Supreme Lord

Chapter 1630

When all beings are exempted, the bodhi will be proved, the hell is not empty, and we will not become a Buddha.

This sentence is the profound mystery contained in the string of Buddhist beads handed to Gu Qingfeng by the master.

Gu Qingfeng also learned the true identity of the doctor from this sentence.

It is the great wish Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva.

According to the legend, a long, long time ago, Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva saw that sentient beings on this avenue were deeply involved in evil results. From then on, he made a grand vow, wishing to do the best for the future, and for all the sinful and suffering sentient beings, it is convenient and convenient to free .

Since then, Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva has started samsara reincarnation again and again. Every reincarnation is a catastrophe, and every reincarnation is a hardship. After countless reincarnations, countless reincarnations, countless catastrophes, just for Save these sentient beings.

In Shangqing Sect’s view of longevity, the old way of longevity told Gu Qingfeng that the doctor had left early.

At that time, Gu Qingfeng really thought that the doctor had left in an urgent matter, until he realized the profound mystery contained in the Buddha beads, he knew that the doctor did not leave, but was samsara reincarnation again.

When he was in the forbidden area of ​​Heaven’s Line, he heard the monk say that Buddhism gave birth to a prophet, and he immediately realized that this prophet must be the doctor of samsara reincarnation.

Today’s Gu Qingfeng, after realizing the Buddha’s great freedom, great annihilation, great compassion, and great illusion, he has transcended sentient beings, transcended true and false, transcended the great ways, and transcended life and death.

Although it is impossible to know the past and the future, control the cause and effect of fate, and deduct the Universe Great Desolate, clearly understood Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow like the ancient unknown.

But some things between Heaven and Earth can still be deduced.

He knows very well that only Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva, who has made great aspirations with great compassion and has gone through countless catastrophes, is only eligible for samsara reincarnation to become a prophet.

In this way, Prince Ma is galloping in the vast and boundless wilderness in the sky, while Gu Qingfeng sits on a chair and closes his eyes Soul Nurturing.

When there is nothing to do, Gu Qingfeng wants to enter the place of vain, so thoughts move enters the place of vain in the form of spiritual incarnation.

The vain land is like a great wilderness, boundless, infinite, vast and boundless.

The difference is.

In the Great Wilderness, there is All Heavens Myriad Realms, glowing with a faint gleam like stars in the night sky.

And the False Land has nothing but the boundless darkness.

To this day, Gu Qingfeng does not know what kind of existence the so-called False Land is, and what it has to do with the era of innocence.

Sometimes he even suspects that the False Land is simply not in the great wilderness of Heaven and Earth, no! Not only is it not in Heaven and Earth, it may not exist at all, and the vain land may be just a spiritual world in the era of innocence.

If not, why only people related to the Age of Innocence can enter?

Besides, the fleshy body can’t come in yet, so I can only come in with spiritual incarnation?

Fantasy and vain are absurd and ridiculous, without marginal, unpredictable, true and false, who can tell the difference?


Even if Gu Qingfeng has realized the great illusion of Buddhism and saw through all the truth and falsehood of Heaven and Earth, he cannot see through the truth and falsehood of this era of innocence.


Gu Qingfeng turned into a spiritual incarnation. I just entered a place of vain, thinking about where to go, and suddenly discovered that there was a radiance in the endless darkness, and the brilliance was blooming like stars in the night sky. Faint shimmer.

What’s the situation?

Is it possible that this illusory place has conceived a world like the great famine?

Not sure.

Gu Qingfeng was curious and set off immediately.

To say that this illusory place is really evil. Not only does it have no concept of time, but also does not seem to have any concept of space. Gu Qingfeng is galloping here with spiritual incarnation. No Magical Powers can be used. Relying on spiritual incarnation to move forward, it feels like a fish parading in the sea. Although it is hard to talk about how hard it is, it does not feel any discomfort, but it also feels weird.

So I don’t know how long the parade has been. As the glorious brilliance gets closer, Gu Qingfeng gradually sees clearly.

The brilliance of black and white interlaced, like a vortex, is spinning crazily, and changing crazily as it rotates.

Gu Qingfeng glanced at it, and it felt as if there was some space in the world being pregnant, and after a closer look, it felt like it was not, more like the space was distorting as if it were about to split.


It’s not that space is distorting.

Because there is no room for this vain place.

But why does it feel like space is distorted?

Gu Qingfeng thought that this should not be the distortion of space, but the distortion of the spiritual world of the illusory place.

What made Gu Qingfeng even more surprised was that when he came here, he suddenly discovered that seventy-eighty spiritual incarnation was gathered around him.

Good guy!

Although Gu Qingfeng has seen other spiritual incarnations in a vain place before, there are usually one or two. For the first time, he has seen so many spiritual incarnations.

Only people related to the era of innocence can enter the vain land. It is difficult to say that seventy-eighty incarnation of Taoism is the motherfucker who is innocent?

In the field.

seventy-eighty Tao spiritual incarnation can be described as all kinds of strange things. Some spiritual incarnations are like ferocious ligers, some are like fire birds, some are like dragons, and some are like mountains. Some are like giant golden armors, some are like girls with endearing little birds, some are like bright and pure saints, and some are like dark and muddy Demon.

Although a person’s spiritual incarnation can be in any form, no matter what form the spiritual incarnation takes, the spiritual essence will never change. In other words, as long as the other’s spiritual essence is clearly understood, no matter what the other’s spiritual incarnation is Any form can be recognized at a glance.


Gu Qingfeng is too lazy to visualize spiritual incarnation. His spiritual incarnation has always been simple and has never changed. He will always be a person, an ordinary person.

Gu Qingfeng looked at the seventy-eighty spiritual incarnations in the field. Not to mention, these spiritual incarnations seem to be quite strong. Not only are they more powerful than one, but the amount of spirit strength is also stronger.

These spiritual incarnations should not know each other. If they know each other, they will not stand alone. Each one looks very cautious. They seem to be very cautious, and they are all on guard. With other spiritual incarnation.

When Gu Qingfeng’s spiritual incarnation came here, not at all attracted other people’s attention, because it wasn’t just Gu Qingfeng who came here afterwards, but he came here two or three more times. Spiritual incarnation.

“Fellow Daoist, do you remember the old man?”


A spiritual whisper came, Gu Qingfeng was puzzled in his heart, looked over, and found a white clothed old woman with a white clothed old woman leaning on a leading cane and staring at herself.

This gray-haired old woman looks like a mysterious old witch, and she is also the kind of old witch from hell.

The face is like an old tree, withered and white, without a trace of blood. The eyes have black holes, just like two black holes. There is still a white flame burning inside, and there is no flesh and blood on the hands, just a pair of bones. The claws, skin-smiling and non-smiling, looked quite crippled.

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