little confused here.

The girl looked particularly excited, and said: “It really is you! It really is you! My palace thought it was wrong, didn’t expect it was really you! You are really alive! You How is it possible that you are still alive, why are you still alive! After igniting the fire of original sin, you can survive!”

Gu Qingfeng solemnly asked: “Who are you?”

“Hehe, who is this palace?”

Girl said with a sneer: “In the rumors, you not only realize great freedom and great nihilism, but also realize great compassion and great illusion. Beyond the great road, beyond life and death, beyond all beings, beyond true and false, and even almost sanctified, even the fire of original sin can be ignited. You today, even if you can’t deduct the Universe Great Desolate and spy on Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow ……and you can definitely see through all the true and false of these all living beings, clearly understood all the profound mystery of the Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, and that’s the case, it’s hard for you to see who I am?”

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