Supreme Lord

Chapter 1434

(The number of chapters was wrong, it was supposed to be 1432, and the result was written as 1433, but the plot is coherent and has no effect!)


Bai Susu lay horizontally in Gu Qingfeng’s arms, struggling violently.

When the brilliance of the whole body flickered, the powerful demon power burst out.

Unfortunately it was useless.

The body is still unable to move even a little bit.

A Power of Fortune blooms.


It’s no use either.

Another Power of Fortune blooms.

Still useless.

As for Gu Qingfeng, he sits in a chair casually, with one hand on Bai Susu’s chest, one hand holding a wine glass, and drinking a little wine leisurely, letting Bai Susu struggle frantically.

No matter how Bai Susu struggles, no matter how powerful she is to take out, or how mysterious her good fortunes are, even if she tries her best to fail to move, Gu Qingfeng puts the one on Bai Susu’s chest Bai Susu’s hand is like an unshakable Five Fingers Mountain, so that Bai Susu can’t move.

Bai Susu was terrified and struggling desperately.

She couldn’t figure it out, she obviously used the Eye of Confusion, and Gu Qingfeng was also obviously deceived, why he woke up in an instant.

She is even more puzzled, Gu Qingfeng, such a messy, turbid, decayed, and extremely weak flesh and blood body, how terrifying, just pressing herself with one hand, but like a billion I can’t move even if I’m so pressed.

Bai Susu did not give up, continued to struggle, crazy took out magic power, crazy took out good fortune, crazy took out magic weapon.


I can’t shake Gu Qingfeng’s plain right hand.

In the end, Bai Susu finally gave up, a beautiful and alluring face, now pale, and his expression is no longer cold and indifferent, he has become horrified, his temperament is no longer elegant, he has become lose one’s head out of fear.

She gasped heavily, staring at beautiful eyes, shocked, panicked, and looked at Gu Qingfeng with fear.


Gu Qingfeng held the wine glass, looked down at Bai Susu, and said with a smile: “Enough tossing?”

“You… You…you…”

Perhaps it was so shocked that Bai Susu stared at Gu Qingfeng, even speaking uncomfortably, shouting: “You…who the hell are you!”

“Didn’t I tell you, Lord, my surname is Tu, my name is Hao, and the people in the rivers and lakes are called the Tu Hao Great Lord, why, I forgot so soon.”

“You…you ! You let me go…”

“Why let you go.” Gu Qingfeng poured himself another glass of wine, said with a smile: “Didn’t you say it’s good to have a chat alone?”

“What…what do you want to do?”

“A male and a female together alone, what do you say I want to do?”

“I …I’m just kidding…”

“But I take it seriously.”

Bai Susu still clearly remembers that Gu Qingfeng said just now that he was just joking, and he said something to himself Seriously, and now he was joking again, he took it seriously.

Bai Susu wanted to cry without tears, begging for mercy: “Let go of me, is it okay?”


“Why are you… What do you want to do?”

“What do I want to do? See you are so hungry, I am not to cooperate with you.”

“I…I don’t !”

“Let’s not see it, I can see that you are a monster, and your soul is more slutty and slutty.”

“I…not The evildoer, the soul is even more…not slutty.”

“Really?” Gu Qingfeng said with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, “I just heard you say that the eyes are the windows of the soul. From the eyes, you can see whether a person’s soul is pure or not. Come, Lord, let’s open a magic eye today to see if your soul is very slutty.”

Gu Qingfeng put down the wine glass in his hand and lifted it up. The hand raised Bai Susu’s chin, looked at her eyes, and said: “Do you dare to say that the soul is pure?”

“My soul…”

Bai Susu Gang To defend, she suddenly found something wrong, feeling that she was hot all over, her mouth was dry, and this feeling was like an overcharge, making her body numb, and her mind was full of joy.

“You…what did you do to me…how could I…I…you…”

Bai Susu knew that Gu Qingfeng must have done something to himself , But she didn’t know what Gu Qingfeng had done to herself.

“Sister, where do I start with these words, I am a serious person, and what can I do to you.”



Bai Susu only feels that her body is getting hotter and hotter, and her mouth is getting dry and dry. The tingling feeling is getting stronger and stronger, and her consciousness is gradually blurred. She looks at Gu Qingfeng , The shock, panic, and fear in a pair of beautiful eyes have already disappeared without a trace, and some are just hot…infinite hot.

“You are thirsty, aren’t you?”

Gu Qingfeng raised his hand and stretched out a finger, dipped it in the wine glass, and dropped the wine on Bai Susu’s lips. .

“Lord, I learned a trick Magical Powers from a peerless Old Demon back then. What is it called? What is it called Hehuanzhi? Yes! It is called Hehuanzhi. I heard this trick. Magical Powers, it’s amazing!”

Gu Qingfeng’s fingers were getting closer and closer to his lips. When his fingers touched Bai Susu’s lips, Bai Susu’s body couldn’t help shaking and numb. The feeling swept across the body like a flood.

“no! Don’t…”

Gu Qingfeng not at all Stop, and slide his fingers along Bai Susu’s lips and toward his neck.

“No…I can’t take it anymore…”

Bai Susu sat up desperately and directly qi on Gu Qingfeng’s body, with his hands hooking his neck, madly qin He got up, and Gu Qingfeng did not refuse. Seeing Bai Susu’s enthusiasm, he really cooperated as he said before.


Outside the monitoring committee

Prince Ma squatted on the ground alone, drinking alcohol.

Mr Li lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

Xiao Ya hugs her arms and paces back and forth.

The three people have been away from the water pavilion in the lake for a while. After waiting for so long, they didn’t wait until Gu Qingfeng came out. No one knew what they were talking about.

“Hey, stupid big fellow, tell me honestly, who is the guy who claims to be the local tyrant Lord?”

Faced with Xiaoya’s question, Prince Ma shook his head. Obediently and honestly responded, saying: “I don’t know.”

“You don’t know?” Xiaoya was a little suspicious, and asked: “Aren’t you his friend?”

“Fairy, you misunderstood, I and the Great Lord are not friends.”

“Come on! Great aunt saw you standing next to that guy on the Profound Light Mirror, and also Give him a thousand chips.”

“Don’t hide the fairy, we and the Great Lord are really not friends.”

“If you are not friends, then why do you give him A thousand chips?”

“Don’t you think the Lord is pitiful.

“He is pitiful? You lost and bankrupted. That guy won 1.8 billion. Who is the pitiful one of you? “

“Fairy, things are not what you see. In fact, we have just met the Great Lord. “Prince Ma said with a sad face: “When we were outside the gambling city, we looked at the big Lord cultivation base, and wanted to go to the gambling city to play a game, but he also brought dozens of immortal stones with him, even a hundred chips. I couldn’t redeem it. We spent half a year outside and made a small fortune. Therefore, we were very poor, pretended to be an uncle, and then gave him a thousand chips. We never thought that the Lord’s With such good luck, I won a full 1.8 billion…”

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