Supreme Lord

Chapter 1467

Gu Qingfeng leaned forward and sat on the large and comfortable chair, with Erlang’s legs tilted, and his left arm was on the armrest playing with two mysterious balls. The right hand was holding a wine glass and drinking a small wine, and said: “Qianling, if I remember correctly, it is the little bastard like Golden Crow Li Family who has been oppressing Ronaldinho Secret Realm.”

Qianling is nodded, and I don’t know why Gu Qingfeng suddenly asked Start this.

“In that case, what are you still trying to do, hit them as a bitch!”


Qian Lingda Shocked.

She wanted to see what Gu Qingfeng had to rely on to be so fearless and dauntless, but absolutely did not expect that after a long time, she was planning to let herself go to fight the Golden Crow Li Family? Dare to love this guy’s so-called dependence, but it is yourself?

“What’s the matter? Don’t you dare?”

Gu Qingfeng put down the wine glass, and then drew out the Purple Gold pipe pot, spit out a wisp of smoke and said, “It’s not wrong to be a low-key person. But you must be high-profile, and submit to humiliation when you don’t have the strength. But with the strength, how can you bear? We don’t bully others, but we can’t let others ride on our heads and pee. When appropriate, we must show off. one’s military strength, frighten those bastards.”


Qian Linggang spoke, and Gu Qingfeng seemed to know what she was going to say, and continued: “But what? Do you think that submit to humiliation is for Ronaldinho Secret Realm? Look at the big guy who is greedy for life and fear of death, and look at Chidori, how brave and strong a little girl was before, forcibly taken by you The long side is wrong. Now when I meet a major event, my first reaction is not how to solve it, but how to save my life.”

“If you encounter danger, the first reaction is how to save your life. Death is not far away. Even if you can save your life today, you won’t be able to save your life tomorrow. It is important to save your life, but blindly trying to save your life will only make you more and more passive and your situation will get worse. “

“Your Danqing Old Ancestor was aware of this problem back then, so he recommended you to lead Ronaldinho Secret Realm. His Senior puts all his hopes on you, so why are you more and more here? The more conservative, now he simply embarks on his old path, if Ronaldinho Secret Realm still tolerant, why should you let you lead it to Danqing Old Master, wouldn’t it be more appropriate?”

Gu Qingfeng’s words, like the sound of a Buddha, echoed in Qian Ling’s mind, like enlightenment, making her wake up from a dream, suddenly realized, came back to his senses, looked at Gu Qingfeng with joy, and said with gratitude: “Many thanks, you enlighten me again.”

“Go and fight, let go of the baggage in your heart, don’t care about anything, don’t be afraid of anything, today my master is here for you, don’t What Golden Crow Li Family said, even if the king of heaven and Laozi descended from the earth, the Lord will let him go back obediently and honestly.”

“I won’t let you down.”

The voice fell. , Qian Ling turned to G The olden Crow Li Family walked over.

Looking at this scene, Qiandiao was completely dumbfounded. Just now, what Gu Qingfeng said, she did not understand, she also understood that Gu Qingfeng was instigating Qianling to fight with the Golden Crow Li Family. I just wanted to reprimand Gu Qingfeng for act recklessly, but what surprised her was that Qian Ling listened to Gu Qingfeng’s instigation and was really ready to fight with the Golden Crow Li Family.

Qiandiao complained: “You…how can you instigate Ling’er to fight with the Golden Crow Li Family! You…you guy…you know what you are doing!”

Gu Qingfeng explained: “Your sister Ling’er is lost, I just prank her a little bit.”

“You tell me a fart! You make me Ling My sister went to fight the Golden Crow Li Family. You asked her to die!”

“Don’t worry, your sister Ling’er is definitely more than enough to clean up these little bastards.”

“There is more than enough ass! She is my sister Ling’er, her strength, I still don’t know her strength? She only has the cultivation base of 5 Heavenly Layer, how can we beat so many people in the Golden Crow Li Family!”

“Sister, you look down on your sister Ling’er too much, her cultivation base is more than 5 Heavenly Layer.”

“She is my elder sister, not your elder sister……”


What else Qiandiao wanted to say, but Gu Qingfeng was too lazy to listen anymore, changed his posture, drank a little wine, and waited for the upcoming show.

As he said, Qian Ling was lost.

It’s just that she didn’t know she was lost.

until now, Qian Ling tried his best to protect Ronaldinho’s Secret Realm and everyone’s safety. It was precisely because of the protection she had done all these years that she forgot to take over Ronaldinho Secret Realm. The original intention of the time was to forget what Dan Qing Old Ancestor said to him, and even the current situation of Ronaldinho Secret Realm.

That year.

When she took over Ronaldinho Secret Realm, Danqing Old Ancestor told her that Ronaldinho Secret Realm can’t always ask for perfection. Blindly forbearance will only make Ronaldinho Secret Realm fall into consigned to eternal damnation. , And Qian Ling also knows this clearly, so when she took over Ronaldinho Secret Realm, she swore that must lead Ronaldinho Secret Realm to create Heaven and Earth in the bipolar universe.


Bipolar Tianyu’s large and small Secret Realm is more than ten million?

Various ancient Heavenly Paradise and powerful Secret Realm are countless. Want to create Heaven and Earth among these big crocodiles and is easier said than done?

Only a few years ago, Chidori had a dispute with the Golden Crow Li Family because of a crimson herb. The crimson herb should belong to Chidori, but Ronaldinho Secret Realm chose Forbearance, and because of the tolerance of this time, Ronaldinho Secret Realm has been oppressed by the Golden Crow Li Family.

Thousands of years have not gone well, leading Ronaldinho Secret Realm outside can be said to be impossible to move a single step.

It’s not that Qian Ling has never thought of resisting.

On the contrary.

She thought about it.

For this, her crazy cultivation, day and night desperate cultivation.

She is not afraid of death.

But she is afraid that Ronaldinho’s Secret Realm will be involved.

Every time I think of Ronaldinho’s Secret Realm, Qian Ling is afraid of losing. She has no courage to resist.

The more you are afraid of losing, the less you dare to resist

The less you dare to resist, the more you are afraid of losing.


Qian Ling chose to escape.


She didn’t know she was running away.

Until today.

Until now.

It wasn’t until she heard those words of Gu Qingfeng that she suddenly realized that she had been escaping all these years.

It was also after listening to Gu Qingfeng’s words that she only woke up like a dream, realizing that she was not protecting Ronaldinho Secret Realm over the years, but leading Ronaldinho Secret Realm into the abyss.

After listening to those words of Gu Qingfeng, she decided not to escape this time, and also decided to muster the courage to resist the oppression of Golden Crow Secret Realm.

Not only did she no longer escape, she was no longer afraid, and she was no longer afraid.

The self-confidence that she had forgotten for many years, finally came back at this moment.

She stood in the arena, holding a sword of water and clouds, her beautiful face was full of fearless colors, coldly said: “We have endured and have had enough these years. From now on , Ronaldinho Secret Realm will not bear it anymore, never will. You don’t need to come to squander money like this. I will not give you a fairy stone. If you want to fight, then you can do it.”

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