Supreme Lord

Chapter 1436

Bai Susu never thought that he would still have such a day.

Being seduced and deceived by a man, he not only burned himself in lust, but also fell into it, unable to extricate himself, and finally took the initiative to ask for a complete fall.

Thinking of what happened just now, Bai Susu couldn’t help being embarrassed and angry.

I didn’t think I would be so slutty, slutty, like a hungry and impatient tigress, completely deprived of self and reason, for the joy of fish and water, it can be said that I completely freed myself, especially thinking Her desperate request made her feel as embarrassed as she was!

I never thought that the damn guy used some evil means to tempt himself to burn himself. It was really burnish. Until now I think about it, Bai Susu’s body can’t help it. Some trembled, and what made her even more furious was that when she was eager to take the initiative, the damn guy even pretended to be a serious person, and repeatedly rejected herself, having to wait until she couldn’t bear it and begged hard. That guy reluctantly agreed.

It’s too shameless! To have no shame too!

Bai Susu doesn’t want to recall what happened just now, but I don’t know why, but he keeps repeating the ups and downs in the pavilion in his mind.

Thinking about it, Bai Susu will fall into it again. The feeling is really amazing and can’t be expressed in words. It’s not just a club of fleshy body, it’s more like a soul mingling. It is not an exaggeration to call it wish one were dead.

Bai Susu cultivated for so long, this is the first time that Acacia is so wonderful and wonderful. It is so wonderful that she can’t help but miss it, and it’s so wonderful that she can’t help but linger.

Thinking about it.

Bai Susu shook his head immediately, ditching these embarrassing distracting thoughts from his mind.

Inner secretly thought: Damn, I should be very annoying, how can I linger on such things as acacia!

even more how I was seduced by that guy!

You should hate him. The best hate is to cramp him and smash him into pieces!

“Young Lady, are you really okay?”

Xiao Ya always feels that there is something wrong with Bai Susu, but she can’t tell what’s wrong.

“Don’t think too much, there is nothing wrong.”

Bai Susu asked: “Where is that guy?”

“That guy? Who are you talking about? Is that the local tyrant Lord?”


“He’s gone.”

“Going?” Bai Susu startled, Asked: “When did you leave?”

“It didn’t take long, I just left.”

“Damn it!” Bai Susu was angry to get really angry.

First, she seduced herself, watched her own jokes, and then used the acacia finger to flirt with herself, making herself lustful, asking for it by herself, but he refused, and after sinking, she would like to have fun with him.

After the fun, did this guy leave so quietly? Not even a word, not even a word?

What is this called?

Is it called “Pull Hanging Ruthless”?

What does he treat his old mother for?

Thinking about this, Bai Susu flustered and exasperated, gnashing teeth said: “Impossible! This shameless bastard bastard!”

“Young Lady, didn’t you let him go?”

Bai Susu turned around and shouted angrily: “When did I let him go?”

Bai Susu’s angry shout really shocked Xiao Ya, she I don’t know what happened, or why Young Lady was angry with herself, and whispered: “If you didn’t let him go, how could he…how would he leave.”

“I… …”

Bai Susu really doesn’t know how to speak.

“Then I…then I will chase him back now!”

Xiao Ya may not know what Bai Susu and the local tyrant Lord have talked about, but there is a little bit about her It is clear that Bai Susu is very angry now, and he was ready to leave to chase back. Just about to leave, Bai Susu’s voice came: “Forget it, don’t chase, let him go.”


Xiaoya was completely stunned by this. I don’t know why Young Lady, who has always been cold and elegant, is so abnormal today, saying: “Young Lady, what happened to you today? Isn’t it that? Did the guy annoy you? If so, tell me, I will help you fiercely to teach him.”

Bai Susu stared at Xiaoya, opened her mouth, stopped talking, and then smiled bitterly. Shook his head.

If possible, she would also like to teach that fellow Fiercely.

But the question is, how to teach?

The fellow’s fleshy body didn’t know what it had gone through, it became chaotic, turbid, and extremely rotten.

The chaotic various meridian muscles and bones are intertwined, even the internal organs.

Every turbid acupuncture point, every meridian, even every drop of blood is filled with countless impurities.

It’s rotten like a chaotic stone that has gone through millions and millions years. It is indestructible, and even if he tried his best, he couldn’t shake him.

So below.

How to teach him?

Bai Susu can also be considered as a Demon Immortal with rich experience, but she has never seen such a mysterious and weird fleshy body, and it is not a body of good fortune, even Dao Body Neither, just pure flesh and blood.

Who is he?

I don’t know.

Bai Susu can’t think of it either.

I just faintly feel that the existence of that guy may not have been just Lord of Megatron.

It’s really as difficult as he said. Back then, he swept the wilderness, Megatron land was unmatched, stomped, and Three Thousand Great Daos was shaking three times?

Is this possible?

Don’t say that there are not many people like this in the ancient times, even the ancient times, and even the ancient times, and almost all of these people are scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, even the most The crazy, most overbearing and cruelest Emperor Youdi was scattered ashes and dispersed smoke when it was just opened in the present and ancient times.

But that guy said that if he wanted to kill Youdi back then, it was only a matter of fingertips.

Is this possible?

In the past, the Emperor You, slaying the gods, stomping on the earth mothers, exterminating the Three Thousand Great Daos, arrogant and arrogant, dominating Heaven and Earth, no one is invincible, even known as the cause and effect messenger, fate incarnation The eternal namelessness is helpless.

How could this guy have the ability to obliterate the Emperor?


Who is he?

Bai Susu thought about it, but couldn’t think of it.

“Xiaoya, you go and do something for me.”

“What’s the matter?”

“Go and stare at that guy, he goes Where have you been, you have seen who, what you have done, write them all down to me, and don’t let him find out.”

On second thought, Bai Susu thinks this is a bit wrong, that guy is mysterious and weird , The strength is extremely terrifying, if Xiao Ya is tracking, I am afraid that it is impossible to hide from him.

“Forget it, don’t follow him, so…you order to go down, send my order, let them investigate his background and history, the more detailed the better, I want to know all about him Everything.”

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