Supreme Lord

Chapter 1549

Dan Lei had already been kicked by Gu Qingfeng with his head and upper body on one foot. Although only his head and upper body were left, he was still alive, not at all dead, standing on the ground with his mouth open. , Groaning in pain: “You wait…give me to wait…we, the people of Lotus Secret Realm…Secret Realm… won’t… won’t let you go, will… let you die without a burial site, it must be…”

“No need to wait, no need to wait, just call now!” Gu Qingfeng looked at Dan Lei indifferently, and said: “Take all of your Lotus Secret Realm people Call me over!”


If possible, Dan Lei will still send a letter to inform the people of Lotus Secret Realm. Unfortunately, He had no limbs, the meridian was severed, and the immortal spirit collapsed. He couldn’t move at all except for exhaling.

“Who is the person from Lotus Secret Realm!”

Gu Qingfeng raised his eyes and looked over, facing hundreds of people, the soul flew away and scattered already scared, no one dared Speak out.

“The people from Lotus Secret Realm gave me the took out letter, call me all of your Master Old Ancestor and each one!”

Lotus Secret Realm, giant Bai Hundreds of Family and Golden Crow Liu Family knelt on the ground tremblingly, afraid to raise their heads and speak.

Who dares to shout?

No one dared to shout!

Faced with the great Lord who was like a murderous god, who would dare to send the letter in front of him?

The answer is yes, no one dares.

“Call me now, but I can’t shout, I will kill you!”

Gu Qingfeng’s cold and severe voice came, and no one dared to take out the letter, no Don’t want to, but dare not.

After a while.

Gu Qingfeng walked up to one person and asked: “Are you from Lotus Secret Realm?”

The person tremblingly responded: “I…I… …I’m…”

“Then give me the took out letter, and call you people from Lotus Secret Realm to come over!”

“I…I…I… “

Before speaking, Gu Qingfeng raised his palm and fell, ka-cha! The man’s limbs flew around, leaving only his head and upper body.

“Who doesn’t shout, this is the end!”

This one.

The people of Lotus Secret Realm never dared to hesitate anymore, enduring severe pain, took out the letter.

“Giant Bai Family! Golden Crow Liu Family, also call your Master ancestors to Laozi!”

Lotus Secret Realm, rich Bai Family, Golden Crow Liu Family Hundreds of people began to take out the letter.

“And you, Golden Crow Li Family!”

Gu Qingfeng turned around and pointed at the person of Golden Crow Li Family, shouted: “Now also give you Golden Crow The people of Li Family call me!” Among the crowd of Golden Crow Li Family, they looked at each other and looked towards Li Xiao, who was headed. Li Xiao knelt on the ground, full of shock. His face was pale, he clenched the teeth, turned his mind, shouted: “took out the letter!”

In the field.

One after another The letter talisman soars into the sky, blooming in the sky.

These symbols include personal knowledge symbols, elephant symbols, and array symbols.

The so-called Faith of Consciousness usually contains someone’s Divine Consciousness. After the Faith is taken out, the other person’s mind will feel it.

The so-called letter symbol of the elephant, after take out, the letter symbol will form an image in the sky. The general family, Secret Realm, large and small forces have their own specific images, as long as they are If you see the image symbol in the air, you will come here the first time. Usually you can see it in the same Secret Realm world. Of course, if you are not in the same Secret Realm world, you will not be able to see it.

As for the array of letters, this type of letter will usually only be taken out for major events, because this type of letter is connected to the family Secret Realm array. Once it is taken out, the Secret Realm family array will be Sensed.

Looking at the letter after letter blooming in the air.

The people gathered at the golden tower were all dumbfounded.

They are not people who have never seen arrogant people, nor do they have never seen domineering people, but like this great Lord, such arrogant and unscrupulous people, domineering regardless of the law and of natural morality are definitely See you for the first time.

Throughout the bipolar universe, for thousands of years, although Great Secret Realm and families have been open strife and veiled struggle, big fights often occur, but it is only Great Secret. Between Realm, the family dared to compete.

No one has ever dared to beat a family member half-dead to death in the most lively Fengyue Small World in the bipolar universe.


Not a family

It’s Four Great Families, one of the giants Bai Family, Golden Crow Secret Realm’s two immortal families, plus a Lotus Secret Realm that has been inherited from ancient times, adds up There are as many as five thousand people.

Bipolar Tianyu rarely disabled as many as 5,000 people at a time, even the two Great Secret Realm families rarely disabled so many.

What’s even more incredible is that this Lord not only beat more than 5,000 people from the four Great Secret Realm family to death, but after the fight, instead of running, he let the four Great Secret Realm family If the opponent still shouts with a letter, he will kill if the opponent does not shout, until the opponent still shouts with a letter.


This is the Great Secret Realm family!

The wealthy Bai Family may not be worth mentioning, but Golden Crow Li Family and Liu Family are both immortal families. Their ancestors are all immortals who have been enshrined in nine days. The descendants of the family also contain the bright bloodline, and the ancestors inherited from generation to generation. , I don’t know how many cultivation base powerful experts have been created, even more how Golden Crow Secret Realm’s Liu Family and Li Family, each family has hundreds of thousands of immortals working for them.

Now Golden Crow Li Family and Liu Family have thrown out the letter, when the time comes, not only thousands of people, but tens of thousands of people, the cultivation base deep and unmeasurable of the family The Old Ancestor is afraid of coming.


This is just a family of immortals.

The Lotus Secret Realm is more terrifying.

As everyone knows, there are not many people in the Lotus Secret Realm, and there may not even be those who are supported by a fairy family.

But this does not mean that Lotus Secret Realm is not strong. On the contrary, everyone in the room knows that even the ten fairy families are far less powerful than Lotus Secret Realm.

There may not be many people in Lotus Secret Realm, but everyone is carefully selected by them in the secular world. They are selected through re-selection, plus the Lotus Secret Realm is in charge of the secular world. Resources and cultivation Resources are numerous, and the disciplines cultivated can be unique.

In addition, the Lotus Secret Realm has been inherited since ancient times. No one knows how many powerful experts are in the Lotus Secret Realm.


This mysterious great Lord not only beat the lotus Secret Realm’s discipline to death, but they also called the people of Lotus Secret Realm over.

No one dares to do this.

Absolutely not.

Neither the Flower Butterfly Fairy who studied under the famous Medicine King Old Ancestor nor the Mu Family Eldest Miss, one of the Fengyue Small World Elder Council, dare not dare.

Did he lose his sanity? Or do you really not put the Lotus Secret Realm four Great Secret Realm family in your eyes?

Lost reason?


Not like.

Everyone present can see that this great Lord is not at all irrational, he is not impulsive, and looks calm from beginning to end.

Is it difficult to say that he is really strong enough to tyrannize unscrupulously in the wilderness?

I don’t know.

No one knows.

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