Supreme Lord

Chapter 1616

“Gu boy, you are wrong about this. What happened in the Secret Realm of Quicksand, I am not at all participating.”

“You are not talking about me, right?”


Gu Qingfeng said: “You were an old fellow when Wudaoshan appeared, and you were there when I lit the original sin karma fire. I heard that later, I don’t know what happened in the Little Secret Realm of Quicksand. Jun Xuanji and the ancient nameless people both came in, Tearing Space, will you brat not participate?”

“Old boy!”

The monk explained: “There was no way back then. I was indeed there when the mountain was present, but after you brat lit the original sin karma fire, the whole Wudao Mountain was filled with original sin karma fire. When I saw that the situation was not right, I hurriedly screamed.”

“What then?”

“What then?”

“Why, dare you to know something like this happened in the Little Secret Realm of Quicksand, you know nothing?”


“It’s not that I don’t know anything, but… that was only later known. When I knew it, the Secret Realm of Quicksand was already in a mess. At that time, I didn’t know anything about the White Eyebrow Senior Brother. I know what happened.”

“I didn’t know at that time, should I know a little bit now?”

“What happened back then, if you ask me, you’re wrong, you should Ask Jun Xuanji.”

“If I can find Jun Xuanji, I will ask you what you do.”

“That’s true.”

Daxing The epic monk also sat on the head of the Buddha, took the wine that Gu Qingfeng handed over, and said: “I only found out about that incident back then. I don’t know whether it is true or false until now.”

“What happened?”

“I heard that not long after you brat ignited the original sin karma fire, almost at the same time, a little secret world of Quicksand appeared Original sin incarnation.”

“You mean that not long after I lit the fire of original sin karma, an original sin incarnation appeared in the Little Secret Realm of Quicksand?”

“Yes.” Daxing The monk nodded said: “At that time, both Senior Brother and I were frightened. I thought it was you brat who died and reborn here after the Wudaoshan fraudulent death. Not only we thought it was you brat, Jun Xuanji and the others, And the ancient nameless I thought it was you brat at the time.”

“And then?”

“And then I don’t know. At that time, I rushed over with the white eyebrow Senior Brother. At the time, Jun Xuanji and Ji Gu Wuming were all fighting, you also know my point a Bility, I can’t get in at all. I haven’t understood what happened yet, and the motherfucker has already finished the work. “

“You mean that the reason they broke into the secret world of quicksand was because of an original sin incarnation emerged here, and they all thought it was the me who was reborn from the slain? “

“Yes. “

“What happened later?” What about the new original sin incarnation? “

“I don’t know! I heard it ran away. “

“Run away? “

“I also heard that, whether the newly emerging original sin incarnation is gone or what happened, I am not quite clear, but then the ancient unknown said that the original sin incarnation is not you brat. “

Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin and whispered: “This thing sounds a bit wicked. Lord, my front foot lit the original sin karma fire, and an original sin incarnation appeared on the back foot of the quicksand secret world? This impossible is a coincidence, right? Why does it sound so evil. “

“hehe, it’s evil, the more evil is yet to come, do you know why after you lit the fire of original sin karma, an incarnation of original sin appeared in the Little Secret Realm of Quicksand? “

“You know? “

“How much I know. “

“Tell me what happened. “

“Wuyou Empress, you brat should know?” “

“Of course I do. “

“She used a drop of original sin blood to conceive a lot of original sinners in the Northwest, including you brat is one of them. The original sinners conceived in the Northwest are most likely to be Was obliterated by Wuyou Empress, only two people are still alive, one is you, the other is who do you know? “

“I’ve heard that in addition to the original sinners of the Northwest, there is a woman still alive. That woman seems to be the Big Senior Sister of the Sun Valley. As for who it is, I don’t know , What’s the matter, listen to your voice, is it possible that the original sin incarnation that popped up in the Little Secret Realm of Quicksand was the Big Senior Sister in the Sun Valley? “

“Farewell. “

The Daxing monk drank a glass of wine calmly, and then continued: “To tell you the truth, back then, Wuyou Empress used that drop of original sin blood to not only become pregnant in the Northwest.” The person of original sin is also pregnant with the person of original sin in this quicksand secret world, and there is more than one. “

“What else?” “

Hearing this, Gu Qingfeng was quite surprised. He really did not expect that Wuyou Empress would also conceive a person of original sin in the Little Secret Realm of Quicksand, and asked: “Wuyou Emress conceived so many original sins What do people do? “

“You ask me about this, who do I ask? “As soon as the conversation turned, the Daxing Monk said again: “However, it is still impossible to say that it is Wuyou Empress who used the blood of original sin to conceive the person of original sin. Listening to the ancient unknown voice, she seems to suspect that it is the little blood of original sin playing by herself. It seems that the method of the destiny is also involved in the mess of fate. “

“That’s what Eternal Wuming said?” “

“Not only the ancient nameless said so, but Jun Xuanji also said the same. Anyway, listening to what they said, it seems that the blood of the original sin is doing the trick. “


Gu Qingfeng once asked Jun Xuanji and Wuyou Empress a question, that is why he is the person of original sin.

Regardless of whether it is Jun Xuanji or Wuyou Empress, they say that they have become a person of original sin, perhaps due to cause and effect, or destiny, or even the blood of original sin chose them. They don’t know why.

If it is really due to cause and effect, it is also a destiny arrangement, or the blood of original sin chose itself.

Then why are there other people of original sin besides yourself? And more than one


Back then, when I ignited the original sin karma in Wudaoshan, why did an original sin incarnation immediately appeared in the Little Secret Realm of Quicksand? What is the connection?

“Gu boy, you should know that the drop of original sin blood that gave birth to you is extraordinary, right? I heard that the blood of original sin still comes from Wudaozun? Is it real? “

Gu Qingfeng shook his head, he couldn’t tell about this.

“Think carefully about whether this matter is very evil, why the drop of original sin blood is pregnant What is its purpose? Why did you brat ignite the blood of original sin at the same time that a new incarnation of original sin immediately appeared in the Little Secret Realm of Quicksand? “

Gu Qingfeng shook his head again, I also don’t know about this.

“Youdao is a fan of the authorities, and the observers are clear. I have been thinking about this for a long time, and I have come up with a little meaning. I don’t know if what I said is right, you brat just listen. “

“You said. “

“The Book of Destiny has a prophecy, do you know?” “

“What prophecy, I haven’t heard of it. “

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