Supreme Lord

Chapter 1419

When Xiaoqian’s Fortune Chaos Formation is running.

When the dice cup begins to bloom and shine.

When the dice starts to rotate in the dice cup with Formation.

Prince Ma knows it all.

Everything is over.

This one will be the same as the first three and lose again.

One hand 1,000,000 and four 4 million are gone.

Although the 4 million is not his, but Gu Qingfeng won back at the loose table outside, but Prince Ma still feels pain, and feels pain for Gu Qingfeng.

This is not 10,000 taels million, nor is it 200,000, but 4 million!

That’s it.

Prince Ma has never played such a big game in his life, and has never lost so much. He has not even bet on a leopard.

I knew this a long time ago. I had to leave when I won the 4 million. Why come in here?

Now it’s okay, let’s go, 4 million is gone…


O the earth!

Prince Ma wants to cry without tears, and his regretful intestines are all blue.

The opposite.

Li Fengyan looked very happy, holding the enchanting maid in his arms, while drinking, said with a smile: “It’s boring, it’s so boring… 4 million… It’s gone…”

Besides, an Elderly said, “Fengyan Young Master, why are you doing this? Seeing when someone is a newcomer, you can’t bully people like this, how can you inspire them? I bet on the leopard to lose money.”

“This Young Master is happy, can’t you?”

“What is so happy about this, people lose 4 million, and you can’t win him. 4 million.”

“Hehe, don’t you understand it, this Young Master is much happier than seeing others lose money than he wins. This kind of fun is not something you can touch every day. It’s on.” Li Fengyan hooked the enchanting maid’s chin and molested: “What do you mean, beauty.”

“Aiya, Young Master Ye, you are good or bad.”

“Is it bad?” Li Fengyan fiercely put his arms around the small waist of the enchanting maid, and said: “Which is so bad?”

“Young Master Ye hates it!”

“hahaha! “

Li Fengyan laughed heartily and deliberately put a chip worth 10,000 in the robe of the enchanting maid, and said: “This Young Master is very happy today. I will reward you with 10,000 “

While speaking, Li Fengyan looked towards Gu Qingfeng and said: “The local tyrant, Young Master, do you still have chips on your body?”

Gu Qingfeng shook his head and said: “I have no identity. Wen.”

“Oh, is it? Would you like this Young Master to reward you?”

Li Fengyan held a chip worth 10,000 with two fingers, Said: “Knock this Young Master, this chip worth 10,000 is yours.”

“Okay!” Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “Come on, put the chips in Come here.”

Li Fengyan waved his hand and passed the 10,000 chips. Gu Qingfeng took the 10,000 chips and squeezed them in the palm of his hand. Soon after, he also took the 10,000 chips. Leopard on the leopard, said: “Okay, if I lose later, I will give you a knock on my head.”


Li Fengyan seems to be a little confused Understand this behavior of Gu Qingfeng.


Little Thousand Fortune Chaos Formation stopped running, the dice cup no longer flickered, and Li Old Master also began to prepare to open the dice cup.

“hehe, this Young Master is waiting for you.”

Li Fengyan is still sitting on the chair, not at all, looking at the dice cup, lowering his head, and molesting him. The enchanting maid inside, suddenly, there was an uproar in exclamation, and more than 30 gamblers on the table all stood up, staring at the three dice miraculously.


Maybe it was found that something was wrong. Li Fengyan was puzzled and looked over. When he saw three dice, each of which had three points, he also stood up in an instant. The cold and proud face was pale and full of shock at this moment.

Three points on the first dice.

The second dice is also three points.

The third dice is still three points.

All three points!


genuine’s leopard! ! !

No one thought that this one would actually produce a leopard!

No one thought.

Including the deacon Zhu Guangda of Yuanzi, and even Li Old Master who was in charge of opening the dice cup, they did not expect that the two of them were shocked and astonished, and could not believe it was true.

Especially Prince Ma, when Gu Qingfeng decided to bet the remaining million chips on the Leopard again, he was already desperate, but he did not expect that Gu Qingfeng bet four consecutively The Leopards, the first three were all lost, and the last one turned out to be the Leopard!


Prince Ma seemed to be unable to believe it was true, fiercely pinched himself, feeling pain, knowing that this was not a dream, but a real win.

The odds for the Leopard are one to thirty.

Gu Qingfeng bet 1,000,000, plus 10,000 that he threw in. In other words, this one won a full 3,300,000.

Oh heaven!

30,000,000 Ah!

At this moment, Prince Ma not only felt the world spin, but also felt dizzy.

In the past few years, I have not experienced great joy and great compassion since I got involved in gambling, and I have not tasted it after falling from heaven to hell.

But he has never felt so excited like he is today. This feeling is not to say that he is overjoyed, nor is it that falling from heaven to hell is more exciting than death and resurrection, and he can’t be excited. , Internal organs, bloodline are imprisoned, and every inch of skin seems to be shaking.

“Oh, there really is a leopard.”

Compared with other people, Gu Qingfeng, as a party, was not as shocked as other gamblers. He couldn’t believe it, and he was not as excited as Prince Ma. He still looked lazily, just sitting on a chair so casually, with Erlang’s legs tilted, drinking a little wine.





That plain face, in addition to being lazy or lazy, in addition to being casual or casual, as if this one won the 30,000,000 Celestial Stone not him, but someone else, more like a 30,000,000 Celestial Stone To him, it seemed to be no different from thirty immortal stones.

This is surprising.

Is this guy really just a nouveau riche who won a little fairy stone by luck outside and showed off one’s military strength here?

Can the nouveau riche have the composure after winning 30,000,000 Celestial Stones?

Can upstarts have such serenes that don’t care about winning or losing?

The answer is yes.

Nouveau riche is impossible so calm, but also impossible serene.


Who is he?

I don’t know.

No one knows.

30,000,000 chips is not a small number, even if it is the Old Master who is in charge of the big gambling game, there is no here. He was startled and asked: “Dare to ask… the local… the local tyrant Young Master, three thousand Zero 300,000, do you want to redeem the fairy stone, or… continue to play.”

“It’s only 30,000,000 fairy stone, what kind of fairy stone, besides, I have only played four or five of them. What, what is the hurry, go, and quickly get the master 30,000,000 chips, let’s continue playing.”

“Okay! Please wait a moment.”

Li Old Master let him immediately Zhu Guangda deacon went to get more chips.

At this time, the maid who was in charge of pouring wine for Gu Qingfeng ran over with a pot of wine, brow beaded with sweat, and said: “The chief…there is no more wine in the warehouse.”

“What? Why not?” Li Old Master asked puzzledly: “Aren’t there more than a hundred pots in the morning?”

” Young Master drank…”

“What did you say!” Li Old Master wondered if he had heard it wrong, and asked: “You say it again?”

“Really Yes, this Young Master hasn’t stopped after sitting down. He drank more than one hundred and 22 jugs one after another. There are really no extra jugs in the storeroom.”

” My mother! That’s more than a hundred pots of wine! It was…he drank it all in just a while?”

Li Old Master almost didn’t mention it, staring at Gu Qingfeng. It’s like looking at a monster, but my scalp is numb.

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