Supreme Lord

Chapter 1570

Gu Qingfeng looked around and found that the indifferent place of vain was almost similar to the fragmented space of the previous era of innocence. However, there seemed to be differences. He couldn’t think of the difference for a while, and just wanted to leave. In the past, I asked clearly, the old witch in the distance flashed back instantly, looking particularly jealous of Gu Qingfeng, shouted in a deep voice: “What do you want to do!”

“Don’t get me wrong, I just want to ask Some things about you.”

“If you want to ask, don’t come over.”

Gu Qingfeng shook his head and smiled bitterly, and said: “Big sister, I have no other meaning.”

Perhaps it is the first time I heard someone call herself this way. The old witch couldn’t help but startled and responded: “Your speech and behavior surprised the old man. Are you really the person of original sin?”

“That’s right.”

“Yes, yes, no, what’s the matter?”

“You just claimed to be a person from the age of innocence, I think you are two You should have a deep understanding of the meaning of the word.”


The old witch stared at Gu Qingfeng, not knowing what she was thinking.

“Sister, how much do you know about the false land?”

“Since you are the man of original sin, you don’t even know the false land?”

“Does this have any connection?”

“As far as the old man knows, in a sense, the man of original sin is considered half the owner of this vain land, how could he not know Dao Void A place of vain.”

“How to say?”

“Everyone who has original sin has been fused with the blood of original sin, and original sin dominates the age of innocence. Since there is no In the vain place of the Taoist era, isn’t the person who stumped the original sin count as a half master?”

“Listen to you, it’s really true, but I, the person of original sin, should be A little confused, and I just woke up, this is my first time here.”

“Just woke up? How long have you been asleep?”

“It’s been too long, I can’t remember I’m clear.”

Gu Qingfeng half true half false said, and then asked: “I remember that there was no place of illusion before, only the fragmented space of the era of innocence.”

“The vain land is the fragmented space of the era of no way.”

The voice of the old witch came, and Gu Qingfeng asked: “Then why is it called the vain land again? And I found that the vain land seems to be It seems a little different from the fragmented space of the previous era of no way.”

The old witch pondered for a moment, as if hesitating to tell Gu Qingfeng. After thinking for a while, she said, “That’s because Wan Years ago, when the ancient era just opened, a mutation occurred when Wudaoshan appeared.”

“mutation?” Gu Qingfeng moved his heart and asked: “What mutation?”


“What exactly is the mutation, the old man also knows not quite clear. I only know that tens of thousands of years ago, after Wudao Mountain came, there was a catastrophe in it. After the catastrophe, some Ancient Vestiges of the Wudao era were born. , The fragmented space of the era of no way also unfathomable mystery merged with each other, and it didn’t take long for this illusory place to be conceived.”

After hearing the words of the old witch, Gu Qingfeng couldn’t help but fall into contemplation.

Ten thousand years ago, when the present and ancient times opened, after Wudao Mountain came, there was a catastrophe?

It is difficult to say that it was the catastrophe that I participated in that year?

Thinking of this, Gu Qingfeng continued to ask: “What happened to the catastrophe ten thousand years ago, do you know?”

“not quite clear, I heard the catastrophe When it happened, the Old Ancestor of Three Thousand Great Daos all took action to stop it, including the incarnation of Father and Earth Mother. It is said that Mystery Old Person also appeared in the past. Although the Three Thousand Great Daos later suffered heavy losses, it was fortunate to prevent this. A catastrophe.”

When he heard this, Gu Qingfeng had basically affirmed that the catastrophe that the old witch said should be the incident he participated in back then.

Think back of that year.

The blood of his original sin eroded his fleshy body and soul bit by bit. The feeling was very strong. Gu Qingfeng affirmed that once he and the blood of original sin were fully integrated, when the time He does not know whether he comes or not, but he will definitely become the incarnation of original sin.


In the end, he had to abandon himself and ignite the karma of original sin.

It’s just that he doesn’t know why his own ignition of the original sin karma will affect the entire era of innocence, and the ruins of the most mysterious era of innocence have begun to appear, even the fragments of the era of innocence. The spaces are all fused with each other, and the concealment appears in this so-called illusory place?

It’s difficult because the drop that I merged with is the blood of original sin that belongs to Wudaozun who has life and alive?

Not sure.

I also don’t understand.

What makes Gu Qingfeng wonder the most is that he was clearly in the original sin nightmare, how could he appear in a place of vain?

Or do you mean that the original sin nightmare is in the land of vain?

I wanted to ask, but the old witch is not a person of original sin, and is not clear about the nightmare of original sin. I am afraid it is a question of nothing.


Gu Qingfeng remembered the fog that had disappeared like a chaos before, and asked: “Big sister, what happened to the fog just now?”

“The fog? You said just now. False illusion fog”

“False illusion fog? Right.”

“There will be illusion fog occasionally appearing in False Land. These illusion fog is very mysterious and weird…”

“What a mysterious method?”

“The illusory fog can affect people’s spirits. If they stay for a long time, they may become insane, lose themselves, and even scattered. Ashes and dispersed smoke is not impossible.”

“There are other things?” Gu Qingfeng said: “But I just saw that you were not at all affected.”

” When I got old, the fog of illusion had begun to dissipate, and the impact was not great.”

“It turned out to be like this.”

Gu Qingfeng still does not understand the original sin nightmare and this illusion. What is the connection between the earth?

“The illusory mist can not only affect the human spirit, but every time the mist comes, there is a terrifying existence in it.”

“The existence of terrifying? What does it mean? “

“The old body is also not quite clear. Some people say it is the demon of the era of innocence, and some people say it is the spirit of the era of innocence. It is still a mystery to this day. In short, the illusory fog is very terrifying.”

“This thing is wicked.”

While Gu Qingfeng was thinking about it, the familiar and unfamiliar voice came again.

I have my own wisdom and my own confusion, distinguishing things from me, a hundred kinds of yang, and a hundred kinds of yin, transformed into Heaven and Earth harmony.

There is no good, no evil, only cause and effect, thousands of sages, thousands of demons, let others say.


Gu Qingfeng asked: “Can you hear the sound?”

“What sound?”

The old witch was puzzled.

“Can’t you hear?”

“The old man didn’t hear anything.”

Looking at the old witch, Gu Qingfeng pondered, this voice Perhaps only the original sinner can hear it.

At this moment, there is no sky, no earth, endless darkness, like a place of endless void. Unfathomable mystery appears. The mist, this mist is like the mingling of yin and yang, like light and darkness intertwining, more like Chaos is generally all-inclusive.

“Not good! The illusory fog is coming again!”

Seeing the illusion fog coming again, the old witch was shocked and shouted: “The old man will leave now, we’ll meet again some day.”

After that, the old witch disappeared instantly.

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