Supreme Lord

Chapter 1499

While Gu Qingfeng was resting, Qian Ling left.

I deliberately went outside to inquire about the news. Two or three days have passed since the floating island matter, but the Golden Crow Secret Realm hasn’t heard anything so far, which made her feel very uneasy.

Although Gu Qingfeng’s strength is far beyond imagination, but in Qian Ling’s mind, even if Gu Qingfeng’s strength is strong, it may not be able to compete with the entire Golden Crow Li Family.

This is not important.

The important thing is that she doesn’t know who Gu Qingfeng is, or which sentence Gu Qingfeng said is true and which sentence is false, even Gu Qingfeng’s mentality is normal and abnormal. , She doesn’t know if there is any problem in her mind.

That’s true.

When she was on the floating island, she questioned Gu Qingfeng and got an affirmative answer, confirming that Gu Qingfeng was pointing to her understanding of the mysterious Senior of Myriad Swords Art, Qian Ling thought that Gu Qingfeng was just a man The senior expert whose cultivation base has been lost may have been a great Lord before.

Just following what happened later, I witnessed Gu Qingfeng scaring the four Taibai Golden Immortal alive, looting the descendants of Golden Crow Li Family, and then playing the Fairy Flower Butterfly in Babaozhuang With Mu Lingyao…

I don’t know if I have experienced too many things in the past two days, and I don’t know if Gu Qingfeng has brought her too much since coming to Fengyue Small World Shocked and incredible.

So that Qian Ling was thinking about it all day, and the thoughts were all in a mess. The more I thought about it, the more I felt that Gu Qingfeng was strange. The strangeness made her feel that she had cultivated in Ronaldinho’s Secret Realm for more than 20 years. The little drunkard is exactly the same as the two who are in Fengyue Small World now.

She always feels that Gu Qingfeng’s body is filled with countless mysterious unknowns, as well as countless weirdness and weirdness.

This makes Qian Ling feel very bottomless. She doesn’t want to and will not pin all her hopes on such a person.

Perhaps Gu Qingfeng’s actions to scare four Taibai Golden Immortal to death on the floating island really frightened the Golden Crow Li Family. Qian Ling spent a long time exploring Fengyue Small World. Nothing was detected in the Golden Crow Li Family.

But she knows that the Golden Crow Li Family will not give up, but she doesn’t know when this rainstorm will come.

Come out this time.

The news of the Golden Crow Li Family is only one of them. She still has one important thing to do, and that is to visit Demon Immortal Bai Susu and return Bai Susu’s token to Bai Susu by the way.

However, this Fengyue Small World is too big.

And she doesn’t know where Bai Susu lives.

After finally finding out where Bai Susu lives, I was told that Bai Susu was not at home.

In desperation, I had to return to Gold Jade Island.

Back to the manor, I found that only Chidori was playing with the fish in the pool, and asked: “Where are the others?”

“They are all cultivation in the house. “Qingdori knew that Qianling had gone out to inquire about news, and asked: “Is there anything happening in the Golden Crow Li Family?”

“Not for the time being.”

“It’s right if you don’t have it. , I’ll just say, if the Golden Crow Li Family really did, their people would have appeared long ago, and they won’t wait until now. The little drunkard must scare them on the floating island.”


“By the way, Ling’er sister, have you seen Bai Susu?”

“She is not at home.”

“Bai Susu has supervised many businesses in Fengyue Small World for more than half of the year. Now Fengyue Small World is hosting another event. She must be very busy. You will definitely not see it now. I am afraid you will only have the chance to see it after the event. Her people.”

Qianling nodded, she thought so too, looked around, and then asked: “Is he… still sleeping?”

” Who are you talking about? Little drunkard? Well, he is still asleep. After you left, I called him. He said that he hadn’t got enough sleep and he wanted to sleep for a while.”

“You just went Called him?”

“Yeah, what’s the matter?”

“Chidori.” Qianling hesitated for a moment, and said, “From now on…you can’t be rude to him, Do you know?”

“Huh? Why?”

“Although I don’t know who he was before, I’m sure he must have been a Senior Expert before, and he’s dealing with The Golden Crow Li Family is also to help us. It is also the benefactor of Ronaldinho Secret Realm.”

“Oh, well, I will try to be more polite to the little alcoholic in the future.”

“Not as much as possible, but sure! Also, don’t call him the little drunkard in the future.”

“Then what should I call him? He doesn’t have a name, I can’t call him, right?”

“Since he is Senior, you should call Senior.”

“Call the little drunkard Senior? This…” Chidori shook his head and said, “I and the little drunkard. We have known each other for more than 20 years. We have such a good relationship. I always regard him as a good friend. If you ask me to call him Senior, I can’t call it. It’s too awkward, and calling him Senior is too raw. I don’t like this.”

Qianling thought about it for a while, and felt that what Chidori said is not unreasonable. Don’t say that Chidori can’t yell, even she can’t yell, after all, they called two. A little drunkard for more than ten years, suddenly changed his mouth to call Seni or, it’s really not suitable.

“Ling’er sister, I know what you mean. I also know that the little drunkard used to be a senior expert. I also know that the little drunkard dealt with the Golden Crow Li Family for us. In fact, I am very grateful to Xiao Alcohol, but… how to put it, you may not know the little drunkard. He is very casual, and he doesn’t care about these etiquettes. Not only does he not care, but also a bit disgusting.”

The head said: “I once wanted to give the little alcoholic a formal name, but the little alcoholic said the name. There is nothing formal or formal, as long as I call it smoothly, and the little alcoholic has said personally that he hates those messy things. Etiquette, what a senior, the little drunkard has lived in Ronaldinho’s Secret Realm for more than 20 years. Have you ever seen him salute him?”

Qianling thought about it carefully, she really hadn’t seen Gu What kind of etiquette Qingfeng has done, even once, even in the face of Danqing Old Ancestor, he has never shouted Senior, and after coming to Fengyue Small World, it is even more so, no matter what the identity of the other party, what background, and no matter what the other party is Regarding the strength of the cultivation base, all men call brother, and all women are big sisters.

“Before we didn’t realize that he was a Senior Expert. Now that we have realized it, it would be too inappropriate and impolite to call him a little alcoholic.”

“This is easy to handle. Since the little drunkard claims to be the Great Lord, then we can just call him the Great Lord. In this way, since we have expressed our respect for him, he listened smoothly, and the most important thing is that he will not give birth. Divide.”

“Big Lord?” Qian Ling thought for a while, and felt that this name was really like what the little Chidori said, it can express his respect, and it won’t be too sublime.

While the two were chatting, suddenly, two people appeared at the gate of the garden, Qian Ling and Qiandiao looked over, and they realized that these two were the Fairy Huadie and Little Demoness Mu Lingyao. .

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