Supreme Lord

Chapter 1595

Look back at that year.

Gu Qingfeng aspires to the Great Emperor of Nether, sweeping the wilderness, Megatron land, demon path, demonic path, ghost path are even more prosperous, All Heavens Myriad Realms, as long as demons and ghosts, you don’t need to see them, you don’t need to know No matter what Monster King, Ghost King or Demon King you are, you don’t need to watch the situation. Just listen to the sound and you will frighten the soul flew away and scattered.


At the time of ancient calamity, the Nine Nether Throne and the Immortal Warriors Throne were both judged by Heaven and Earth.

It’s as if the Old Hu of King of 100 Beast turned into an ordinary wild cat after being taken away from the forehead.

Other wild beasts in the forest, because of the Bloodline Lineage, are born with a kind of fear in Old Hu, but they will never fear a small wild cat.


Gu Qingfeng Although the Nine Nether throne was seized, his fleshy body has been subjected to countless temperings of the Nine Nether ancestral fire. Despite the fusion of the blood of original sin, after several deaths and rebirth, the fleshy body happened With the changes of Heaven and Earth turning upside down, the smell of Nether on the body has become less and less, but it can still shock those large and small demons and ghosts more or less.

Gu Qingfeng sighed.

It is not to miss the so-called Nether Nether Throne.

Not only will he not miss it, but on the contrary, he feels “no official is light.”

Because of him back then, with more and more mysterious creations on his body, and more and more various destiny kings, he also felt more and more that he was not like a person.

Now all kinds of destiny emperor thrones are gone, all kinds of mysterious good fortune are gone, even motherfucker cultivation base is gone, and he has become an ordinary mortal who can no longer be ordinary.

From feeling that I am less and less like an individual, I feel more and more like an individual.

This feeling is very strange.

It’s like returning to the basics and returning to the truth as the Buddhism said.

Understanding the four great states of mind, Gu Qingfeng has made the four of Gu Qingfeng empty, and now it is gradually returning to the ordinary, and it is the return of the Buddhist school to nature.

Gu Qingfeng is sighing that he is becoming more and more hesitant and at a loss…

He is sighing.

The Violet Immortal and the Senior Sister in Dalun stare at Gu Qingfeng incredibly like a monster, even though they are both Golden Immortal of the Seven Lunar Days, they are definitely one side in the bipolar universe. Expert, you need to have knowledge and experience, but you still can’t figure out why those murderous bloodthirsty black scale Demonic beasts are so afraid of a mortal like Gu Qingfeng, even after the powerful old monster with monster qi came over, just After a glance, he turned his head and left.

Why is this!

I don’t know.

But there is one thing that both of them know, that is, the mortal who saved him is definitely not an ordinary mortal.

A mortal is impossible to come to the depths of the secret world of quicksand.

A mortal is also impossible to scare away those ferocious bloodthirsty black scale Demonic beasts.

Think of this.

The two of them did not dare to neglect, and bowed down to cup one fist in the other hand and said: “Junior Purple Gold, Ziqing thanks Senior for help!”

“no effort at all, no need to hang your teeth.”

Gu Qingfeng jumped onto the big wheel, sat on a chair, drank a glass of wine, looked at the two, said with a smile: “If you want to thank you, thank you yourself Well, reincarnation, good luck, cast a woman, if you two are men, I won’t save you.”

Perhaps I didn’t expect Gu Qingfeng to say this. They were there for a while, I don’t know how to answer the call.

“Look at how you two are now. I’m afraid I can’t go back by myself. I heard that you are the discipline of Yunhua Cave. Would you like to throw a letter to inform you people from Yunhua Cave to come here? I will pick you up.”

For some reason, when Gu Qingfeng mentioned the people in Yunhua Cave, both Purple Gold and Ziqing’s faces showed expressions of immense grief.

Purple Gold regretted the loss and said: “We have no one in Yunhua Cave…no more. These years, in order to find Master Ancestor Master them, our discipline at Yunhua Cave has died and injured. At present, only our apprentice sisters are left in Yunhuadong. Their hopes of finding a Master are all pinned on our apprentice sisters. If we can’t go back, must find the senior in Yunhuadong, must find it.”

“What do you mean?” Gu Qingfeng was puzzled and asked: “What’s the matter, are your Master and Senior in Yunhua Cave also in this small secret world of quicksand?”

Purple Gold Ziqing and Ziqing were heavily nodded, they knelt down and pleaded: “I beg Senior to save our elders in Yunhuadong, and our apprentice sisters are willing to work extremely hard for you to repay Senior’s kindness!”

“Save your elders in Yunhua Cave.” Gu Qingfeng rubbed and thought for a while, thinking that he would have nothing important for a while, and then asked: “Where are they now?”

“We…don’t know, but they are in the Secret Realm of Quicksand.”

“I don’t even know where, how to save it? This Secret Realm of Quicksand is not small Ah, if you go on blindly, you may not be able to find it even if you find a Qianer for 800 years.”


If it was before, it is not difficult to find someone in this quicksand secret world with Gu Qingfeng Divine Consciousness. The key is that his Essence, Qi, and Spirit have been in a weak state since he was awakened from annihilation and rebirth. , And took out Divine Consciousness to probe this thing without the strong support of Essence, Qi, and Spirit. Don’t say that he doesn’t have the kindness, even if he has the kindness to save, now he has more than enough energy but not enough energy.


At this time, Prince Ma, who had been silent, suddenly said: “Two immortals, Junior didn’t mean to offend you, it’s just your Yunhua Cave Didn’t Senior die a long time ago?”

Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “I said Old Ma, the elders of Yunhuadong are dead, how do you know?”

“Lord, do you remember when you came here, did you ask me how much I knew about the Little Secret Realm of Quicksand?”

“What happened?”

“I said Ten thousand years ago, the Little Secret Realm of Quicksand once appeared in our Bipolar Cosmos. Back then, many Seniors ventured into the Bipolar Cosmos. As a result, many people died and only a few escaped. I heard others say, The senior expert of Yunhua Cave also died a lot back then.”

The reason why Prince Ma is more clear about Yunhua Cave is that Yunhua Cave was ten thousand years ago, that is, Ancient Era. At the time, it was still one of the prestigious Immortal Realm in the bipolar universe. Since ancient times, it has inheritance and is also an expert as clouds. Although it is not the overlord who dominates the bipolar universe, there is absolutely no one dares provoke.


Ten thousand years ago, in the present world of the Little Secret Realm of Quicksand, many expert seniors in the large and small Immortal Realm of Bipolar Tianyu ventured into it. Yunhua Cave is no exception, and I heard it was Yunhua back then. The Old Ancestor of Dong led the team personally, however, none of them came out in the end.

It is precisely this reason that led to the gradual decline of Yunhua Cave. Since even the elders have been wiped out, as when the tree falls, the monkeys scatter, the rest of the discipline has no hope. Most of them have also left. Fortunately, among the disciplines left by Yunhua Cave, there are two famous immortals in the bipolar universe, Purple Gold and Ziqing, and Yunhua Cave will not completely decline.

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