Supreme Lord

Chapter 1628

The little secret world of quicksand.

Sand Sea Demon Domain, Heaven’s Line forbidden area.

The two women are hovering in the sky, and the expressions look anxious one by one, looking into the gap in the Heaven’s Line forbidden area from time to time.

Although the appearance of the two people can’t be called devastatingly beautiful, they definitely can afford the word “beauty”, but in this small secret world of quicksand full of turbidity and harsh natural environment, especially here still Shahai Demon Domain, the pure spirit of the immortal on the two of them looked particularly dazzling.

Not someone else.

It is the two immortals, Purple Gold and Ziqing.

In the distance.

On a nine-headed Fire Cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger, there is also a enchanting woman sitting on it, and the enchanting body of this enchanting woman is particularly strong, it is Bai Yanyan.

Bai Yanyan is sitting on the big lion, drinking a little wine while eating Spirit Fruit, watching Purple Gold and Ziqing wandering in the forbidden area of ​​Heaven’s Line, she shook her head helplessly .

As a monster in the Little Secret Realm of Quicksand, and also a great wild spirit monster, Bai Yanyan knows how dangerous Shahai Demon Domain is. Therefore, since Gu Qingfeng jumped into the Heaven’s Line forbidden area, she followed Gu Qingfeng He ordered the two of Purple Gold and Ziqing back to his Cave Mansion.

In the beginning, the two did not say anything. They just cultivated for more than ten days. After the cultivation base was almost restored, the two of Purple Gold and Ziqing couldn’t stand it anymore, regardless of Bai Yanyan’s Persuaded, and came to the Heaven’s Line forbidden area.

It has been half a month since Gu Qingfeng entered the Heaven’s Line forbidden area. These days, it can be said that the two of Purple Gold and Ziqing have lived like years, and I feel very guilty in my heart, and even regret the request. Gu Qingfeng helped, especially as the day passed, Gu Qingfeng still did not come out, which made the two of them suffer even more.

“Senior Sister, if the Great Scarlet Heaven Lord is also trapped inside, then we…have harmed him?”

The voice of Purple Gold came, Ziqing He blamed himself: “If he is really trapped inside, there is no doubt that we have harmed him.”

“We shouldn’t ask him for help.”

“Now It’s useless to say this.”

“Then what shall we do?”

“Wait, if he hasn’t come out, we will go down.”

Whether it is Purple Gold or Ziqing, neither of them is afraid of death. If they are afraid of death, they will not break into the small secret world of quicksand again and again, even more how, they all know that if there was no Chixiao If Lord took the shot, both of them would have died a long time ago. Now the Lord might be trapped inside in order to help him, and neither of them would sit back and watch.

“Two, I advise you to think twice and do not be impulsive. If you can’t even get out of the Great Scarlet Cloud Lord, it won’t help you two go down.”

Bai Yanyan came over and persuaded her.

Purple Gold and Ziqing both know the facts Bai Yanyan said, but even so, they still want to try. There may be hope if they try. If they don’t try, there is no hope at all, and they would rather die Inside, I don’t want to stay outside and suffer condemnation every day.

“even more how, the existence of the Great Scarlet Heaven Lord is not what we can imagine. I think, since he dares to go on, he may really have a way to come out, but it is not impossible.”


Bai Yanyan has always been curious about Gu Qingfeng’s identity. For this reason, she also went to Fengyue Small World specially. She wanted to find her Senior Sister Bai Susu to inquire about it. However, Bai Susu is not in Fengyue Small. World, but this trip did not go in vain. In Fengyue Small World, she learned that Gu Qingfeng once won 1.8 billion with a dice, and also boarded the 81st floor of the golden tower with no difficulty. Thousands of Megatron’s Great Principle Golden Immortal cultivation base were all paralyzed. The Golden Crow Li Family, Golden Crow Liu Family, the giant Bai Family, including the ancient inheritance Lotus Secret Realm, also caused countless deaths and injuries because of the intrigue of Gu Qingfeng.

What made Bai Yanyan even more unbelievable was that she also heard that her Senior Sister Bai Yanyan saluted Gu Qingfeng in public, and was especially respectful to her.

A series of things made Bai Yanyan more and more convinced that the existence of this Chixiao Great Lord is absolutely extraordinary, and it is not her own imagination.

“Elder Sister Bai, do you really think that Lord Chixiao can come out of the forbidden area of ​​Heaven’s Line?”

Purple Gold asked.

Bai Yanyan glanced, first shook her head, then shook her head, and said, “Perhaps.”



Bai Yanyan is not sure, even though the existence of the Chixiao Great Lord is mysterious and mysterious, but here is the Heaven’s Line forbidden area after all. Since ancient times, few people who go in can follow Come out inside.

Of course.

The fact that few people come out does not mean that no one has ever come out. At least, Bai Yanyan has heard her Master say that someone has come out of the Heaven’s Line forbidden area.

“Two immortals, white…Senior Bai is right, you must not be impulsive.”

At this time, Prince Ma walked from the fire cloud Come out, persuaded: “The Great Lord said let us wait, we just wait obediently and honestly. The ability of the Great Lord is great. Others may not be able to get out of Heaven’s Line, but it does not mean that the Great Lord cannot get out. If his Senior says he can come out, he will definitely come out.”

Prince Ma’s voice just fell, and suddenly, hong long long made a loud noise, as if the whole earth was trembling, the whole under his feet The sand sea rolled up like a sea wave.

What’s the matter?

No one knows.

Bai Yanyan flew into the sky for the first time, and while protecting her body with demon power, she quickly took out the magic weapon. You must know that this is the Demon Domain of Shahai. There are demons infested, and Purple Gold and Ziqing dare not Neglect, all took out the magic weapon in an instant, and Prince Ma, who had been sitting inside the fire cloud, was scared just holding the big knife in his hand, a pair of tiger eyes just staring all around.

hong long long! ——

There was another loud noise, and the sea of ​​sand under my feet rolled more intensely.

At this time, they discovered that a billowing black mist spurted from the gap in the Heaven’s Line forbidden area.

What is going on here?

I don’t know.

hong long long ——

Along with another loud noise, the billowing black mist emerged from the gap in the Heaven’s Line forbidden area like a fire beacon. Bai Yanyan, Purple Gold, Purple The Qing trio stood back and looked around. Vaguely, they found that there seemed to be a person in the black mist.

That is a man.

A man wearing a plain white cloth, with long hair like ink dangling casually, his appearance is plain and ordinary, he can’t remember his appearance if he closes his eyes.

When the black mist gradually dissipated and when they saw the man’s face clearly, the three of Bai Yanyan, Purple Gold and Ziqing were completely shocked.

Because this man is the Chixiao Great Lord, Gu Qingfeng, who jumped into the forbidden area of ​​Heaven’s Line before.

Coming out!

He really came out of the Heaven’s Line forbidden area!


Bai Yanyan and the three of them looked at Gu Qingfeng here, and couldn’t believe their eyes. In addition to surprises, they were unbelievable.

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