Supreme Lord

Chapter 1454

“That’s 1.8 billion immortal stones, not 1.8 billion stones. How can you spend it all? What did you buy!”

“I didn’t buy much, a big five 600 million, I have two or three hundred million in my outfit, one hundred million in the Blue Moon Sword in your hand, as well as all kinds of charms, wine, and messy flowers anyway.”


Qiandiao looked like he hated it, pointed to Gu Qingfeng, and said: “You are really a prodigal! No! You are more prodigal than a prodigal! Heavens! 1.8 billion just like this is spent by you …Heavens! No more, I have a headache…I am so angry…”

Chidori is a real headache, not a fake headache.

Although Gu Qingfeng won 1.8 billion and spent it on his own, Chidori or for Gu Qingfeng felt a headache and felt too prodigal. She squatted down, clutching her forehead, and felt a headache. crack.

“I don’t have a headache yet, what are your headaches.”

Chidori lifts the head and roared: “Great aunt is for your headache!”

“What’s the headache, isn’t it 1.8 billion? Kan Ming’er waits until my father is happy, and then wins one hundred and eighty one billion.”

“Go and win one hundred and eighty one billion? You? Do you think you are a god?”

The Chidori was about to collapse, crying and laughing again, staring at Gu Qingfeng, shouted: “Oh heaven! Earth! Please Senior hack this to death Guys!”

“Sister, there is a secret, I have not told you, in fact I am a god.”

“You! You! You…you are crazy!”

Looking at the look of Chidori, Gu Qingfeng laughed heartily.

Not far away.

In the garden.

After hearing that Gu Qingfeng had spent all the 1.8 billion he won, everyone from Ronaldinho Secret Realm shook their heads and sighed, sighing that Gu Qingfeng is so prodigal and crazy.

Don鈥檛 say that they are the colored glazes from the Lotus Secret Realm, and they can鈥檛 help but sigh: “God! He actually spent 1.8 billion all. It鈥檚…it鈥檚 crazy…”

“This is normal.”

Xuanyun’s words came, and Liuli was surprised: “This is normal? He spent 1.8 billion!”

“Like His tactics, not to mention 1.8 billion, even if he really won one hundred and eighty one billion, he will spend it too. The money is easy to spend, and it will naturally not feel distressed when it is spent. Many nouveau riche are not all. Well, if you have money, you will be overwhelmed, and you will buy a lot of money. It is full of luxury. I am afraid that others will not know that they have money. I have seen too many such upstarts.”

Xuanyun Weiwei lightly said with a smile: “Don鈥檛 look at what he buys, a nine-headed Fire Cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger, and the 108 pearls on his neck, wearing both hands and ten fingers. A storage finger, hehe…these all are the flashy luxury goods of Da Ri Yi City, which are of no use except to show their identity.”

“In the middle of the wilderness, everyday all is a night Getting rich, those nouveau riche who have money, will show themselves, enjoy luxury, and show off everywhere. The shops of Da Riyi City are fancy these nouveau riche to show off their identity and show off their psychology, so they will create these flashy Luxury jewelry.”

Sitting on the chair, Xuanyun Serene drank a little wine and talked freely. He picked up the wine glass, took a sip, and closed his eyes slightly. As if reminiscing about the aroma of wine, he said: “In the Great Wilderness, no money is terrifying, but if you have money, you can be more terrifying. Money will turn immortals into demons and Demon Transformation into ghosts…”

“Especially the money earned by gambling. After these gamblers have won, they often have an illusion that if they can win this time, they will definitely win next time. The gambler spends all the money he won. Will go to gamble again, lose the gamble, start to change the property, hehe… Wait, I bet, in a few days, he will sell all the luxury accessories he bought, and then go gamble ……”

Xuan Yun sipped the wine one by one. After tasting a glass, he poured himself a glass and said, “Ling’er, there is something I don鈥檛 know if I should say it wrong?”

“What are you talking about?”

“The conflict between your Ronaldinho Secret Realm and the Golden Crow Li Family is nothing. I am confident and confident to help you solve it, but this person…” Xuan Yun raised a glass of wine and took a look at the one who was chatting with Chidori Gu Qingfeng said: “He had previously competed with Li Fengyan in the gambling game, causing Li Fengyan to lose tens of millions, but he himself won 1.8 billion. Golden Crow Li Family will definitely be jealous. “

” Then, he ran into Jin Lie Senior with the big lion, and Li Jingya, who used the Purple Gold Sky Thunder Talisman, was battered and exhausted, and act recklessly clamored with the entire Golden Crow Li Family. “

Looking at the white jade cup in my hand, Xuanyun said indifferently: “Golden Crow Li Family will never let him go, absolutely not, and I can guess his ending without thinking. , He either died in Fengyue Small World, or died at the door of Fengyue Small World, no one could save him. “

“You let me ignore him? “Even though Xuanyun didn’t say it clearly, Qian Ling could hear what he meant. She shook her head and replied, “I can’t do it.” “

“As far as I know, he is not from Ronaldinho鈥檚 Secret Realm. He is just living in your Ronaldinho Secret Realm. At best, he can only be counted as a guest, and you support him. For many years, it has been the utmost benevolence, so you don鈥檛 need to blame yourself, let alone others. “

“No, you don’t understand. “

oh?” Xuanyun asked, “hope to hear the details.” “

“When Chidori was seven eight years old, he was brought back to Ronaldinho’s Secret Realm. When he was in a coma, Chidori often talked to him, and when he woke up After coming, he has been with Chidori. It can be said that he accompanied Chidori’s grown up. Chidori has already regarded him as a relative, and his existence has become a spiritual dependence of Chidori. If I Leave him, Chidori will hate me forever. “

Qian Ling Qingmei’s face never has too much emotional color, but only she knows the inner feelings, and said softly: “In your eyes, he may not belong to Ronaldinho Secret Realm.” People, but in my eyes, he is already a member of Ronaldinho Secret Realm. He was brought out by Ronaldinho Secret Realm. I will take him back safely at all costs. This is my duty and also My responsibility, if not, I don’t deserve to be in charge of Ronaldinho Secret Realm at all. “

“Good point! Qianling elder sister! “Liu Li couldn’t help but applaud Qian Ling, and she admired Qian Ling in her heart.

“forgive me to speak bluntly, if you insist on taking him back, Ling’er, I’m afraid…you Xiao Luo Secret Realm will pay a heavy price for this, and it may be destroyed because of it. As I said, Golden Crow Li Family will never let him go, absolutely not. “

“Yun big brother. Liuli said spoiledly: “You help sister Ling’er.” “

“Don’t tell me whether Xuanyun has this face to help Ronaldinho Secret Realm, even if I have this face, I can save Ronaldinho Secret Realm, but I can’t save him. “

Toast and drink, Xuan Yun said again: “A 1.8 billion dice is destined to harm him. His mentality has now changed and it has become swollen. Even if you bring him back safely, The person who has saved him will not be able to save his swollen heart. He will always want to win the second 1.8 billion. “

Close my eyes slightly, reminiscing about the aroma of the wine in the entrance, Xuan Yun said: “Nouveau riche overnight can’t control the sudden huge wealth. They will only be blinded by the huge wealth. Falling into it, getting deeper and deeper, unable to extricate itself, in the end it is either a devil or a ghost. “

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