Supreme Lord

Chapter 1450

I saw a huge flame piercing the sky like a flaming meteor falling from the sky.

Xuanyun glanced intently and couldn’t help but startled.

He could see that it was not a flaming meteor, but a nine-headed tiger. The nine-headed tiger with crimson flames was pulling in a big wheel as large as a mountain and like a palace and castle. The midair went on a rampage.

“That is the Fire Cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger, and it is also the pure Fire Cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger of the nine-head bloodline!”

Xuan Yun is a person who knows the goods, and he can see the nine heads at a glance The fierce tiger burning with flames is not the other, but the king of the so-called Fire Cloud Spirit Beast, the Fire Cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger.

“So, that is a big wheel pulled by a nine-headed bloodline pure Fire Cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger?” Liuli was shocked, and muttered: “Who is so extravagant, with nine heads? bloodline The pure Fire Cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger pulls a big dragon? This is simply a reckless waste of natural resources.”

“I only know the treasure of the town in the Huoyunzhuang in the Dayiyi City. It’s a nine-headed bloodline pure Huoyun Scarlet Flame Tiger pulled by the big wheel, but I don’t know if this Huoyun big wheel is the treasure of the Huoyun Village.”

The Nine-headed Fire Cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger pulled the big lion to the extreme. He dashed in the air, and the fairies in the sky evaded one after another. Those who did not evade were rushed towards him.

There are more than ten people. One of them, Elderly, is full of brilliance, using his own powerful immortal strength to resist the impact of the nine-headed fire cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger on the opposite side, while also guarding the dozen behind him people.

Xuan Yun glanced intently and couldn’t help but startled, because he saw that it was not someone else who was rushed back by Huo Yun Daren, it was the dozen or so members of the Golden Crow Li Family just now, and his body was full of brilliance to resist Nine-headed Fire Cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger is Jin Lie Senior of Golden Crow Li Family.

Xuan Yun was just about to go over and see what was going on, when he suddenly realized that this Huoyun giant was flying towards the floating island.

“Be careful!”

Xuan Yun and Qian Ling reacted for the first time, and they waved their hands and led everyone away.


The roar of tigers blasted in the air, and the powerful power shocked everyone’s minds.

Nine-headed Fire Cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger suddenly pounced, directly on the top of the floating island, and the luxurious big lion also landed on the floating island.

More than a dozen people, including Jin Lie, Li Tianhua, and Li Jingya, also returned to the floating island in embarrassment.

“Jinlie Senior, how are you!”

Xuanyun hurried forward to ask, Jinlie shook his head and signaled that he was OK. Although he was not injured, he was complexion. Ashen, he was obviously angry inside.

I just left from the floating island and I was planning to look for Li Fengyan, but I didn’t expect a nine-headed fire cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger to rush forward, and other immortals in the air avoided, as a family of immortals. People in the Golden Crow Li Family can’t dodge. The opponent should dodge, but what he absolutely didn’t expect is that instead of dodge, this nine-headed Fire Cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger Rhinoceros didn’t dodge. Come here.

This makes Jin Lie extremely angry!

Beside, Xuan Yun and Qian Ling also looked over curiously.

I found the driver with a face helmet on his head, dressed in a black scale fairy armor, and a bright red cloak on the back, pulling the rein in one hand, holding the fire cloud whip in the other hand, and there is also a stick beside it A red and black fairy sword.

Whether it is the face helmet on the head, the black scale fairy armor on the body, the cloak hanging on the back, and even the fairy sword are all Heavenly Grade magic weapons, they are expensive, let alone Also seven 80 million.

In this outfit, Li Tianhua and Li Jingya of the Golden Crow Li Family are not as good as Li Tianhua and Li Jingya, even Xuanyun and Liuli from the Lotus Secret Realm are beyond the reach.

This has to be surprising. Such a fully armed Great Principle Golden Immortal is just a driver.

Who are the others and the others in the car?

I don’t know.

No one knows.

“Dare to ask you, but you are from Huoyunzhuang in Dariyi City?”

Jinlie cup one fist in the other hand and said.

He also knows that the treasure of the town house in Huoyunzhuang is a nine-headed Scarlet Flame Tiger, and he knows that Huoyunzhuang is not only Dariyicheng The largest Spirit Beast manor is so simple. The Big Boss behind the scenes are all the nobles of Fengyue Small World. Moreover, this nine-headed Scarlet Flame Tiger has always been used by Huoyunzhuang to receive distinguished guests.

As for how expensive this distinguished guest is, and what kind of identity he is, no one has any idea.

So, even though Jin Lie was very angry, he didn’t dare to attack.

Standing on the chariot on the big wheel and did not speak, but after putting away the fire cloud whip in his hand, he stood upright on the side, holding the fairy soldier with the handle inserted on the big wheel with both hands The big sword, like a statue of War God, is very uncommon military might.

“Dare to ask you, but you are from Huoyunzhuang in Dariyi City?”

Jin Lie cup one fist in the other hand again.


Still no one responded to him.

After a long time.

Only a hoarse and slightly lazy voice came from inside Da Nun.

“The treasure of Huoyunzhuang has already been bought by Lord I.”

Everyone was surprised when they heard this.

Everyone knows how expensive the nine-headed bloodline pure Fire Cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger is, and the big wheel is a magic weapon of innate high grade, and the value of this big wheel is high. , Absolutely as many as hundreds of millions, and now it has been bought.

It is worth hundreds of millions, which is not a small amount.

Even for the Golden Crow Li Family.

Speaking of which, although the Golden Crow Li Family is a family of immortals, if they buy a few Scarlet Flame Tigers, they can’t afford it, but if they spend hundreds of millions of dollars, they just buy one. With the current financial resources of the Golden Crow Li Family, it is not yet possible to make such a flashy swan.

Because if a Scarlet Flame Tiger is raised well, it is comparable to the Great Principle Golden Immortal, but it is limited to individual raising.

If you use the nine-headed Fire Cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger to just pull a big nose, it’s a bit reckless waste of natural resources. After all, the Fire Cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger is the king of the fire cloud beasts, the fleshy body Strong and powerful, many people regard it as a loyal partner. Few people use this ferocious Spirit Beast to pull a lot of money.

“Dare to ask who you are?”

Jinlie asked again.

“The surname is big, the first name is old, and the road name is a grandfather. People in the world are called big! Old! Lord!”

Great Lord?

This is a respectable name in Dahuang.

Usually, only those powerful and powerful who are on the side of the big universe will be honored as the Great Lord.

Because I don’t know who is sitting inside the house, everyone in the field dare not impudent. The previously extremely arrogant Li Tianhua and Li Jingya also shut up obediently and honestly, and dare not say a word. .

Not to mention them, even Jin Lie and Xuan Yun are no exception.

They didn’t even dare to take out Divine Consciousness.

In the Great Wilderness, take out Divine Consciousness to probe each other at will. This is not only an impolite behavior, but also an offensive behavior.

Especially when you don’t know the depth of the other person, you are even more afraid to take out Divine Consciousness probing at will. If the other party’s mind is strong and probing at will, Divine Consciousness will definitely be backlashed. Then the consciousness is unconscious or even mentally disordered.

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