Supreme Lord

Chapter 1532

Seize the golden tower.

The fourth 15 layers.

After the nouveau riche got to this floor, he found a place and ate the marrow and exchange the tendons, and waited calmly.

This layer will evolve into hundred thousand Dao Formation. This hundred thousand Dao Formation is not condensed all at once, but continues to condense. When condensing, it is like a ripple on the sea. Same circle and circle.

After a while, Gu Qingfeng took a breath of smoke and stood on a Formation.

At a buzzing moment, the Formation was running and then teleported. Next moment his silhouette appeared on the fourth 16th-layer.

Are you finished?

It’s not over.

It will not end.

The 47th layer condensed 300,000 Formation, and Gu Qingfeng passed smoothly.

The fourth 18th Layer condensed 400,000 Formation, and Gu Qingfeng passed successfully again.

The fifth 12 layers condensed 800,000 Formation, Gu Qingfeng still passed smoothly.

The fifth 14th-layer condensed one million Formation, Gu Qingfeng still passed smoothly.

When his silhouette appeared in the fifth 14th-layer of the golden tower, the audience was in an uproar.

Although the highest record of winning the golden tower since the tower was built is 6 13 layers, since the rule was revised once a thousand years ago, the highest record since the millennium is 5 14th-layer.

In other words, when Gu Qingfeng stood on the fifth and 14th-layer of the golden tower, it meant that he had stood on the highest record line in a thousand years.

Everyone in the court cheered and shouted, looking more excited than the others.

It is indeed a thing to be cheered for to see someone break the record of taking the golden tower in a thousand years.


In addition to cheering, it is more shock, envy, and jealousy.

The shock is because no one can imagine that such a mortal without any cultivation base, a nouveau riche in speech and demeanor, can stand on the highest record in a thousand years.

I am envious because the bonus of the five 14th-layer is as high as tens of billions.

That’s tens of billions of immortal stones! How can people not envy this.

Jealousy is because everyone knows that after today, this flamboyant nouveau riche will surely become famous in the bipolar universe, when the time comes, there will be countless beauties of wealth.

“God! This guy broke the highest record in a thousand years! This is too crazy!” At this moment, Mu Lingyao has no idea what to do To describe the excitement inside, the excitement is incoherent.

And the hearts of Fairy Huadie and Qian Ling are also more complicated. If they had doubts about whether Gu Qingfeng was a great Lord before, then now, the doubt has disappeared, they are sure , Gu Qingfeng must have been a great Lord before, and he is still an extraordinary great Lord.

If not, it is impossible to board the 14th-layer of golden tower five, because this requires a powerful Divine Consciousness and an incomparable perception.

A person’s perception may be innate, and it is difficult to change the day after tomorrow, but there is no shortcut to Divine Consciousness. If you want to make Divine Consciousness stronger, you can only slow it down bit by bit. Accumulate slowly.

When they think about it, Gu Qingfeng must have been a great Lord with a profound cultivation base before. For some reason, it may have caused the loss of the cultivation base, but it is only the loss of the cultivation base, and its Divine Consciousness is still Very powerful, the deduced ability is not imaginable by an ordinary person.

At the same time.

The senior experts of the Great Secret Realm are also discussing Gu Qingfeng’s identity. Before that, they all thought that Gu Qingfeng might be just a nouveau riche overnight, until now they have witnessed Gu Qingfeng. When they boarded the 14th-layer of the fifth golden tower, they realized that they had made a wrong judgment, and they missed it.

“Stupefied this person was really the Great Lord before?”

The deacons who won the golden tower are also discussing.

Luo Old Master is deeply frowns, staring at the silhouette of Gu Qingfeng on the golden tower, saying solemnly: “Whether this person was a great Lord before, the old man is unknown, but one thing is certain. He is definitely not a simple nouveau riche. The nouveau riche is impossible to get on the 14th-layer of the golden tower.”

“Even if he was really a great Lord before, if his cultivation base is lost. , The Body of Immortal Spirit should be there, impossible has become a mortal body.”

“Perhaps he is a samsara reincarnation.”

“The problem is, There is no muddy breath of samsara reincarnation in him!”


They guessed, no one could tell why.

Luo Old Master said: “Heaven and Earth is huge, endless mysterious, endless unknown, I am just a frog in well in the corner of the wild, how can I know the all-life between Heaven and Earth. “

Get on the golden tower.

After Gu Qingfeng boarded the fifth 14th-layer, he stopped not at all and continued upward.

Although after May 14th-layer, Formation has doubled, but for Gu Qingfeng, what is the difficulty of not at all? The only difference is to wait a little longer, because the more Formation, the condensation The longer it takes.

The fifth 15 layers condensed 2,000,000 Formation, and Gu Qingfeng passed smoothly.

The fifth 16th-layer condensed 3,000,000 Formation, Gu Qingfeng still passed smoothly.

The 62nd floor condensed 9 million Formation, and Gu Qingfeng passed smoothly again.

As Gu Qingfeng advances layer by layer on the golden tower, the cheers and discussions in the field are getting smaller and smaller, until when Gu Qingfeng’s silhouette appears in the sixth 13 layers At that time, the venue became absolute silence again, and no one cheered any more, and no one talked about it.

The sixth 13 layers, this is the highest record since the construction of the golden tower, and this record was created thousands of years ago without the rules of the cultivation base. After the rules were revised, how many Thousands of years have passed, no one can be on the sixth 13th layer.


Someone finally broke the record of winning the golden tower.

And this person is still a mortal without any cultivation base.


Everyone can’t cheer anymore, because this scene is so crazy, it makes them feel like a dream and can’t breathe.


Everyone can’t talk about it.

This mortal without any cultivation base has already boarded the 13 layers of the golden tower. Is it meaningful to discuss whether he is a great Lord? yes and how? So what? Is there a difference? He has already boarded the six 13 layers of the golden tower, even if he is really just a flamboyant upstart, he is also a Legendary upstart!

The legend of the nouveau riche, not at all, therefore ended and continues.

The sixth 14th-layer, the sixth 15 layers… the sixth 17th-layer… the seventh 12 layers, the seventh 13 layers…

This moment.

The people who gather in the golden tower, whether it is an immortal seeking wealth to join in the excitement, or an elegant immortal seeking fame and fortune, whether it is an experienced and knowledgeable senior, or an experienced expert, everyone admires Turning his head, staring eyes, mouth open, looking in shock, like a statue, I can only look at it, forgetting to breathe, forgetting to think, and my mind is already blank.

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