Supreme Lord

Chapter 1526

“Luo Old Senior, Gaoshan Old Senior, Qinghua Old Senior, Hai Old Senior, and all the Old Seniors and Fellow Daoists present.”

The three of Xuanyun not at all continue with Mu Ling Yao broke, but jumped up directly, cup hand to hold fist, loudly said to everyone present.

“Presumably, you have already understood what happened today. If you don鈥檛 understand, Junior can explain it in detail. I hope that Seniors will be fair to us. This is how things are.”

“Before winning the golden tower, Fairy Huadie, Young Lady Mu, and Liu Shuangyan entered into a gambling agreement. Whoever breaks his record will win, and the loser must win. One party knelt down, and later, Mu Young Lady and Huadie Fairy sister broke the record, but Liu Shuangyan did not break, she did lose.”

“Liu Shuangyan just said that the bet was just Just kidding, not at all means not to admit the account, but just this angered Mu Young Lady. I believe you all have witnessed it with your own eyes. First Mu Young Lady trapped Liu Shuangyan with the ancient murderer black gold and red snake practice, and then even more. Another slap was slapped on Liu Shuangyan鈥檚 face.”

“In the end, Lucky Old Senior came forward to persuade and even pleaded guilty, but Mu Young Lady still overbearing, not forgiving, and even more deceptive. Liu Shuangyan slapped Liu Shuangyan in the face of Kaiyun Old Senior and the others.”

To say that Xuanyun is really good at talking, in a few words, he directly described Mu Lingyao as a taking advantage of one’s. The arrogant Eldest Miss position to bully people.

This can make Mu Lingyao angry and shouted: “Xuanyun, you hypocrite! What are you talking nonsense!”

“Mu Young Lady, dare you say Isn鈥檛 what鈥檚 said below a fact?”

“What about a fact? If you agree to bet you must accept to lose, who told Liu Shuangyan not to admit it?”

At this time, Golden Kaiyun Liu of Crow Liu Family also stood up and said solemnly: “Mu Eldest Miss, even if the granddaughter of the old man doesn鈥檛 admit it, you don鈥檛 need to be such a bad man against her, right?”

“That’s her She deserves it! This Young Lady will not admit it this time, this Young Lady will beat her, next time she will not admit it, this Young Lady will still beat her!”

Xuan Yun proudly said: “if you agree to bet you must accept to lose , You should play if you don鈥檛 admit it, but now if you don鈥檛 admit it, what should you do?”

On hearing this, Mu Lingyao realized that she had been fooled by Xuanyun and was very angry, shouted: “Xuan Yun, this is the meeting between this Young Lady and Liu Shuangyan, what does it have to do with you, a hypocrite!”

“Good point!”

Xuan Yun stared at her and said “Then it’s a gambling agreement between us and the upstart, what does it have to do with your Eldest Miss?”


Mu Lingyao was speechless for a while , Xuan Yun’s words and words Zhuji were justified and well-founded, so she could not refute it.

Xuanyun was coldly snorted, feeling quite proud, and then cup one fist in the other hand again, and said to everyone: “Senior, Junior and White Jade Fei and Liu Feng are also here. Before winning the golden tower, we made a gambling agreement with the nouveau riche who claimed to be the Great Lord. Many people present can testify. Now we have to let the nouveau riche fulfill the gambling agreement, as Mu Young Lady said, if you agree to bet you must accept to lose!”

White jade Fei also stood up and said: “Now Mu Lingyao deliberately protects the nouveau riche. We can鈥檛 eat and walk around!鈥?Then Liu Feng said: 鈥淢u Lingyao had previously won and attacked Liu Shuangyan, but now the nouveau riche has lost. Mu Lingyao protected him and refused to admit it. , This is not taking advantage of one’s position to bully people. What is it?”

“I also hope that seniors will be fair to us!”

Xuan Yun, white jade Fei, Liu Feng The three of them stood in the air, cup one fist in the other hand shouted in unison.

To say that their three people are really not simple, especially Xuanyun, the city is not deep, as can be seen from the few Old Seniors he just mentioned.

Previously, he mentioned four Old Seniors, Luo Old Senior, Gaoshan Old Senior, Qinghua Old Senior, Hai Old Senior, and these four Elderly are very prestigious Old Seniors in the Bipolar universe. Senior, the influence is extraordinary, especially Luo Old Senior is not only the main master of the golden tower, but also an Elder of Fengyue Small World.

Fairy Huadie knows that he has offended the Golden Crow Liu Family. It doesn鈥檛 matter, but if you offend these Old Seniors again, the consequences will be unthinkable. For fear that Mu Lingyao will be anxious and then confront the four Old Seniors, stand quickly Come out, explain.

“Senior, it鈥檚 not that we don鈥檛 accept the account, but this bet is really unfair.”

Xuan Yun retorted: “Fairy Huadie, many people who were there before But I heard it with my own ears that the nouveau riche said that boarding on the second 17th-layer is like a plaything. How unfair is it?”

“He said this is true, but he…because of the cultivation base Lost, leading to mental disorders, he spoke up and down, he not only said that climbing on the second 17th-layer is like a plaything, even if it鈥檚 easy to climb on the 81st floor, do you believe that?”

Mu Lingyao also said: “Yes, people are mentally abnormal at first, but if you say something big, you set a trap and bet against them. Are you bullying people like this? Does such a bet count? “

This time, the Xuanyun trio were dumbfounded. They first described Mu Lingyao as the arrogant Young Lady taking advantage of one’s position to bully people. They also asked the Seniors present to be fair, but absolutely. I didn鈥檛 expect Fairy Huadie and Mu Lingyao to pull out that nouveau riche鈥檚 cultivation base and lose their spirits from time to time. At this time their three people not only try to gain an advantage only to end up worse off, but also become a bully of a cultivation base. The insane wicked.

“Do you say that he is really insane when he is insane? Sorry, I have contacted the nouveau riche. Although he has lost his cultivation base, there is absolutely no problem with his spirit.” Xuanyun said: ” even more how, can a mentally disordered person win 1.8 billion by playing dice in a casino?”

“It is because of his mental disorder that he can win 1.8 billion in a casino, everyone. Everyone knows that they won 1.8 billion by singled out the leopard, and they still singled out the leopard four or five times in a row!” Mu Lingyao laughed and said: “May I ask a person with a normal mind, will he single out the leopard many times in a row when playing dice? Only those with abnormal brains can do it? People call stupid people a silly blessing! Don鈥檛 be jealous, okay.”

“You! Cry! It’s just a lie!”

Yunna Mu Lingyao couldn’t help but pleaded again: “I hope that Old Senior will be fair to me.”


Luo Old Senior is also quite good. It鈥檚 difficult, because he didn鈥檛 want to participate in these youngsters’ affairs, especially since these youngsters鈥?identity backgrounds are extraordinary. If they are not handled properly and cause big conflicts, then he is also responsible for the main subject, but now he is being framed. After going up, he could only stand up and preside over this fairness. He stroked the goatee of his chin, pondered for a moment, and asked.

“I wonder who is the nouveau riche in your mouth?”

Xuan Yun raised his hand and pointed to the car with nine-headed Fire Cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger. Gu Qingfeng, shouted: “It’s him!”

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