Supreme Lord

Chapter 1476

Li Zhengshi of Golden Crow Li Family first got a general understanding of the basic situation, and then let people help Jin Lie, Ding Da and the others to take care of them, and then looked towards Qianling, Gu Qingfeng and the Others, however, he didn’t do it at all. Instead, he glanced at Xuanyun and solemnly asked: “Xuanyun Young Master, I heard that you have been reconciling this matter?”


Li Zhengshi is quite jealous of Xuanyun’s identity.

“I did want to reconcile myself, but some people didn’t appreciate it.” Xuanyun Young Master stood with his hand in his hand, looking polite, and glanced at Gu Qingfeng, lightly said with a smile: ” And let this Young Master watch a good show, and I have been waiting for a good show, I hope it will be a wonderful show.”

“Good! Since Xuanyun Young Master and This matter is irrelevant, so please don’t be nosy!” Li Zhengshi stared at Gu Qingfeng sitting on the chair, and Qian Ling standing beside him. His expressionless face was full of murder. It means that everyone can feel his strong murderous intention.

“The people who dared to hurt our Golden Crow Li Family, and took the magic weapon! Get me down and die!”

Li Zhengshi roared, the golden brilliance all over his body flickered wildly, It was Taibai 9th layer Jin Gang that flashed. He waved his arms and suddenly pushed out a palm. In an instant, the powerful Taibai Immortal Gang power turned into a huge tiger and rushed over.

This is an immortal martial arts, a fierce tiger in a golden gang.

It is also a kind of immortal dao martial arts that everyone recognizes as powerful.

At this moment, Li Zhengshi exerts his full power. The formidable power is extremely terrifying. It not only contains his strong Taibai 9th layer Jin Gang immortal strength, but also contains the profound mystery of the Five Elements gold, as well as ferociousness. The power of the earth evil, rushing away, the entire floating island seemed to be trembling, and the nine-headed fire cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger contorts one’s face in agony with a deafening tiger roar.

Everyone can see that the Martial God of Li Zhengshi passes through the golden gangland. Don’t say whether the nine-headed Scarlet Flame Tiger can be spared, but there are more than a dozen people in Da Nian. Whether it is alive or not is unknown.

But not necessarily.

Everyone has just seen Qian Ling’s powerful strength. If she resists, she may not be able to stop this golden gangster.


The question now is not whether Qianling can block this golden Crow Li family, or whether she can block it, it doesn’t help. You know, the Golden Crow Li Family has nearly a thousand people here, and it’s just Five Taibai Golden Immortal came, and even if Qian Ling’s strength was strong, he would definitely not be able to match it, and he would definitely die.

Qian Ling doesn’t know this truth.

So, she can only pin her hopes on Gu Qingfeng.

But when Li Zhengshi played this golden gangster, Qian Ling found that Gu Qingfeng was still sitting on a chair, not only indifferent, but even drinking a little wine leisurely, as if she didn’t know at all. Li Zhengshi has already done the same.

Qianling can’t wait anymore, let alone take the lives of more than ten people from Ronaldinho Secret Realm to bet whether Gu Qingfeng is truly capable, too late to think about it, just when she was ready to resist , A weird scene happened.

I saw the fierce and powerful, formidable power terrifying golden tiger is about to swallow the nine-headed fire cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger, the unfathomable mystery stopped moving.


No more.

If it’s frozen in the air, it’s still motionless, the brilliance no longer flashes, the power no longer roars, the immortal strength no longer functions, the mysterious no longer evolves, the martial arts no longer evolves, everything Everything is still there.

What happened?

Why is this happening?

Who knows?

No one knows.

Everyone stared with big eyes and small eyes, stunned by the scene before them.

Who did it?

It’s Qian Ling who is stumped?

But looking at her appearance, she seemed more shocked than anyone else, and it was incredible.

It was obviously not her hand.

Who would it be?

The more than ten people of Ronaldinho’s Secret Realm are all hiding inside the house. Only Qianling and the nouveau riche are outside. If it weren’t for Qianling’s hands and feet, would it be the nouveau riche?

Everyone looked at the upstart.

He was so bored from beginning to end sitting in a large chair, leaning his body, leaning on the armrest, playing with two mysterious balls in one hand, holding a wine glass in the other, drinking, even Never raised his head, Serene looked like it had nothing to do with him.

Just when everyone was in incomparable shock, Gu Qingfeng finally spoke.

“This nine-headed Huoyun Ziyan Tiger Rhinoceros was bought by the master for 500 million immortal stones.”

He drank all the wine in his glass and voila. Looking at Li Zhengshi and the others, who was shocked and horrified in the distance, he took a sip from the Purple Gold white jade pipe pot and said, “How can you break your little bastard?”

, He blew a breath of smoke toward the golden gangland on the opposite side, and then, an even more incredible scene happened. Gu Qingfeng blew a breath of smoke over, and he was still in midair. Then it disappeared.

Really disappeared.

A puff of smoke blowing like soot disappeared with the wind.

If everyone didn’t know why Li Zhengshi took out the Jin Gangdi Shahu to be still, then everyone knows at this moment that this is Gu Qingfeng’s hands and feet.

He didn’t know what method he used to make such fierce unfathomable mystery, such as Jin Gang Di Shahu, stand still in the air, and now he is still blowing the scattered ashes and dispersed smoke Up.

That is the immortal martial arts of Jin Gangdi, and it is also displayed by Li Zhengshi and other Great Perfection Taibai Golden Immortal. It contains not only the power of Taibai Jingang, but also the gold of Five Elements. The numerous mysterious, as well as the mighty power of the earth evil, the formidable power is so powerful that few people in the field can resist it.

Now not only the unfathomable mystery is still in the air, but also scattered ashes and dispersed smoke by a mouthful of smoke.


How did he do it?

If this guy is a peerless expert with a cultivation base profound, everyone will not be so shocked, but he wants a cultivation base without a cultivation base, he wants good fortune without good fortune, and what he wants is nothing, even Fleshy body is also fleshy body.

How can he do it?

What is the magic weapon in your hand?

But he has been sitting in a chair from beginning to end, and he has never moved his hands. Where is the magic weapon?

It’s the Purple Gold white jade’s pipe pot that makes it difficult?

But that is just a luxury accessory from Da Riyi City. Apart from the high price, there is nothing special. It is only used by the rich to absorb Spiritual Qi, not to mention that this thing is not at all What kind of magic weapon is an Innate Magical Treasure, which is also impossible to take out the scattered ashes and dispersed smoke of Jin Gang Di Shahu that Li Zhengshi took out with a single mouthful of smoke.


why on earth?

Everyone can’t believe this scene is true.

Especially Qian Ling.

I found that Gu Qingfeng was indifferent before. She had no hope at all and was ready to resist. If it didn’t work, she fought with the people of the Golden Crow Li Family, but she didn’t expect Gu Qingfeng to breathe in her spirit. Yan’er, the Jin Gangdi evil tiger dissipated…

This feeling is like witnessing a mortal, blowing a breath, and blowing a mountain down.

It is really unbelievable, unacceptable, and unintelligible.

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