Supreme Lord

Chapter 1602

“Senior? Woman, right?”

“How did the Master learn about it?”

“Nonsense, this tulip is so feminine, if this thing is a Lord They brewed, and they must be an eunuch.”

Gu Qingfeng is a good wine man.

Although I dare not say that I have tasted all the wines between Heaven and Earth, as long as I meet them, I will never miss them.

I think I’m a wine expert.

It’s not that men can’t make feminine wine, but this tulip is not just feminine, it is elegant and quiet, like a bitan under the moon, plus this When the wine was poured out, it was like a purple rose flame burning and blooming.

It is so fancy to play, and the taste is so light.

Normal Lords can’t make this kind of wine for a little woman.

“Only when I heard that the Master wants to inquire about something, I don’t know what the Master wants to inquire about?” Bronze sat upright, and stood up to pour wine for Gu Qingfeng from time to time, saying: “I will know everything in the next. Say.”

Although Gu Qingfeng said good wine, he had no choice but to use strong wine. The stronger the wine, the better. He really has no interest in this kind of light wine. It tasted like boiled water. So, He waved his hand and signaled that the bronze didn’t need to pour himself. He took out the wine he had bought in Fengyue Small World, took a sip, and said, “Speaking of which is not a major event. How long has it been cultivation of the secret world?”


Maybe I didn’t expect Gu Qingfeng to ask himself such a question, bronze frowns, pondered for a moment, and said : “I haven’t calculated it carefully, there should be three forty thousand years.”

“You have been cultivation here for so long?”

Gu Qingfeng moved in his heart and asked again Said: “So ten thousand years ago, what happened here, you should know something?”

I heard that Gu Qingfeng mentioned things ten thousand years ago, the bronze expression slightly startled, cautiously asked: “The Master wants to inquire about the incident ten thousand years ago?”


“If the Master wants to inquire about the incident ten thousand years ago.” Gu Tong Weiwei Shaking his head, he looked a little helpless, and said: “I am afraid I can do nothing.”

“What, is it possible that you were not here when that happened ten thousand years ago?”

“No, when that happened ten thousand years ago, Zai Xia did not leave.”

“Then you don’t know yet?”


Bronze has made trouble, as if I don’t know how to speak, and after a while, he said: “When that happened back then, although I was in this little secret world, what happened? I really don’t know what’s going on.”

“More or less, what should you know?” Gu Qingfeng said: “Lord today, it’s not difficult for you, just tell me what you know. ”

Bronze looked at Gu Qingfeng, sighed then said, and said: “Back then, Zai was secluded cultivation. Suddenly, the secret world trembled violently. When Xiakuan was exploring, Found that the secret world has become a mess, like a catastrophe Disasters are common, murky heavens dark earth, and nature collapsed for it. Many demons and ghosts in the secret world were killed because of this. In the following year, a Senior was also rescued to save their lives. “

“And then? Why is there a disaster in this secret world? “

“For the specific reason, I don’t know below, something terrifying should suddenly come to this secret world, or be born in this secret world. “

“Why do you say that? “

“Because when the disaster happened, there were more than a dozen terrifying existences in the Tearing Space, breaking into the secret world, fighting hard, seeming to be fighting for something, not only alarmed many in the secret world The hidden Senior, even the Wuyou Empress who dominates this secret world has come out. “

“Who? Who are you talking about? “When he heard the words Wuyou Empress, Gu Qingfeng was shocked and asked: “Which Wuyou Empress are you talking about?” “

“I don’t know… I’ve just heard people mention that Wuyou Empress has always dominated the origin of this secret world. Although it’s cultivation tens of thousands of years in this secret world, from Never seen Wuyou Empress. “

Gu Qingfeng held a glass of wine, put it to his mouth, but did not drink it, the words Wuyou Empress kept reverberating in his mind.

Thinking about this Wuyou Is Empress the Wuyou Empress I met in the Northwestern Sun Valley?

If you are really alone.

The water in this matter is not as deep as that. .

Be aware that Gu Qingfeng was born in the Northwest because of the blood of original sin.

The blood of original sin has been in the hands of Wuyou Empress.

Although Wuyou Empress is lost, she also said that she didn’t know whether the blood of original sin chose herself or fate and causality chose herself.

But Gu Qingfeng is sure that things are definitely not that simple. And Wuyou Empress would not be so’innocent.’

Even Gu Qingfeng suspected that he was fused with the blood of original sin back then, and I am afraid that Wuyou Empress could not be separated from it.

Now I was killed and reborn in the small secret world of quicksand, but motherfucker didn’t expect Wuyou Empress to be the Ruler of this secret world.

Think about it with my toes and know that there must be something behind this I don’t know It’s strange.

It’s just that the Wuyou Empress in the bronze mouth and the Wuyou Empress in the Sun Valley are alone. Gu Qingfeng didn’t know for a while, shook his head and put the wine in the glass. After he drank it, he asked, “You just said that there were more than ten people in the Tearing Space who broke into this secret world back then. They were all who? “

“This…I don’t know below. “

“What does it look like?” “

“Also can’t see clearly, they are all unpredictable existences. “

Hearing the fictitious and the real, Gu Qingfeng immediately thought of the innocent man. In his impression, the innocent man is the existence of the fictitious and the real, ethereal and vague.

It’s just that if they are all innocent people, then what are they fighting for here? What is worth the fight by those innocent people, and there are more than a dozen innocent people? So many? All motherfucker who? /p>

For a moment, Gu Qingfeng continued to ask: “Is there a mad woman among them?” “

“There is not only a crazy woman, but also a crazy Elderly. “

If the mad woman is really Jun Xuanji, then who will the mad Elderly be? It is the mad old man he met in the ruins of the Innocent Age? Think about it, it should be.

“Why did I hear that the ancient nameless also appeared here? “


Bronze frowned deeply and said: “That mad woman did call the name of the ancient nameless back then. As for the ancient nameless name, did it exist? Here, I don’t know in the next, and I have never seen the ancient nameless. “

After that, Bronze pleaded again: “Master, I only know so much about what happened that year, and most of them are heard from other people, true or false. I don’t know, but I hope the Master will not take it seriously. “

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