Supreme Lord

Chapter 1486

Qiandiao ran over, looked at Qianling, then looked at Gu Qingfeng, and asked: “Hey, you two what the mysterious and secretive what the hell is happening? Are you still speaking alone? Is there something wrong? The secret to telling people? Bring it from the truth!”

Gu Qingfeng looked at Chidori and said with a smile: “Where is there any ulterior secret? I said I go up to heaven or down to Hades omnipotent, Qian Ling doesn’t believe me. I’m not going to show my hand, thinking about performing a trick of swallowing the big day, to open your eyes, and you are preparing to perform, you are here.”

“Little drunkard , If you don’t boasting for a day, don’t you feel uncomfortable?” Chidori stared contemptuously, and said, “Did you guy feel amazing after scaring a few Taibai Golden Immortal to death on the floating island? What kind of brag about Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow Universe Great Desolate, you think you are the emperor! You still swallow the big day, see if you can!”

“Don’t say it, maybe I You really are you emperor.”

“Come on, you, the more you talk about it, you are getting more and more energetic. If you are the emperor, great aunt is Saintess Empress!”

Gu Qingfeng Happy laughed heartily, said: “Wouldn’t it be better, we are a couple.”

“I pooh! You are so beautiful!”

At this time.

A riot suddenly appeared at the entrance of Babaozhuang. Gu Qingfeng looked over and asked: “What’s the situation?”

Qianling shook his head, and Qiandiao said curiously. “Maybe there is a great character?”

The small handyman in the manor all ran over, even the guests in the garden came out, including the white jade in Lan Yunyuan. , Liu Feng, Xuanyun and Liuli also came out.

White jade Fei and Liu Feng walked directly to the crowd at the door, and Xuan Yun found that Qian Ling was here, so he walked over and said, “Ling’er, Fairy Huadie is here, let’s Come on.”

“Wow! Is Fairy Huadie coming to Babaozhuang too?”

When I heard Fairy Huadie’s name, Qiandiao looked very excited.

“Yes, we also just got the news.” Xuan Yun said elegantly: “We are going to say hello, Ling’er, you and Chidori will also go with us.”

“Okay, okay! If you can know Fairy Huadie, it would be very good. I have always admired Fairy Huadie.”

Qiaodiao was a little excited and screamed Going with Xuanyun, only Qian Ling shook his head and said, “Xuanyun Young Master, you go, we don’t know each other with Fairy Huadie.”

“I can recommend to you , And, in a moment, Yufei Young Master and Liufeng Young Master, the three of us will come out and invite Fairy Huadie to enjoy the Eight Treasure Banquet in the garden. For the face of the three of us, I want Fairy Huadie It shouldn’t be rejected.”

“Thank you Young Master, it is really unnecessary. We will discuss some things later.”

“Oh? Is that? It’s really a shame. There are not many opportunities to get acquainted with Fairy Huadie. If I missed it this time, there will be no next time.”

Qian Ling responded with a smile but still declined politely.

“Heh! Then please.”

Xuanyun not at all is angry because of Qianling’s refusal. It seems that it doesn’t matter to him whether Qianling goes or not. Important, it is important to let Qianling know that Xuanyun makes a lot of friends and his face is enough.

After Xuanyun left, Qiandiao said, “Sister Ling’er, why are you rejecting Xuanyun’s big brother? Hey, the fairy flower butterfly is a great character. If we can Getting acquainted with Fairy Huadie will be good for us Ronaldinho Secret Realm in the future. Old Ancestor has always taught us that there are multiple ways for multiple friends.”

It’s not that Qianling doesn’t know multiple ways for multiple friends. , Even more how Fairy Huadie is also known as Man Shuangji Tianyu. If you can get acquainted with her, it will be good for Ronaldinho Secret Realm’s future development.

Qianling knows.

But she is a bit lonely by nature. She really doesn’t know how to communicate and expand her network, nor can she flatter and fawning like others to flatter others.

This is a kind of self-esteem, but it is also a kind of inferiority.

Qian Ling is such a person. While he has strong self-esteem, he is also relatively inferior.

Gu Qingfeng looked over and found that the so-called Huadie Fairy hadn’t appeared yet, but the gate of Babaozhuang was already overcrowded. He was quite curious and asked, “This Huadie Fairy is Who, is it famous?”

“Of course, who doesn’t know Fairy Flower Butterfly in Bipolar Tianyu, but he is a famous fairy, and he is famous. He is a master of Medicine King Old Ancestor. The descendant of Wang Dong, with unparalleled medical skills, can be called unparalleled, and can not only rejuvenate, but also resurrect from the dead. For these years, the fairy flower butterfly has been hanging out the pot and has a high reputation in our bipolar universe. .”

“I thought it was another songwriter, dare to be a medical immortal, and a medical immortal who rescued the wounded.”

“Of course. “

Suddenly, Chidori said: “By the way, little drunkard, your fleshy body is so messy, it’s better to let Fairy Huadie take a look, maybe she can heal you, we bipolar Many of Tianyu’s Old Senior has lost its cultivation base. Many of them have adjusted their fleshy body and re-cultivated under the treatment of Fairy Huadie.”

“Forget it, my lord The fleshy body is not good even if God goes down to the world.”

“You guy! It’s…”

Qiaodiao was talking, and there was a lot of noise at the entrance of Babaozhuang. Looking around, I saw a white clothed woman walking in slowly like a star-shaped moon.

This woman is dressed in plain white clothed, with a pale appearance and a gentle temperament, giving a sense of elegance.

The woman is not someone else, but the fairy flower butterfly in the mouth of Chidori.

After Huadie Fairy appeared, the handyman maid of Babaozhuang was very excited. The guests who came to Babaozhuang gave their hands together, cup one fist in the other hand cup one fist in The other hand, each of them greeted each other and showed their kindness.

Huadie Fairy not at all refuses people beyond a thousand li, but always smiles, nodded in response.

“Today, I can encounter Fairy Huadie in Babaozhuang, it is the blessing of three lifetimes.”

Among the crowd, a handsome young Master stood up , Handed over to Fairy Huadie and said: “Fairy Huadie, I trust you have been well since we last met.”

“Fairy Huadie, how have you been?”

Then, another expensive Young Master stood out holding a jade fan.

Immediately afterwards, the third young Master stood up, cup hand to hold fist, said with a smile: “Fairy Huadie, it has been more than ten years since the last goodbye, right? ‘t expect to meet here again today. It is really an honor to be here.”

The three precious Young Masters are white jade Fei, Liu Feng, and Xuan Yun.

The three of them have a small reputation in Bipolar Tianyu. Whether it is family background or cultivation base, they are all well-known figures of the younger generation, and many people know them.

“Yufei Young Master, Liufeng Young Master, Xuanyun Young Master, it turns out that you are here, it’s a coincidence.”

Fairy Huadie said the names of the three This is a great honor for the three of Xuanyun, but at the same time they feel very face-conscious.

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