Supreme Lord

Chapter 1635

Next to it.

Gu Qingfeng looked at the girl who was talking to herself about the original sin nightmare, and she was quite curious.

Listen to the voice.

It is not difficult to guess that the girl seems to have not entered the nightmare of original sin for a long time.

Speaking of which, she is stumped by the innocent person who has just recovered?

Shook his head.

Not very similar.

In Gu Qingfeng’s impression, everyone who survives from the innocent man has almost lost himself. Jun Xuanji is, the setting sun is not quiet, and the crazy old man is also .

If this girl really survived the era of innocence, it shouldn’t be an exception.

But if the girl is not a person who has survived the era of innocence, is it a samsara reincarnation?

Not sure.

Not sure.

Besides, Gu Qingfeng has never seen a samsara reincarnation innocent person, but has met Yun Nishang, a soul-burial innocent person.

So, as for what kind of innocent person of samsara reincarnation is, he doesn’t understand.

I’m not sure that this girl is also a person of original sin like herself, but it may not be the original sin born in the present and ancient times, nor the ancient times, perhaps the ancient times, the Great Ancient Era, may be longer, maybe It was because of the end of the era that he fell into a deep sleep, and only now wakes up, maybe even the original sinners in the ruins.

“Well… After so many years, I can’t think that the curse of original sin is still going on… and her voice… is still so annoying.”

The girl closed her eyes and said to herself He whispered to himself, then opened his eyes again, saying: “I have my own wisdom, my own confusion, distinguishing things from me, a hundred kinds of yang, a hundred kinds of yin, turning into Heaven and Earth harmony, no good, no evil, but Leave cause and effect, thousands of saints, thousands of demons, let others say, hehe…”

The girl looked towards several people in the field and asked: “You are in the nightmare of original sin, have you ever heard After this sentence?”

The old witch did not respond.

The dragon did not respond.

Neither the owl nor the crow responded.

I don’t know if I have heard of it, or I don’t want to say it.

The girl’s gaze flicked across the four of them one after another, but she did not look at Gu Qingfeng, she continued to look at the spiritual incarnation of the four, and said: “It seems that the original sin on you is only pure original sin. …It’s so good, it’s really enviable, the pure original sin is the original sin, the complicated original sin is no longer as simple as the original sin…”

After saying that, the girl turned and looked towards Gu Qingfeng again, with a little expression Weird, said: “Lord, what about you? Have you ever heard that sentence in this original sin nightmare?”

Looking at the girl opposite, Gu Qingfeng looked at each other and said with a smile : “Guess.”


The girl is an innocent girl, but with this innocent appearance, the ghost knows how terrifying existence is hidden , The girl shook her head and said: “great aunt, I don’t need to guess it.”

“What do you say?”

The girl said with a smile: “Guess.”

hearing this, Gu Qingfeng laughed blankly.

“However, the existence of the Great Lord seems to…”

“What does it seem to be?”

“It seems very unpredictable.”


“It’s right to be unpredictable.”


Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “I asked you to figure it out, then Come on, we’re still alive, we can’t live anymore…”

“Ha! The Great Lord is indeed the Great Lord. It really has a special taste when speaking.”

Gu Qingfeng did not speak any more.

To be honest.

He couldn’t figure out the five people in the field.

He didn’t bother to think about it.

There is no habit of thinking about others in this life.

Especially these people are not only related to the Age of Innocence, but also related to original sin.

Gu Qingfeng doesn’t want to think about it even more. He used to reject and resist the four words of innocent original sin. Although he will not reject or resist now, it does not mean that he will accept it. Not to take the initiative to explore.

Everything comes along.

Go with the flow.

Love what is happening.

This is his attitude towards innocence and original sin today.


The field has changed, and the illusion that has been evolving is finally opened, looking like a space-time vortex.

When the illusion opened, the dragon, crow, and owl rushed in for the first time.

“Lord, we…see you inside.”

The girl said, and rushed in.

“Big sister, don’t be stunned, let’s go inside and take a look.”

Gu Qingfeng took a look at the old witch and walked in. It didn’t take long. The old witch also rushed in.

In the illusion.

There is no sun and moon, no Heaven and Earth like a false land.

But it is dark clouds covering the sky, lightning and thunder, dim and dim, just like the end of the world.

Gu Qingfeng looked over, there were floating mountains in the sky, and the abyss below was ten thousand zhang.

The floating mountains are extremely barren, like being weathered, and are dissipating bit by bit.

The wind swept through the sand, rolling in, sweeping everything here.

Countless lightning, thunder, and crazy thunderbolts, like trials and tribulations, ruling everything.

And this place is extremely weird, the environment is very bad, the dark clouds are definitely not ordinary dark clouds, thunder and lightning are not ordinary thunder and lightning, and violent winds are not ordinary violent winds. Any existence in it, even if it is a grain The sand and dust are like terrifying power, making Gu Qingfeng’s spiritual incarnation very uncomfortable.

When Gu Qingfeng came in, the girl and several other original sinners had already disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, Gu Qingfeng doesn’t have the mind to care about others.

He looked at this illusion.

The more I look, the more familiar.

There is a feeling of deja vu.

This kind of deja vu feels like I have seen it in a dream.


Not only seen in a dream, Gu Qingfeng looked at it for a while, he felt that he had been here before.

That’s right!

I have been here.

Thinking about it carefully, he still vaguely remembered that when he was in the secular world and still in the Yanluo country, he once encountered a Celestial Demon. It seemed to be called Chu Jiaohong. Later, Gu Qingfeng snatched the Celestial Demon and grabbed a fragmented crystal core belonging to the era of innocence.

I entered here through the fragmented nucleus of the era of innocence.

I met Su Wei later here.

Not only did I meet Su Wei, but I also met several people. One of them made Gu Qingfeng feel familiar. I only remembered her name as Mandavan.

Now I want to come, the few people I met here at that time should be people related to the era of no way, Su Wei is, including the mandala.

What impressed Gu Qingfeng most is that he once met an extremely terrifying crazy old man here. The old man is said to be a person who survived the era of innocence and was crazy. The expression is also in a trance.

For the first time, Gu Qingfeng heard that he was wise and confused, distinguishing things from me, this remark, he said it from a crazy old man, and it was that time he started again and again Falling into the nightmare of original sin.

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