Supreme Lord

Chapter 1439

“Lord, you have lost your cultivation base, and you don’t want to be cultivated again.”


Look at Gu Qingfeng not even think and spit out two words, Prince Ma was shocked for a long time, and then sat beside the street, as if he had been greatly stimulated.

People who have lost their cultivation base all want to re-cultivation, but because they don’t have money to buy immortal pills and marvelous medicines to regulate fleshy body, they can only wait to die, and this big Lord has 1.8 in hand. Billion, I don’t want to buy immortal pills and marvelous medicines and conditioning Fleshy body is that’s all, and I’m so full of fun.

Prince Ma sighed very much, sighing that he has been alive for a long time. It is so rare that anyone can meet it.

“I said Old Ma, don’t be stunned, and quickly help you think about how to squander this 1.8 billion. In addition to selling various resources, what else is sold here?”

” Lord!”

Prince Ma was almost crying, with a sad face, and said: “Fengyue Small World sells everything, but the key is, what you want to buy.”

” That’s the problem. Lord, I don’t need anything, and I don’t know what to buy.”

Prince Ma’s heart was almost broken when Gu Qingfeng asked, staring at a pair of horse eyes and shouting Said: “Lord, even if you Senior doesn’t want cultivation and don’t need to buy resources, you have to live. Since you are alive, you have to buy some daily necessities, such as food and drink. Don’t your Senior like drinking? Then buy alcohol. Drink and buy fruit to eat. In addition to eating and drinking, there are also clothing and shoes to wear and live.”

Listening to Prince Ma’s words, Gu Qingfeng seemed to wake up suddenly, Fiercely’s. He patted his head and said with a smile: “motherfucker, the more you live, the more confused you are. I even forgot about such an important thing. I said why I always feel shortcomings.”

Gu Qingfeng This time I followed Ronaldinho Secret Realm’s people out, and I kept thinking about several very important things. One of the most important things was buying wine, buying a lot of wine.

Perhaps it was because I drank too much wine in the casino, and I was a little full, but I forgot about it. It was not until Prince Ma speaking of which he remembered that he came to Fengyue Small World this time. purpose.


Gu Qingfeng stood up.

“Lord, where are we going now?”

“Buy wine!”

Gu Qingfeng unbuttoned his collar and said, “But, buy wine Before, I went to buy some clothes.”

Gu Qingfeng used to have a white clothed.

That piece of white clothed was made by him using the essence of Nine Nether Netherworld River, plus the essence of Nether Netherworld River, plus the essence of nature, etc. dozens of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, not only It can change with the changes of the Five Elements of Nature’s Yin and Yang, and will always be spotless. The most important thing is that he has already incorporated that white clothed into the fleshy body, so it is indestructible.

It’s a pity.

After he ignited the original sin karmic fire that year, the fleshy body scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, and the white clothed piece also disappeared.

The robe I am wearing now is bought by Chidori for him, and I have also bought a lot of them for Gu Qingfeng to change to wear.

Although these clothes are not expensive fairy armors, Gu Qingfeng has never been a particular master, but Chidori is a little girl after all, and the robes for him are all fancy, too It’s too bright, and they are all self-cultivation. Gu Qingfeng is very uncomfortable to wear on the body, always feels too tight, especially when sitting in a chair casually, it is even more uncomfortable.

Gu Qingfeng has been thinking about buying some comfortable clothes to wear, but has never had a chance. Now that this one is here, I have to get some decent clothes anyway.

The fairy armor robe, the magic weapon of fairy soldiers, the fairy bird Spirit Beast.

These are the three things that any fairy in the Great Wilderness of the modern and ancient times must have. They are indispensable. Even the poorest fairy will save money and spend money to buy and tempering.

After all, tempering a fairy armor robe can be self-protection, and tempering a fairy weapon can also increase your strength. These are the basic conditions for survival in the wilderness. Often, a fairy A robe of armor can save your life, and a magic weapon can also help you defeat the enemy.

It is precisely because the fairy armor robe, the fairy weapon magic weapon, and the fairy bird Spirit Beast are essential things for every fairy. Therefore, Fengyue Small World is sold in many easy cities, and the business has always been Very hot.

Fengyue Small World has more than one hundred easy cities, of which three are the most famous.

A Star Easy City.

A bright moon easy city.

A big day easy city.

There is also a saying very popular in Fengyue Small World.

Fanxian of Star Yicheng.

Yaxian of Bright Moon Yicheng.

The holy immortal of Da Ri Yi City.

The immortal grade sold by Xingchenyicheng is relatively close to the people and cost-effective. Therefore, most of the immortal immortal who go to Xingchenyicheng are ordinary immortals, seeking cheap and affordable, just like the stars in the night sky. Normal pass.

And the immortal grade sold by Bright Moon Yicheng is relatively high-end and exquisite. Therefore, most of the immortal immortal who go to Star Yicheng are elegant immortals from out of the ordinary family and pay attention to the quality of life. The pursuit is elegance, just like the moon at night, graceful and moving.

As for Da Ri Yi City, the immortal grade sold is only one word, expensive. Therefore, most of the immortal people who go to Da Ri Yi City are nouveau riche and tyrants who are not cheap and affordable. It is not elegant and refined, but luxurious and luxurious, just like the sun hanging high in the sky, extremely dazzling.

In Bipolar Tianyu, there are not many elegant immortals with extraordinary family background.

And those ordinary immortals are even more numerous.

As for the wealthy immortals of the nouveau riche, there are not many, but definitely not many.

We must know that Heaven and Earth has revived for thousands of years, Spiritual Qi has become richer and purer, heavenly materials, earthly treasures are everywhere, and all kinds of Smaller Thousand Worlds have emerged endlessly. If you are lucky enough Well, finding a rare piece of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, getting rich overnight is definitely not a dream.

What do you do after getting rich overnight?

Naturally it is squandering.

Money comes easily, and it doesn’t hurt to squander it.

Gu Qingfeng now holds a huge amount of 1.8 billion, and is absolutely qualified to be called a genuine local tyrant. As a local tyrant, of course, he must go to Da Riyi City where the local tyrants should go.

I lived for most of my life. I used to live for a living, and later for cause and effect. Now Gu Qingfeng decides to live for himself. He also wants to experience the feeling of being a local tyrant and live that kind of extravagant life.

Prince Ma has an ordinary family background. Since his cultivation, the biggest fortune he has made is no more than one million. Although he does not die from starvation, he is only starving, not even petty bourgeoisie, let alone rich. It can barely be regarded as a food and clothing that’s all. Therefore, he has never seen this city known as a local tyrant before, even once.

Prince Ma used to hear people say that if you don’t go to Da Ri City, you don’t know how poor you are. When I went to Da Ri City, I found that I was poor or poor.

There is another sentence. Prince Ma often hears people mentioning that he is not going to Da Ri City, thinking that the local tyrants are as rare as a dragon. Only when I went to Da Ri City did I realize that there are so many local tyrants.

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