Supreme Lord

Chapter 1484

“Don’t look at the Golden Crow Li Family, there is nothing happening now, let alone the Golden Crow Li Family will be scared, just scared to death four Taibai Golden Immortal, for the Golden Crow Li Family is not worth mentioning, Golden Crow The reason why Li Family hasn’t done it up to now is just because the event held by Fengyue Small World is about to start, and Golden Crow Li Family doesn’t want to make the matter too much, so it didn’t do it, nothing more.”

“If you wait until the end of the event, the Golden Crow Li Family will inevitably smash the nouveau riche’s body. When the time comes, if you don’t sever the relationship with it, you will definitely suffer from it, not just you, but you Ronaldinho’s Secret Realm when the time comes is not immune, and suffers from the disaster of extinction.”

Xuan Yun kept talking, and speaking of which was conclusive, then continued.

“I asked you to leave that upstart. Golden Crow Li Family is a reason, but it is not the most important reason.”

“I don’t know if you heard it when you came. How other people talk about the nouveau riche? If not, I can tell you that many people now suspect that the nouveau riche is possessed by the devil.”

Qianling shook his head and explained:” He has breath and vitality in his body. It is impossible to be possessed by the devil.”

“I admit, he does have breath in his body. At the beginning, I didn’t believe that he was possessed by the devil. , But the more I thought about it later, the more something went wrong. You also probed his fleshy body. You should know more about his fleshy body than I do. The fleshy body and internal organs meridian acupoints like his are all rusty. Similarly, even the bloodline has dried up. According to common sense, this kind of person should have been completely devoid of life, but he is still alive, don’t you find it strange?”

” It doesn’t mean that he has been possessed by the demon.”

“Ling’er, don’t be anxious to draw conclusions. I remember hearing you say that you found him in the Little Secret Realm of Quicksand, right? I have also been to the Little Secret World of Quicksand, where the natural environment is very harsh, and this kind of place is often the easiest to give birth to demons.”

hearing this.

Qian Ling couldn’t help but chuckle.

“You try to think back and forth, find him from a place where demons are easily conceived in the Little Secret Realm of Quicksand, and how chaotic his fleshy body is, he is still alive, and he Those tricky tricks played on the floating island…Don’t you think everything indicates that he is possessed by the devil?”

Finding that Qian Ling’s face is slightly strange, Xuanyun knows his own The efforts were not in vain, and Qian Ling’s heart began to doubt.

This is indeed the case.

Qian Ling indeed began to doubt.

As Xuanyun said, the natural environment of the Quicksand Little Secret Realm is very harsh. That kind of place is most likely to conceive demons, and the chaotic fleshy body of the little drunkard. Normally, this The fleshy body is basically impossible to be alive, but he is alive, not only alive, but also alive, as well as the methods used on the floating island.

The more I thought about it, the more suspicious it became, but after another thought, Qian Ling didn’t feel like it.

If the little drunkard is really a demon, but he has cultivated several decades in Ronaldinho’s Secret Realm. Every day except eating and sleeping, except sleeping and basking in the sun, he has never harmed anyone, but not Has hurt a person, and secretly pointed out his own cultivation Myriad Swords Art.

Is there such a kind demon in the world?

Qian Ling shook his head and said: “I don’t believe that the little drunkard is a devil. He has never hurt any of us Ronaldinho Secret Realm.”

“hehe, Ling’er , You are so naive, he has not hurt him now, it does not mean he will not in the future, if my guess is good, you must have never known that he would use these crooked methods?”

Qian Ling nodded, before that, he really didn’t know that Gu Qingfeng also understood these weird methods.

“Let me just say it, you must not know.” Xuanyun said with a smile: “Also, think about it for yourself, when on the floating island, he just said something casually, Li Zhengshi’s immortal spirit collapsed, and then the four Taibai Golden Immortal was scared to death with a sound of power. After killing someone, the nouveau riche’s face was not flushed or breathing, and afterwards, he was like a okay person, hehe haha, I am afraid that only the devil can be so frantic and contempt of life, right?”

Qian Ling thought for a while, and wanted to speak for Gu Qingfeng, but he swallowed it back, even if she didn’t want to. However, I have to admit that what Xuanyun said is the truth. After Gu Qingfeng scared the four Taibai Golden Immortal to death, they were indeed as okay, as if they had pinched an ant to death, and had no respect for life.

“Ling’er, you have to think clearly, if he is really a demon, you must leave him as soon as possible, so as not to be attacked by him.”

Qian Ling said : “If he wanted to harm us, he would have done it a long time ago, and he won’t wait until now.”

“Even if he doesn’t harm you, he will also affect you. You must know that the great wasteland is the great wasteland of immortal dao. Fengyue Small World is also the world dominated by immortal dao. It will not tolerate the existence of the demon at all. Once it is discovered that he is a demon, it will be obliterated. When the time comes, if you are still involved with him, you will definitely be deeply involved. Its harm.”

paused, without waiting for Qian Ling to speak, Xuan Yun continued: “Take ten thousand steps, even if he is not a demon, if the Golden Crow Li Family insists that he is a demon. It doesn’t matter whether he is a real demon or not. The Golden Crow Li Family not only does this kind of thing, but it’s not the first time to do it. Don’t forget that many dignitaries in Fengyue Small World have personal relationships with Golden Crow Li Family. Very good.”

When he heard this, Qian Ling couldn’t help sinking into thought.

Looking at her like this, Xuanyun’s mouth finally showed a long-lost, confident smile, and said: “If there is extra, I don’t want to say any more. Please consider it yourself. We are in Lan Yunyuan. If you want to After that, you can come to me anytime, I am waiting for you.”

After that, Xuan Yun walked away slowly with Liuli.

Only Qian Ling was left standing there, frowning, very sad.

To be honest.

She does not believe that Gu Qingfeng is a demon.

Never thought about this.

However, the harsh environment of the quicksand secret world, Gu Qingfeng’s weird fleshy body, and the mysterious methods used on the floating island, these have to make a lot of thoughts.

Because she knows that if Gu Qingfeng is really a demon, not only will he not live, but none of Ronaldinho’s Secret Realm will survive.

The great wasteland is the great wasteland of immortal dao, Fengyue Small World is also the world dominated by immortal dao, and the existence of demons is absolutely forbidden. She wants to come, if Gu Qingfeng is really a demon, when the time comes not only the Golden Crow Li Family, but also not only Fengyue Small World, bipolar universe The immortals will not let go, and Ronaldinho Secret Realm will be raze to the ground for colluding with the devil.

More importantly, even if Gu Qingfeng is not a demon, the situation is not very optimistic.

As Xuanyun said, if Golden Crow Li Family insists that Gu Qingfeng is a demon, when the time comes, it doesn’t matter whether he is a real demon or not. This kind of slander Others are doing things for the devil. It’s not that Golden Crow Li Family has never done it. A rich family in Fengyue Small World that year was just suspected of being a devil, it was eliminated by the Great Secret Realm and the fairy family.

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