Supreme Lord

Chapter 1520

Gu Qingfeng is betting with Mu Lingyao here, and the competition to win the golden tower continues.

Under everyone’s eyes, Fairy Huadie and Qianling have gone through layer after layer, Fifteenth Layer, Sixteenth Layer, Seventeenth Layer, Eightteenth Layer, until they witnessed the two successfully break in Nineteenth Layer, many people can’t help but exclaim.

Everyone knows that winning the golden tower involves a high level of luck and great variables. Someone may have been lucky to break a very high record, but may not be able to maintain this record next time. If not, the previous Liu Shuangyan, who broke into Twelfth Layer, and Qianxing Young Master, who broke into Fifteenth Layer, will not have his wife on the 4th floor and Twelfth Layer.

The highest record of Fairy Huadie is the 19 layers that many people look up to. Today, she successfully broke into the Nineteenth Layer again, which shows that she relies not on luck, but on her own strength.

Qian Ling is even more amazing.

Although she voluntarily gave up when she came to Nineteenth Layer, not at all people laughed at her for it.

To capture the golden tower 19 layers, don’t say that for those ordinary immortals, even for those elegant immortals who have excellent aptitude perception, 19 layers are also a level that is out of reach.

Many good fortune celestials with small reputation in Bipolar Tianyu have won the golden tower for several decades, but only 9-Layer, no more than a dozen layers higher, such as Xuanyun, white jade flying , Liu Feng, Qianxing Young Master are all like this.

There are definitely not many people who can break into the 19 layers, and the people who can break into the 19 layers are like the Fairy Flower Butterfly, who is recognized by the bipolar universe.

Now Qian Ling has also broken into the Nineteenth Layer.

Before this, many people had never even heard the name Qian Ling.

However, this is not important anymore.

The important thing is that from today onwards, the name Qianling will surely be heard in the bipolar universe. Senior experts from the Great Secret Realm will also notice that Qianling has such a great potential. Big fairy pride.

“Wow! Sister Ling’er, you really broke into 19 layers! It’s incredible, I can’t believe it is true.”

Qianling left Coming over, I scraped Chidori’s nose with joy, comforted: “You can do it in the future.”

Mu Lingyao also said enviously: “Ling’er, you really admire me. I broke into 19 layers! Admire! Admire!”

“I’m just a little bit good luck.”

“Ling’er, you are too modest, you are not good luck , But why did you give up! Why don’t you continue to break in!”

“I’m very satisfied with breaking into the Nineteenth Layer. The probability of this layer is 2 to 1%. I really have nothing Sure, instead of being eliminated, it’s better to give up. In this way, you can also get the bonus of the Nineteenth Layer.”

The bonus of the Nineteenth Layer is 2,000,000. This amount may not be a big deal to Mu Lingyao. But for Qian Ling, it was already a huge amount of immortal stone.

In the distance.

Among the crowd, Xuan Yun looked at Qian Ling here, his handsome face became paler, his eyes became increasingly angry, and his heart became more and more unpleasant.

He used to think that Qian Ling was born in Small Secret Realm, and his future achievements are destined to be at the worst. He has always regarded himself as Young Master, the fairy arrogance of Great Secret Realm, and often showed his knowledge and experience in front of Qian Ling. While showing off with contacts, she also wanted Qian Ling to worship herself.

But now.

He was eliminated in the 9th floor of the golden tower, and Qian Ling soared up to the Nineteenth Layer that he looked up to.

Xuanyun feels that his self-esteem has been trampled on, which is a great shame, and knows that he will never have the capital to show off in front of Qian Ling.

He couldn’t believe, and couldn’t accept that Qian Ling, who was born in Small Secret Realm, could even get on the golden tower Nineteenth Layer!

He is not convinced!

Extremely dissatisfied!

In the field.

Everyone is still paying attention to the flower butterfly fairy who won the Nineteenth Layer on the golden tower.

Everyone knows that this layer is the previous record of Fairy Huadie, and everyone wants to see if Fairy Huadie can break her record.

Of course.

The most concerned is Liu Shuangyan.

Mu Lingyao has already broken the record. If Fairy Huadie also broke her own record this time, then she really lost this time, and she will lose it completely.

“The probability of Nineteenth Layer is 21%! I don’t believe that she can go up! I definitely don’t believe it!”

Liu Shuangyan cursed inside and prayed that Fairy Huadie would be eliminated this time.

It’s a pity.

Her curse did not work, nor did her prayers work.

After all, Fairy Huadie successfully boarded the Twentieth Layer.

This means that Fairy Huadie finally broke her record.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the hall cheered, especially Mu Lingyao yelled in excitement, and when Fairy Huadie appeared on Twentieth Layer, Liu Shuangyan couldn’t bear it anymore. Sitting on the ground, she knew that she had completely lost this time.

Amidst the cheers of everyone, Fairy Huadie continued to rush to win the golden tower.

Twenty First Layer, Twenty Second Layer, Twenty Third Layer.

As the Fairy Huadie goes up each floor, the cheers of the people below are stronger, and they shout in unison to cheer Fairy Huadie.

At this moment, inside and outside of the golden tower, above heaven under earth is already a vast crowd. Looking around, densely packed, there are people everywhere, countless, among the crowd, There are many great characters in Great Secret Realm, as well as many large and small deacons of Fengyue Small World. Even a bunch of big deacons responsible for winning the golden tower, and even the main actor, Luo Old Master, also appeared.

The fairy flower butterfly remains unmoved, and continues to rush to win the golden tower, the 24th-layer, Twenty Fifth Layer, Twenty Sixth Layer…

until the fairy flower butterfly successfully breaks into Twenty Seventh Layer, the audience is boiling over.

If taking the golden tower 18th Layer is an unattainable height for everyone, then the existence of the golden tower Twenty Seventh Layer is as high as nine days for them.

Be aware that winning the golden tower Twenty Seventh Layer will result in a thousand formations, which alternately change. Only one of them leads to the next layer, with a probability of 0.1%.

With such a chance, don’t say that those aptitude perceptions who have excellent aptitude perception are those senior experts who have cultivated thousands of over 10,000 years in the field. They are also just facing the golden tower and the 17th-layer. Unmatched.

If Fairy Huadie is a senior expert with many years of cultivation, it is not uncommon to break into the second 17th-layer, after all, the longer the cultivation years, the stronger the Divine Consciousness, even if the talent perception is not high, he has more knowledge There is a lot of knowledge, and the deduction ability is not those Xianjiao Yaxian can mention on equal terms.

But Fairy Huadie is just a cultivated person who has only been cultivated for hundreds of years. In the eyes of the Old Senior who has cultivated thousands of over 10,000 years in the Great Wilderness, he is no different from a child, and is just a youngster. .

Throughout the entire bipolar universe, youngsters like Huadie Fairy can be counted on one’s fingers to break into the 17th-layer of golden tower two.

Each Great Secret Realm praised the great characters with heads and faces, and Luo Old Master, who was responsible for winning the golden tower, was also nodded and praised: “It is true that the younger generations will surpass us in time, the younger generations will surpass us in time…”

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