Supreme Lord

Chapter 1572

That is an Elderly.

A gray-haired Elderly.

Elderly is wearing a shabby gray daoist robe, and is cleaning a grave with a broom.

Gu Qingfeng walked over, but Elderly was indifferent.

I don’t know if Gu Qingfeng has not been discovered, or Elderly doesn’t care whether Gu Qingfeng exists or not.

“Junior Gu Qingfeng meets Senior.”

Gu Qingfeng cup one fist in the other hand salutes, and Elderly continues to clean the tomb as if she had not heard it.

“Junior Gu Qingfeng, see Senior.”

Gu Qingfeng continued to cup one fist in the other hand to salute, but Elderly still ignored it.

“Junior Gu Qingfeng meets Senior.”

Gu Qingfeng cup one fist in the other hand for the third time, this time Elderly finally said: “I don’t know what the layman is doing?”

“Junior strayed into this place, if you offend, also hope Senior forgives me.”

“Heaven and Earth, everything has cause and effect to be found, the layman can come This is also true here. It’s not a mistake. Naturally, there is no such thing as offense.”

Gu Qingfeng heard that Old Senior seemed to point, but the other party didn’t say it clearly. I was too lazy to explain, so I asked: “Dare to ask who Senior is.”

“The old man is just the tomb guard here.”

“The tomb guard?” Gu Qingfeng to ask a question, when already knows the answer, and said: “Where is this place again?”

“The old man is a cemetery guardian, here is a natural cemetery.”

“Whose mausoleum?”

“The mausoleum of all avenues.”

“What is buried in the tomb?”

” This book, the root of the avenue, the foundation of the avenue, the heart of the avenue, the great Dao Source……”

Gu Qingfeng frowned slightly, and then asked: “If the Dao Source is buried in the tomb, then today What are the ancient avenues?”

“The tomb is only the Dao Source of the Innocent Era.”

“What do you mean, it is difficult to say that the Innocent Era The fallen avenue is not the same as the avenues of the modern and ancient times?”

“The era of no way is a cursed era, it is also an era of error and confusion, an era of inverted cause and effect, and more It’s an era that shouldn’t exist.”

The era of innocence is a cursed era. Gu Qingfeng can understand what’s going on. It can be said that the era of innocence is an era of mistakes and chaos, or a The era of causal disorder is an era that shouldn’t exist. This makes Gu Qingfeng a little confused and asks: “I hope Senior can give me some advice.”

“Old man doesn’t even think about it. Understand, how do you give advice to the layperson?”


Elderly muttered to herself: “The old man only knows that all this is caused by a curse.”


“Curse? What curse? “

“A curse of cause and effect. “

Cause and effect, it’s damn cause and effect!

Gu Qingfeng can now say that the word “cause and effect” has had a shadow. As long as he hears these words, he will have an inexplicable headache. .

“Why is the Old Senior guarding this mausoleum here? “

“I forgot, and I can’t remember…”

“Stumped Senior is also lost? “

“Perhaps. “

Is this Old Senior lost? Gu Qingfeng really can’t tell.

The Old Senior is cleaning the grave and drifting away. Gu Qingfeng not at all follows, although He had a lot of doubts about the question he wanted to ask in the era of no way. However, this Old Senior said that it was cause and effect. Gu Qingfeng really had a headache when he heard it, and he didn’t bother to toss it anymore.

Just look at it for a while, Just when I was about to leave, a faint voice suddenly came.

“Friend, I trust you have been well since we last met. “

It was a person who appeared at the sound.

A stern person wrapped in white cloth.

Seeing this person, Gu Qingfeng couldn’t help but startled. , I didn’t expect to see such a friend here who is not a friend.

“Why? It’s just that thousands of years have passed, so you don’t know each other? “

This person who was tightly wrapped in a white cloth showed only a pair of eyes that looked like an abyss. After appearing, he stood with his hand held down and looked at Gu Qingfeng.

” You are dressed so trendy, even if it turns to ashes, I can recognize you. “

Gu Qingfeng replied with a smile.

For some reason, when he saw this mysterious person, there was such an unexpected surprise in his heart.




Because since Gu Qingfeng merged with the blood of original sin, all the people who came into contact with the original sin were lost without exception. Either the gods are talking, like Jun Xuanji, or crazy, like the crazy old man, even if you encounter one or two mentally normal people, such as the old monk in the nirvana bone jade, and the tomb guards of all these avenues, Speaking of the era of innocence, they are all silent, except for cause and effect, but also cause and effect.

After thinking about it, Gu Qingfeng found that only such a mysterious person wrapped in white cloth in front of him seemed normal, and there was no god. God talks, and there is no madness. The most important thing is that he seems to know a lot about things in the era of innocence.

And for this mysterious person, Gu Qingfeng has always had a strange feeling. It feels very complicated, like a familiar feeling, not deja vu, but an inexplicable connection.

“Of course, if I become ashes, I believe you will recognize me Come. “

“Why? “

“I said, who you are, I am who, we belong to the same kind of person, and also belong to the same person. “

hearing this.

Gu Qingfeng’s heart moved, he still clearly remembered the last time he saw this mysterious person in The Nightmare of Original Sin, he asked who the other party was, and he clearly remembered At that time, the mysterious person answered with this sentence.

“In this way, you are also a person of original sin, and what you are fused is also a drop of blood from the innocent deity who has life and is alive. “

“Perhaps. “

“Perhaps? “

“Perhaps. “

Although the mysterious person did not admit it, Gu Qingfeng already had an answer in his heart. Before he thought, this mysterious person should be the same as himself, and must also incorporate a drop of Wudaozun who possesses life. The blood of original sin, if not, I would not feel unclear about him. This feeling should be the connection between the blood of original sin.

Gu Qingfeng asked: “We have met three times, the first time in the secular world, the second time in the Nightmare of Original Sin, and the third time here, I suddenly found a problem. “

“What’s the problem? “

“No matter where I am, you seem to be able to find me. “

Mysterious person asked: “Should I repeat it?” “

“What repeat? “

“I said, who you are, I am who, we belong to the same kind of person, and also belong to the same person, in a sense, you are you, I am you, I It’s me, you are me, I look for you as if I look for myself. “

What you are you, I am you.

What is me is me, and you are me.

Gu Qingfeng was a little confused, and mysterious person said with a smile: “You will understand later. “

“Well, I may be stupid and unable to comprehend the profound mystery. “Gu Qingfeng sighed helplessly and asked: “However, if this is the case, then why can’t I find you?” “

“You don’t find it, but you don’t want to find it. “

“I didn’t say that I didn’t want to find it. I didn’t know how to find it. “

Mysterious person shook his head slightly and said: “You have always refused to accept the cause and effect of the era of innocence, and even have been resisting. To be precise, you have been resisting the drop of original sin. How can I find me? “

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