Supreme Lord

Chapter 1559

The Old Ancestor of the giant Bai Family is abandoned.

Golden Crow Liu Family and Golden Crow Li Family’s Old Ancestor Liu Ziyu, Li Shengyang, and several other natural Golden Immortal of five lunars have also been abandoned.

Lotus Secret Realm 20-30 Golden Immortal is also abandoned.

Those five Great Perfection star Golden Immortal who came together, the soul flew away and scattered, ran away, paralyzed.

Throughout the field, only one person stood there obediently and honestly.

Is an Elderly.

No one else, but Lotus Secret Realm Elder Danshou.

Everyone knows that the reason why Danshou can stand is not because of how strong his cultivation base is, nor how strong his identity and background, but because he didn’t make any moves. That’s it.

He is standing though.

But it’s just standing.

Face’s face was as gray as death, and the whole body trembled uncontrollably.

He knows the existence of Gu Qingfeng is deep and unmeasurable.

Because he knew, he never to act blindly without thinking, even if he was angry, he didn’t dare to act blindly.


He knows.

Always know.

But he never thought that Gu Qingfeng’s existence would be so deep and unmeasurable to such a terrifying level. It was only a prestige, and there was no momentum or prestige. There were more than 30 people who were unified by Wu Yao. The immortal spirit of the Golden Immortal of Nature was completely destroyed in this way.

He doesn’t know who Gu Qingfeng is.

I don’t know how powerful Gu Qingfeng is.

But one thing he knows very well is that the mortal Lord in front of him is not something he can provoke at all, and maybe even Lotus Secret Realm can not afford to offend.

“Your Excellency, I’ll wait…I’m waiting not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth. I have no intention of offending, please… Please be magnanimous!”


Dan Shou couldn’t hold it anymore, he knelt down with a puff.

It doesn’t matter that he kneels, so that the last hope in the hearts of the giants Bai Family, Golden Crow Liu Family, Li Family, and Lotus Secret Realm is also shattered.

When they think about it, this mortal Lord is indeed mysterious terrifying and powerful, but it is impossible to hand shrouding the heavens, even more how here is Fengyue Small World.

As long as Fengyue Small World’s expert from the Court of Justice comes over, you can definitely ask for justice for yourself.


They found Fengyue Small World defenders of the court, and there are quite a few, there are more than a hundred, the leading ones are Elderly, and even the respected Old Senior of Bipolar Tianyu. Everyone The cultivation base is deep and unmeasurable.

Seeing the Old Senior of the Court of Justice, the rich Bai Family, and the Golden Crow Liu Family kneeling on the ground, those people are heartbroken and crying out that the Senior of the Court of Justice will seek justice for them.

Everyone is shouting and asking, Huang He is, Liu Ziyu is, Li Shengyang is, Li Xiao is, and everyone who can speak is shouting.


Xuanyun, Liu Feng, White Jade Fei, Dan Lei and the others did not speak out.

They didn’t want to shout, but only their heads and upper body were left. They were so angry that they couldn’t shout at all, only moaning in pain.

In addition to them, there is one other person who did not shout.

This is Danshou.

He is the only person in the court who is not injured. He did not shout, not that he could not shout, but he dared not shout. The most important thing is that he knew that even if he shouted, it was useless.

He knows that Fengyue Small World’s defenders of the court did not come now, but they came just now. They had already come before Huang He and the others did it. If the defenders of the court negotiate for them today If you are fair, you will not wait until now and have not come forward.

The reason for not standing up is also very simple. The defenders of the court must also be afraid of the strength of the mortal Lord, and dare not act blindly without thinking.

This is indeed the case.

As Dan Shou guessed, the person who defended the court of Fengyue Small World had just arrived, and also witnessed Gu Qingfeng’s power to unite more than 30 five yau in the natural Golden Golden Immortal shocked and became a useless person. It was because they witnessed this terrifying scene with their own eyes, that they did not dare to stand up for these people.

Although these people in the court of justice are all respected Old Seniors in Bipolar Tianyu, and the heads of them are all Liuyue Golden Immortal, they still dare not stand up.

The Golden Immortal of the bright moon of Liu Yao may be very powerful, and the powerful will not take the Golden Immortal of the five lunars unified nature in their eyes, but they just don’t look at it. They may It is possible to defeat the Golden Immortal of Wu Yao, but if you want to obliterate it, it is a bit difficult. It is said that the immortal spirit of Golden Immortal of the natural Golden Immortal that has unified the five Yaos will be shattered, and the golden Immortal of Liu Yao’s golden Immortal can be done by anyone. Less than.

This is just a Golden Immortal of Nature. If there are more than 30 Golden Immortal of Nature, no matter how powerful they are, they can only shake more than 30 Nature at best. The Golden Immortal’s mind is nothing more than the immortal spirit. The golden Immortal of the six lunar moon is exhausted from exhaustion, and it can’t shake the immortal spirit of more than 30 natural Golden Immortal.

So below.

Fengyue Small World defenders naturally dare not come forward to seek justice for them.

Don’t when the time comes, if you fail to seek justice for others, and then put your own life here, then the gain is not worth the loss.

Although it is said that the Court of Justice still has a cultivation base and a more profound expert, there are also great big shots behind Fengyue Small World, but the problem is that the powerful experts of others are not at all. Come here. Why go ahead?

Thinking about it again and again, the more than one hundred senior experts of the Court of Justice, who are highly respected in the eyes of everyone, are not prepared to come forward.

It was originally planned like this, but now facing the heartbreaking shouts of the giants Bai Family Golden Crow Liu Family Li Family and Lotus Secret Realm, they cannot pretend not to see it.


The headed Elderly with white beard and beard and beard and benevolent came forward.

This Elderly is known to everyone. It is known as the young and old. It is highly prestigious and respected in the bipolar universe. It is the expert of the Great Secret Realm in the field, including Liu Ziyu, and Li Shengyang. Call him Senior, Qing Lao was already a Golden Immortal with six bright moons in the Ancient Era era, and no one knows the geometry of the cultivation base, because no one has seen him do anything for thousands of years.

As soon as everyone knew that he was an Old Senior with a profound cultivation base, no one dared to do anything with him.

Secondly, the young and old indeed can bear the four words of high morals. For thousands of years, the conflicts between the Great Secret Realm families have been mediated by him, and the mediation has also been ordered. People are convinced.

“The old man is the person who protects the court of Fugetsu Small World, the road number Aolu.”

This Old Senior named Aolu stood up and said, “I don’t know. Your honorable surname.”

Gu Qingfeng glanced at him and asked indifferently: “What, do you want to be fair to them?”

“old man Don’t dare, it’s just…”

Qinglu was only halfway through, and was interrupted by Gu Qingfeng, unceremoniously replied: “If you dare, just get out of here.”

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