Supreme Lord

Chapter 1465

“Little drunkard! Little drunkard! Get up!”

When I came to the bedroom inside the big nun, I saw Gu Qingfeng lying on the bed and sleeping in hu hu, and the little chidori hurried over, while Shouting, shaking.

“I said, sister, what’s the matter.”

Gu Qingfeng changed a position and continued to sleep soundly.

“When are you still in the mood to sleep! Quick get up! Quick get up, there is a major event!”

“What major event, has the sky fallen? “

“Yes! It’s bigger than the sky falling down! You quick get up!”

“It’s OK, don’t shake it, I will get up Can’t it?”

Gu Qingfeng lazily sat up, yawned, rubbed his eyes, and asked: “What the hell is it?”

“Golden Crow Li Family A lot of people came, clamoring to find you to settle the account.”

“What kind of account is it for me? Lord, I burned their house, or hooked up with their mother…”

Chidori thought that his nerves were big enough, but didn’t expect that the little drunkard’s nerves were bigger than him, so he burned his eyebrows and he could still sleep, and it seemed that he had forgotten what happened yesterday. The matter, said: “You guy! Are you confused? Yesterday you bumped that Jin Lie and hit Li Jingya with the Heavenly Thunder Talisman. Did you forget?”

” You talk about this.” Coming out of the bed, Gu Qingfeng stretched his waist and said: “What’s the matter, they are looking for a post?”

“Otherwise, what do you think, you say you Does this guy deserves a beating? He started to suffer as soon as he was rich. Okay, now the Golden Crow Li Family not only wants you to kowtow to make amends.”

“I want to kowtow to the Lord? I’ve lost them.”

“Do you think it’s done by just kowtow? People are still going to ruin you, maybe everything you buy will have to be paid to the Golden Crow Li Family!”

“I will pay them for a shit.”

“You!” the gnashing teeth of a thousand birds, said: “I also know you are unwilling, don’t say you are unwilling, I I’m also very unwilling! But who told you to provoke the Golden Crow Li Family, if you don’t compensate, people will not let you go. It’s the Golden Crow Li Family’s consideration of Xuanyun Young Master’s face, otherwise, let’s I don’t know if I can leave alive.”

“Oh, Chidori, do you know how to be afraid? I remember you used to be fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth.”

“Great aunt was ignorant when I was young, but now I’m growing up, little drunkard, listen to my advice, and you should pay it to others. If you don’t take money, you don’t have to take it with you. This 1.8 billion, if it died for this little money, it is really not worth it! “


Chidori has grown up.

If it were before, she would definitely fight the Golden Crow Li Family!

But now that she has grown up, she has experienced a lot, and thinking about problems is not as naive as before.

Seriously said: “Little drunkard, listen to me, Golden Crow Li Family is not something we can afford. If you want to survive this kind of thing, except for admitting bad luck, submit There is no other way other than to humiliation. Whether you admit it or not, it is a cruel reality.”

“This is called a cruel reality?”

“No Wrong, this is the cruel reality.”

“Let’s go, I will let you see and see today, but reality is not so cruel.”

“Nothing is so cruel , What nonsense are you talking about?”

“Thousand birds, have you experienced a word after you have been outside for so long?”

“What is it?”

“There are surprises everywhere in life.”

“Damn! Great aunt, there are no surprises now, all are scares!”

“hahaha! Then you are now! It’s good to experience what a surprise is.”

Gu Qingfeng walked out of the bedroom and came to the outside of Da Nian, looked at the more than 100 Golden Crow Li Family, and looked at the gathering. Watching the lively crowd on the floating island, said with a smile: “Oh, this is quite lively today.”


Gu Qingfeng is dressed in an extremely dazzling jade suit, wearing cloud boots on his feet.

Hanging a string of 108 Purple Gold beads with blue eyes on his neck, his left hand is playing with two mysterious balls, and his right hand is shaking a starry sky black jade fan, with ten fingers on both hands, each with a star Xuan Chu put his fingers together, and there was a Purple Gold white jade pipe pot with rich smoke in his mouth.

I have to say that this outfit worth 200 million is really piercing.

It’s really piercing, not fake, especially under the sun’s rays, the golden light gleams, not only the flashing people’s eyes are dizzy, but also the people watching the excitement on the floating island. Coveted, and even more envy and hatred in my heart.

Originally, the big guy looked at the Golden Crow Li Family and was blackmailing again, and he was such a nouveau riche who won 1.8 billion, but after seeing the nouveau riche worth 200 million, he sympathized There is no more, only jealousy.

“Old Ma, bring the chair from the hall to the Lord.”

Prince Ma was taken aback, a little bit unable to believe his ears, wondering if he had heard it wrong , Asked: “Lord, what did you say?”

“Go and bring the chair inside. Didn’t you hear?”

“Ah? Oh…well! Okay…”

Not only Prince Ma suspected that he had misheard, but more than a dozen people at Ronaldinho Secret Realm, including everyone present, doubted whether he had misheard.

Now the Golden Crow Li Family has surrounded this place with more than one hundred people. It is clear that fiercely will be blackmailed. Even if it is changed, anyone will be scared? Terrified?

This kind of thing is not uncommon in Fengyue Small World. Many local tyrants who get rich overnight are more ecstatic and despotic than one after they have money. They really provoke the fairy of Great Secret Realm. After the family, they will be scared witless.

Just now everyone looked at the nouveau riche who had been hiding in the house and did not dare to come out, and thought they did not dare to come out.

Until now, everyone realizes that this nouveau riche is not afraid to come out. Look at his posture, there is no way to fear fear, not to say fear, not to say fear, it is worry, even if it is. No tension at all.

Not only didn’t, but he seemed to be smiling happily, with a big Purple Gold pipe in his mouth, smoking a cigarette, and playing with two mysterious mysterious balls in his hand. That lazy energy, that luxurious style, is like…like a great Lord who looks at the excitement.

Furthermore…what else did he say, to move out the chair inside the big elm?

What does he want to do?

What does he mean?

I don’t know.

No one knows.

Soon, Prince Ma really took out the chair inside the big elbow, good fellow! This thing is really not small. It is two meters wide. It is like a big bed. I don’t know what animal skins are on it. It looks loose and comfortable. There is also a jar of wine and wine on the armrests on both sides of the chair. Several wine glasses.

Just when everyone was puzzled, the nouveau riche tyrant was in full view, so he leaned his body, tilted his legs, lay on his back, snapped his fingers, instructed: “Hey Great Lord pours the wine, fill it up first.”

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