Supreme Lord

Chapter 1587

The Great Wasteland.

Bipolar horizon.

Nine-headed Fire Cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger is pulling a luxurious big wheel in the vast sky in the sky.

The man who drove the car by Da Nian was a tall and strong man.

The man is wearing a black scale fairy armor, a bright red cloak is hung on the back, and he is holding a fire cloud whip. He also looks majestic.

Beside it, is a large and comfortable chair. On the chair sits a young man dressed in white clothed. This man is lying on his back lazily on the chair, watching the vast expanse of the wilderness. Beautiful scenery, while holding a hip flask, drinking a little wine.

The two are not others, they are Gu Qingfeng and Prince Ma.

“Big Lord, where are we going?”

After leaving from Ronaldinho Secret Realm, Prince Ma rushed to the fire cloud and wandered around the Bipolar World. As for where to go, Gu Qingfeng didn’t say, he didn’t know.

“Wander first, and where does it count.”

This question really stumped Gu Qingfeng, because he didn’t know where he was going, and wanted to After a long time, I didn’t think of it. Looking up at the void, looking at the one after another All Heavens Myriad Realms, which is like a star, Gu Qingfeng asked: “Old Ma, what do you think this person lives for?”

“What is the purpose of living?”

The question of Gu Qingfeng also puzzled Prince Ma. He scratched his head, pondered for a long time, and responded: “Lord, to be honest, so Profound question, I really didn鈥檛 think about it. I don鈥檛 know why you always live for me.”

“You don鈥檛 even know what you live for, then you live all day What’s the strength?”

Prince Ma wanted to cry without tears, drooping his face, helplessly said: “Lord, we are just ordinary little immortals, and I’m still the hardest person A kind of gambler, after eating up and not down, shouted when he wins, plays and has fun, and goes out obediently and honestly if he loses to earn some fairy stones, and runs all day for the three walnuts and dates. , I never thought of living for such a profound question, it鈥檚 fine to live, whatever it is for.”

“Don’t say it.”

Gu Qingfeng took a sip of wine , Pondering the words of Prince Ma, nodded and said: “you brat this remark, think about it carefully, motherfucker makes sense, in fact, speaking of which, you brat live happily.”

“Lord , I am still called happiness?”

“What? Stump the unhappiness that you brat?”

Prince Ma fiercely shook his head and said: “To be honest, big Lord, we haven鈥檛 realized what happiness is like in our lives.”

“You brat is in the blessing and not knowing the blessing.”

Prince Ma scratched his head, somewhat listening Don’t understand.

“Let鈥檚 tell you this, when gambling, are you happy if you win?”

“Of course you are happy.”

“When you lose What about?”

“You must be unhappy when you lose.”

“Silly boy, this is happiness.”

“Can this be called happiness? “

Prince Ma is even more confused.

“At least, you will be happy if you win money, and you will be unhappy if you lose money. If you have money, you will eat shouted. If you have no money, you will be obediently and honestly to make money, and you can鈥檛 be happier than your master. Happy.”

Prince Ma grinned and said with a smile: “Lord, don鈥檛 tease me when you are old. I think you are the happiest person when you are old. You are also the happiest person we have ever seen. Nourishing people.”

“How do you say?”

“Look, you always want money and money, strength and strength, drink if you want to drink, and sun It鈥檚 so moist and comfortable to spend in the sun.”

“This kind of day is indeed very moist and comfortable, but you can鈥檛 live like this for a lifetime. One year is okay, ten years, 100 years, and millennia will do. , But hundreds of thousands million years are like this, there will always be bored.”

Gu Qingfeng exclaimed: “You have won the money and know that you are happy. Lord, my current situation is whether I have won the money. I feel that I still have no feeling after losing money. Have you ever experienced the taste of happiness? I don鈥檛 know. Anyway, I haven鈥檛 experienced what it means to be happy or unhappy for a long, long time. Let鈥檚 say a hypocritical word, I鈥檓 alive now. Boring, boring, and boring, just like when you asked the father where he was going, he didn鈥檛 even know where he was going or what he was going to do.”

Prince Ma couldn鈥檛 understand it at all. Gu Qingfeng said what it feels like to be alive, boring, boring, and boring.


He couldn’t understand.

During his cultivation for so many years, he ran around for life and survival all day. He didn鈥檛 have the opportunity and the mood to be bored, because he knew very well that if he didn鈥檛 run for life, It is impossible to survive in this great famine.

This is also the fundamental reason why Gu Qingfeng cannot understand Gu Qingfeng’s mood at this moment.

It is the difference between him and Gu Qingfeng.

If he wants to survive, he must run for life.

But Gu Qingfeng is different.

Gu Qingfeng doesn’t need to travel and work hard to survive.

If Prince Ma does not run for life, he will not survive, and may even die.

Gu Qingfeng is different.

He is not afraid of death.

Since the enlightenment of the Great Silence, he has not known many times of life and death, used to it, and numb, even more how now he has already transcended life and death.

In other words, life and death are no different for him. Life is death, and death is life.

Even if you let him die now, he doesn’t know how to kill himself. Even if he kills himself, he doesn’t know when he will be Nirvana Rebirth.

Since we are detached from life and death, who would think about survival?

Gu Qingfeng is now more and more confused, more alive and more hesitant, especially after he has realized the four states of mind, not only has he transcended life and death, but it also feels like seeing through the world, the more he lives, the more boring.

“The so-called four states of mind are indeed from the Supreme Buddha.” Gu Qingfeng raised his head to drink, and said: “The Lao Tzu who got the four is empty now, and I feel a little bit thinking about going into the empty door for the monk. “

Gu Qingfeng pondered, this is not a way for him to continue this way. Even if he does not escape into the empty door in the future, his spirit will definitely be a problem.

Before, he had been unable to understand why those Old Guys who didn’t know how many years were cultivated, seemed to be a little abnormal in their spirits. They were either insane, crazy, or demented.

Now he almost understands and understands a bit.

Those Old Guys must have become more confused as they live, and become more hesitant.

Once this person has no pursuit, he starts to think wildly, thinking about the meaning of life, the true meaning of life, and so on.

Once you think wildly, you are prone to obsession.

Once obsession develops, it is not far from cultivation deviation.

Gu Qingfeng feels boring to be alive, but he doesn’t want to become crazy in the future, saying: “It seems that you have to find something to do quickly, otherwise problems will occur sooner or later if this continues.”

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